1288 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
VOLUME 3 NOMOR 12 2023
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
Agus Samsudin, Supiana, Nanat Fatah Natsir, Andewi Suhartini
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]d.ac.id, andewi.suhar[email protected].id
Background: This research is based on the phenomenon that occurs that the level of
intolerance, tendency to irritability, and excessive attitudes found in madrasah students is
still fairly high. In fact, madrassas are places of Islamic education that are oriented towards
moderation. Thus, this study seeks to find solutions or strategies to overcome this problem
and encourage madrasah students to have a moderate, tolerant attitude, and avoid
exaggeration that can damage religious values and life ethics.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe: objectives, programs,
implementation, evaluation, supporting and inhibiting factors as well as the success of
internalizing the values of religious moderation through extracurricular Scouting in
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Assalam, Salem District, Brebes Regency and Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Al Irfan Tanjungsari, Sumedang Regency
Method: This research is qualitative research using descriptive analytical methods.
Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observation, and
literature. Data analysis is carried out by sorting out the data obtained and then
collected for analysis and conclusions.
Results: The results of this study show that: 1) the purpose of internalizing the values of
religious moderation through extracurricular Scouting at MTs Assalam Salem and MTs
Al Irfan Tanjungsari is to produce moderate students 2) the program is realized through
scout programs 3) the implementation of the program is realized through concrete steps
ranging from the formulation of goals, planning, material selection, human resource
involvement, the use of approaches and methods learning, training, and evaluation 4)
the evaluation is carried out through process evaluation and evaluation of the success
of attitude cultivation 5) the supporting and inhibiting factors consist of internal and
external supporting and inhibiting factors 6) the success has a direct and indirect
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study confirms that Scouting extracurricular can be
an effective means of internalizing the values of religious moderation in the secondary
education environment.
Volume 2, Nomor 12, Desember 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1289 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Madrasah is an educational institution that has more Islamic religious subjects than
public schools. This diversity of Islamic religious subjects is a characteristic that
distinguishes madrassas from other educational institutions. In addition, what makes
madrasah special is the value system that animates its learning process and focuses on the
practice of moderate and comprehensive Islamic teachings and practices, covering aspects
of worship, world life, and the hereafter, as reflected in the life of Indonesian people(Tim
Penyusun, 2019). However, the reality that occurs is that there are still many madrasah
students who have not behaved moderately, characterized by lack of tolerance, irritability,
exaggeration and so on. This fact is a concern for an institution that has many religious
subjects as its hallmark.
Intolerant attitudes, irritable reactions, and excessive behavior are factors that are
often at the root of religious-based conflicts that often occur in Indonesia. Faith-based
conflicts are usually triggered by exclusivity in religious practice and competition between
religious groups in an effort to win people's support, without prioritizing tolerance. This
happens because each group uses its power to achieve victory, which can eventually trigger
conflicts that threaten peace in society and encourage the spread of radicalism.
Intolerance also includes disapproval of individual rights, rejection of the beliefs of
others, and inability to respect the choices of groups and religions held by others (Triputra
& Pranoto, 2020). Sikap melampaui batas ini sering kali melibatkan tindakan yang dilarang
oleh agama. Conversely, overreaching behavior can be related to something that is basically
allowed by religion, as long as it is done in appropriate portions.
A survey by PPIM (Center for Islamic and Community Studies) Convey on
intolerance in schools found alarming data. Nearly 87% of teachers and 86% of students
agreed with the government's ban on minority groups deemed deviant from Islamic
teachings. In addition, 37% of students agreed that jihad is qita>l, and 23% agreed that
suicide bombing is Islamic jihad. Even more concerning, 33% of respondents think acts of
intolerance towards minorities are not a cause for concern (Advertorial, 2020). It can be
said that the above survey represents a portrait of intolerance in the school or madrasah
The results of surveys conducted in college environments show similar data. As
many as 24.89% of students have a low religious tolerance attitude, and 5.27% of them
have a very low religious tolerance attitude. When these two groups were combined, about
30.16% of Indonesian students had low or very low religious tolerance. On the other hand,
of the approximately 69.83% of students who have a high religious tolerance attitude, about
20% have a very high tolerance towards followers of other religions. When looking at
religious tolerance behavior, data shows that only around 11.22% of Indonesian students
show low tolerance behavior (10.08%) or very low (1.14%). Most of the rest, about
88.78%, showed high or very high tolerance towards followers of other religions (PPIM,
2020). Of course, the results of these surveys are subject to study that needs further
attention so that the life of the nation and state can be better and more peaceful.
Based on the results of the surveys above, it can be seen that Indonesia faces various
challenges that have the potential to threaten the unity and integrity of the country.
According to Nanat Fatah Natsir, Indonesia must find its own unique way to rise and realize
progress. In the context of Muslims, in their efforts to contribute to the rise of Indonesia, it
is important to make Islam an inclusive teaching, encompassing the concept of life that is
comprehensive, solid, and has a deep meaning. Islam should be regarded as a mercy for all
aspects of life and a strong guideline for life. The teachings of Islam must be presented as
a concept that is not easily shaken by the doubts of human reason (Natsir, 2012).
Internalization of Religious Moderation Values
Through Extracurricular Scouts
Agus Samsudin, Supiana, Nanat Fatah Natsir, Andewi Suhartini
Internalization of religious moderation values to students effectively, efficiently and
comprehensively starting from classroom learning, extracurricular activities, teacher
examples as role models, and so on need to be maximized so that madrasah becomes one
of the institutions that make a positive contribution to the development and progress of the
nation. Andewi Suhartini said that in the development of a nation, including Indonesia,
education is the main focus that is the highlight of renewal, compared to other aspects.
Almost everyone agrees, education has a linear relationship with development successes
and failures (Suhartini, 2017).
Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs (KMA) 184 of 2019 aims to encourage
madrasahs to take various innovative steps to strengthen madrasah students, in the context
of strengthening religious moderations, character education, anti-corruption education,
literacy, and strengthening the morals of madrasah students, has a very important role. One
aspect that must be emphasized is religious moderation, aimed at creating madrasah
students who have tolerant attitudes and behaviors, respect the existence of others, respect
the opinions of others, and reject all forms of coercion by violent means. The main
objective of this effort is to produce individuals who are devout and knowledgeable, in line
with the vision of madrasah to achieve superior and competitive status by 2030. Thus,
KMA 184 of 2019 provides important directions for madrasahs to involve students in the
development of broader values of religious moderation, character, and literacy, while
ensuring that anti-corruption education and moral strengthening are also emphasized. This
is an important step in producing young people who are committed to positive values,
tolerance, and strong knowledge, who can make a positive contribution to society and the
nation (Salim, 2020).
Madrasah has an important role as an educational institution, being the center of
learning second only to family education. With its position as an advanced coach, madrasah
should be a place where students get continuous coaching and also a place to nurture
positive behavior that has been instilled from the family, as well as correct bad behavior.
Education provided in madrasah has a comprehensive purpose, which is to form students
in two dimensions of life, namely the intellectual dimension and the spirituality dimension.
From an academic perspective, madrasah plays a role in training students to be able to adapt
to rapid changes in a competitive environment and culture. Islamic religious education
should not only develop knowledge, but also delve into aspects of students' spirituality and
morality, helping them become intellectually and spiritually balanced individuals. This is
important, to form individuals who are resilient in facing challenges in a dynamic and
competitive daily life (Kamarudin Hidayat, 1999).
Each educational institution has its own efforts in shaping and developing moderate
attitudes of students. Such as Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Assalam Salem, Brebes
Regency and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al Irfan Tanjungsari, Sumedang Regency
which has several excellent extracurricular activities of madrasahs such as extracurricular
scouts in printing and developing students who have a foundation of faith and piety and are
able to express their religious understanding in living together. The establishment of
scouting education as a compulsory extracurricular activity shows that scouting education
has a systematic role in strengthening psychological, social, and cultural aspects in the
development of attitudes and skills (Kemendikbud, 2014). The Scout code of honor consists
of an appointment known as Satya Pramuka and also contains moral provisions called
Darma Pramuka (Bahtiar, 2018). Some values of religious moderation are explicitly stated
in Darma Pramuka.
Based on the author's initial observations to the two madrasas above, that
extracurricular scouts become one of the containers or vehicles in an effort to internalize
the values of religious moderation and the values of religious teachings which are
Volume 2, Nomor 12, Desember 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1291 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
understood as a form of development of what is obtained through the educational process
both in the classroom and outside the classroom. However, both in MTs Assalam Salem
Brebes Regency and in MTs Al Irfan Tanjungsari Sumedang there are still problems related
to immoderate attitudes, one of which still appears to be intolerant seeds shown by lack or
even disrespect for understanding, considering heresy in the practice of worship of others
or vice versa, namely considering what he does is the most correct attitude compared to
people who do not do what they routinely do
. Although it does not lead to acts of violence
that show radicalism, the growing intolerance among some students in the two madrassas
still has the potential to become a serious threat if not addressed properly.
The purpose of this study is to conduct a more in-depth analysis and provide a more
comprehensive description of the internalization of religious moderation values through
extracurricular Scouting in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Assalam, Salem District, Brebes
Regency and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Irfan Tanjungsari, Sumedang Regency.
A qualitative approach with descriptive analytic methods researchers used in this
study. This research focuses on natural and fundamental symptoms, carried out in the field
to collect data such as opinions, responses, information, concepts, and descriptions. This
data reveals the problem through a series of screening activities that are in accordance with
nature to describe a problem in certain conditions, aspects, or areas in the life of the object
of study (Nawawi, 1994).
This research applies a psychological-paedagogic approach that believes that
humans are God's creations, experiencing a process of spiritual and physical development
and growth that requires guidance and direction through education. The linkage between
pedagogical and psychological approaches mutually enriches and strengthens the process
of academic development and the achievement of human cultural goals through education
(Budhi, 2014).
Indonesian Islamic education has great potential in promoting moderate
Islam. Simplicity and tolerance remain the main focus in the life of the nation and
state. In the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024, the
government clearly voices the ideology of moderation in the context of
strengthening Indonesia's diversity. The RPJMN also affirms the need to increase
understanding of this diversity through the education system and through
community social interaction.
Maarif, (2020) stated that Indonesian Islamic Education has a leading
position in providing a platform and diverse spectrum of Islamic education at the
global level. There are several fundamental reasons for this. First, Indonesia is a
very authoritative country in terms of Islam. In a very important demographic
context, Indonesia is not only the country with the largest Muslim population in the
world, but also has the largest number of Islamic educational institutions in the
world. No other country has as many Islamic educational institutions as Indonesia.
Within this framework, all Islamic educational institutions supervised by the
Directorate General of Islamic Education collaborate in supporting the Islamic
vision that puts forward rahmatan lil 'a>lami>n. Second, Islam in Indonesia is in
Interview with Ahmad Fauji (MTs Assalam Salem Scout Builder), Brebes, November
15, 2021.
Internalization of Religious Moderation Values
Through Extracurricular Scouts
Agus Samsudin, Supiana, Nanat Fatah Natsir, Andewi Suhartini
line with modernity and democratic principles. Islamic education in Indonesia is
within the framework of a nation-state that has strong beliefs as an entity that
celebrates the diversity of religion, culture, ethnicity, and other aspects. This
diversity remains strong in the context of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Madrasah, as one of the Islamic educational institutions, has a very important
role in providing solutions to problems that threaten the unity of the nation.
Madrasah students can be expected to become agents of religious moderation in
their communities and school environments, not even exposed to or spread ideas
that can divide and disturb harmony between others. Therefore, it is important to
maximize the internalization of religious moderation values to students in an
effective, efficient, and comprehensive way, starting from the learning process in
the classroom, extracurricular activities, the role of teachers as role models, and
various other aspects. In fact, innovation and renewal may be needed so that
madrasah can be a positive contributor that plays a role in the development and
progress of the nation.
KMA 184 of 2019 aims to create an educational environment in madrassas
that promotes religious moderation, tolerance, and interfaith understanding, with
the hope that this will contribute to social harmony and positive development in
Each educational institution has its own efforts in forming and developing
moderate attitudes in students. Such as Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Assalam
Salem, Brebes Regency and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al Irfan Tanjungsari,
Sumedang Regency which has several excellent extracurricular activities of
madrasahs such as extracurricular scouts in printing and developing students who
have a foundation of faith and piety and are able to express their religious
understanding in living together. Scouting education is designated as a compulsory
extracurricular activity. This means that scouting education is an extracurricular
activity that is systemically acted as a vehicle for psychological-socio-cultural
strengthening (reinfocement) for the realization of attitudes and skills
(Kemendikbud, 2014). The Scout code of honor consists of a promise called Satya
Pramuka and a moral provision called Darma Pramuka (Bahtiar, 2018). Some
values of religious moderation are explicitly stated in Darma Pramuka.
1. The Purpose of Internalizing the Values of Religious Moderation through
Extracurricular Scouting in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Assalam, Salem District,
Brebes Regency and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Irfan Tanjungsari, Sumedang
Extracurricular Scouting at MTs Assalam Salem has several objectives in
internalizing the values of religious moderation. First, the program aims to
stimulate the development of moderation in religion, focusing on aspects of dasa
darma practice that include tolerance and respect for differences of faith. Second,
this program aims to instill noble morals in students, so that they become
examples in communicating and acting. Third, the program encourages mutual
respect for differences in religious organizations and beliefs among Muslims, as
well as respect for beliefs among adherents of different faiths. Finally, this
program also intends to arouse love for a homeland rich in culture and religion,
Volume 2, Nomor 12, Desember 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1293 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
with the hope that students will have an appreciation for Indonesia's diversity
and play a role in maintaining harmony in a multicultural society. With these
various objectives, extracurricular Scouting at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Assalam
Salem has an important role in shaping individuals who are wise, understanding,
and contribute positively in a society filled with diversity.
The purpose of internalizing the values of religious moderation through
extracurricular Scouting at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Irfan Tanjungsari
Sumedang Regency is to form a moderate attitude in religion among students,
promote noble morals, love local culture, love the homeland, and respect each
other in an effort to create a young generation who are good morals, tolerant,
and responsible for human values, justice, and unity. This program also helps
students understand and internalize the values of the Scouts, so that they become
balanced individuals, have a strong cultural identity, and are ready to contribute
positively to building a harmonious society.
Based on the results of research and analysis conducted by the author at
MTs Assalam Salem and MTs Al Irfan Tanjungsari regarding the purpose of
internalizing the values of religious moderation through extracurriculars, Scouts
both refer to the vision and mission of their respective madrasas. The formulation
of the objectives of the two madrasas can be described as follows.
The results of research at MTs Assalam Salem and MTs Al Irfan
Tanjungsari are in line with the concept that religion acts as a guide to life and a
solution in following a just middle path in facing life and community problems.
The results of this study also show that religion in the two madrassas has an
important role in forming a balanced perspective between world affairs and the
hereafter, reason and feelings, logic and values, idealism and reality, as well as
in regulating the relationship between individuals and communities.
In the context of religion in MTs Assalam Salem and MTs Al Irfan
Tanjungsari, religion is used as a guide in living daily life. Religion is not only
seen as a spiritual aspect, but also as a source of inspiration in overcoming
various problems. This can be seen from the implementation of religious values
in the daily lives of students, such as in Scout extracurriculars that reflect the
values of religious moderation and dasa darma values such as darma takwa to
God Almighty and respect for differences between Muslims and between
religious communities.
Thus, the results of research in the two madrassas illustrate that religion
there serves as a guide that promotes a moderate and balanced approach to daily
life, and religion has relevance in addressing various world problems, both on a
personal scale and in broader contexts such as state order.
Internalization of religious moderation values through extracurricular
Scouting at MTs Assalam Salem and MTs Al Irfan Tanjungsari Sumedang
Regency has very important and diverse goals. This internalization is a positive
step to shape students into individuals who are moral, tolerant, and contribute to
a diverse society. In simple terms, these goals are as follows::
a. Forming Moderate Attitudes in Religion
Internalizing the values of religious moderation through extracurricular
Scouting in these two madrassas aims to teach learners about the importance
Internalization of Religious Moderation Values
Through Extracurricular Scouts
Agus Samsudin, Supiana, Nanat Fatah Natsir, Andewi Suhartini
of having a balanced religious outlook. This can help prevent learners from
adopting extreme and fundamentalist views that can lead to conflict and
intolerance. Indonesia, as a country with a majority Muslim population, bases
itself on the principle of moderation in various contexts. One factor that
supports this is the linkage with the principle of moderation implicit in Islam
itself (Halim et al., 2022).
b. Improvement of Noble Morals
Through this program, students are taught to have good morals, respect
the religion of others, respect religious and cultural diversity. This is an
important step in shaping better individuals and promoting inter-religious
harmony. Islam is a religion of mercy. The teachings of Islam are full of
peace, compassion, justice, and balance (Shallabi, 2020). In a general sense,
tasamuh is a good moral character or attitude in social interaction, where there
is mutual respect between individuals within the limits established by Islamic
principles (Arrodhi, 2021).
c. Preserving Local Culture
Fostering love and concern for local cultures and traditions helps
prevent the loss of valuable cultural heritage. It also teaches learners to
cultivate a sense of belonging to their own sense of culture. The impact of
increased moderation in religious beliefs based on local wisdom is that
learners who embrace moderate thinking will reflect these attitudes in their
actions and behaviors. The result of this attitude is that learners will
demonstrate a commitment to national unity, reject violence, support
tolerance, and be willing to appreciate local cultural heritage (Rinda Fauzian,
Hadiat, Peri Ramdani, & Mohamad Yudiyanto, 2021).
d. Love of Homeland and Environment
Motivating students to love their homeland and feel responsible for the
natural environment is an important step in forming caring citizens. This can
help keep the environment clean and care for natural heritage. The implicit
notion of love for the homeland can be found in the Qur'an. The values of
love for the motherland, such as nationalism and readiness to sacrifice, are
found in the perspective of the Qur'an, and love for the homeland becomes an
honorable part of the teachings of the Qur'an. This is reflected through the
actions of prophets and apostles who provide valuable lessons through the
phenomena and events they experience, as an important guide in facing the
changing times. The concept of love for the homeland in the Qur'an, hadith,
and the views of scholars are universal values in loving the motherland. Some
of the values of love for the homeland found in the Qur'an are: (1) the value
of unity and unity, found in Q.S. Al Anbia>':92, Q.S. Al Hujura>t:13, Q.S.
A>li 'Imra>n:103, and Q.S. As S}haf:4 (2) the value of self-sacrifice, found
in Q.S. Al Anfa>l: 60, Q.S. Qas}has}:7, and Q.S. An Nisa>':135 (3) the value
of loyalty, found in Q.S. An Nisa>':59, and Q.S. A>li 'Imra>n:103 (4) the
value of obedience to laws and regulations, found in Q.S. An Nisa>':59, and
Q.S. An Nisa>':135 (5) the value of tolerance between religious communities
is found in Q.S. Al Mumtahannah:8, and Q.S. Al An'a>m:108,. Some of these
Volume 2, Nomor 12, Desember 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1295 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
values also have a connection and legal basis in the Qur'an and hadith (Ikhsan,
e. Mutual Respect in Social Interaction
The program emphasizes the importance of mutual respect in social
interactions, independent of any differences. This can create a more inclusive
and harmonious society where individuals value each other. Indonesia is a
country rich in diversity of cultures, religions, ethnicities, languages, and
many other elements. Although there are differences between tribes,
languages, cultures, and other elements. Indonesia has a motto of pride,
namely Bineka Tunggal Ika, which means that even though we are different,
we are still one. Indonesian citizens have a variety of different cultures.
Therefore, they must be fostered with mutual respect and commitment to
tolerance (Putri, 2020).
The opinion that religious moderation has a noble goal, namely to form
a moderate society in carrying out religious teachings and more mature in
addressing differences, is very relevant to the general view of religious
moderation. This illustrates that religious moderation is not only about
understanding religious teachings, but also about how individuals and
societies can practice their religion with a balanced attitude, respect
differences, and avoid extremism.
In addition, the purpose of religious moderation to bring harmony in
life as fellow children of the nation also reflects the importance of moderation
in creating a peaceful and harmonious society, especially in a diverse society
like Indonesia. This goal is in accordance with the idea that religious
moderation can be an important key to creating a harmonious, harmonious,
and peaceful religious life.
The statement that religious moderation is an attempt to present a middle
ground between two extreme groups, namely liberalism and conservatism in
understanding religion, highlights the importance of understanding religious
teachings in a balanced and moderate context. It emphasizes that religious
moderation is not a simple conclusion, but rather an attempt to maintain balance
and avoid extremism in religious interpretation.
Furthermore, the purpose of religious moderation to maintain the integrity
of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), establish order in
religious communities, protect the rights of religious believers, and create peace
and tranquility in religious life, and to realize the welfare of religious people,
emphasizes the importance of moderation in social and political contexts. This
suggests that religious moderation is not just an individual issue, but also has
broader implications in society and the state.
Thus, the opinion is in line with the common understanding of religious
moderation and explains how important it is in building a harmonious society,
respecting differences, and maintaining the stability of the country. The
internalization program of religious moderation values at MTs Assalam Salem
and MTs Al Irfan Tanjungsari is a concrete step in achieving the goal of religious
Internalization of Religious Moderation Values
Through Extracurricular Scouts
Agus Samsudin, Supiana, Nanat Fatah Natsir, Andewi Suhartini
As a country that has diversity and pluralism, the potential for conflict with
religious backgrounds in Indonesia is indeed quite large. Religious moderation
has a key role in creating a religious life that is peaceful, harmonious, and
promotes balance, both on an individual, family, community, and among human
beings as a whole. Religious moderation aims to find common ground, not
reinforce differences. If elaborated further, there are at least three main reasons
why religious moderation is so important (Kelompok Kerja Implementasi
Moderasi Beragama Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, 2019):
First, the essence of the existence of religion is to preserve human dignity
as God's glorious creation and protect human life (Gultom, 2022). Therefore,
every religion carries a mission of peace and salvation. Religion teaches the
importance of balance in life and insists that safeguarding human safety and life
should be a top priority.
Second, Thousands of years after the emergence of religions, the human
population has grown rapidly and has become increasingly diverse in terms of
tribes, nations, skin colors, and spread across different countries and regions.
Religions also experienced widespread development and spread along with
human growth. Religious texts, originally written in Arabic, no longer cover the
entire complexity of human problems. As a result, there are variations in the
interpretation of religious texts, and truth becomes subjective (Wathani, 2017).
Some religious adherents may no longer understand the true essence of religious
teachings, more likely to be fanatical about interpretations that suit their
interests, even politics. This is what often provokes conflicts in different parts of
the world. This complexity is not only limited to Indonesia or Asia, but also
throughout the world. Therefore, the importance of religious moderation is
strongly emphasized, so that human civilization is not threatened by conflicts
rooted in differences in beliefs.
Third, in the Indonesian context, religious moderation is considered an
important cultural strategy to care for the nation's diversity (Aksa & Nurhayati,
2020). As a very diverse country, the founding fathers of the nation have
succeeded in creating a mutual agreement in shaping national identity through
Pancasila as the basis of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
This approach has succeeded in bringing together various religious, ethnic,
linguistic, and cultural groups in Indonesia. The Indonesian state is not a state
based on religion, but religion is still respected as an integral part of people's
daily lives without separation from social life. Religious values are respected
and integrated with customary and local law, some aspects of religious law are
regulated by the state, and religious and cultural practices go hand in hand to
create peace and harmony.
The internalization program of religious moderation values in Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Assalam Salem Brebes and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Irfan
tanjungsari Sumedang, has objectives that are in line with the opinion that
religious moderation is an important key to creating a harmonious, harmonious,
and peaceful religious life in a plural and multicultural Indonesia (Sayyidah,
2023). Here's how to link the program's goals to those opinions:
a. Creating a Harmonious and Peaceful Religious Life
Volume 2, Nomor 12, Desember 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1297 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
The purpose of the internalization program of religious moderation values
in both madrassas is to form students who have a moderate attitude in religion.
By internalizing the values of moderation, students are expected to be able to
coexist with mutual respect and understanding differences. This is in line with
the opinion that religious moderation can create a harmonious and peaceful
religious life.
b. Emphasize on Balance in Life
The program also aims to teach learners about the importance of religious
balance. It includes a balance between personal and societal interests, between
religious and cultural values, as well as between individual and group interests.
Thus, this program practices the principles of religious moderation that
emphasize balance, in accordance with the opinion that religious moderation
exists to seek balance in life.
c. Seeking Similarities rather than Deepening Differences
One of the program's goals is to teach learners to understand the
importance of seeking common ground and dialoguing with individuals from
different religious backgrounds. The program encourages learners to seek
common ground that promotes shared values such as peace, tolerance, and
justice. This is in line with the opinion that religious moderation exists to seek
common ground rather than sharpen differences.
Thus, the internalization program of religious moderation values in
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Assalam Salem and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Irfan
Tanjungsari aims to create an educational environment that supports the vision
of religious moderation in achieving harmony, balance, and equality in religious
life in multicultural Indonesia.
Based on the explanation of the purpose of religious moderation above, it
can be understood that the purpose of internalizing religious moderation in
research is to form students who have moderate character, are able to present
harmony as fellow children of the nation and are able to maintain the integrity
of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Religious moderation, because it prioritizes balance and justice in religious
understanding, will be seen indicators when religious understanding is in line
with its acceptance of values, culture, and nationality. This religious
understanding is not resistant to the Republic of Indonesia, prioritizing living in
harmony, both among differences of religious opinions that occur internally
among religious people and with followers of different religions. This religious
understanding prioritizes tolerance for the progress of the nation and state based
on the spirit of diversity. Based on this reality, the indicators of religious
moderation to be raised are attitudes of religious expression with national
commitment, tolerance, anti-radicalism and violence, and seeing religious
expressions that are accommodating to local culture (Kelompok Kerja
Implementasi Moderasi Beragama Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, 2019).
The purpose of internalizing the values of religious moderation through
Scouting Extracurriculars in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Assalam, Salem District,
Brebes Regency and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Irfan Tanjungsari, Sumedang
Regency is to achieve several results related to the formation of students'
Internalization of Religious Moderation Values
Through Extracurricular Scouts
Agus Samsudin, Supiana, Nanat Fatah Natsir, Andewi Suhartini
character and increasing their understanding of religious moderation. Here's how
to make the connection between the goals of internalizing the values of religious
moderation and extracurricular Scouting:
a. Character Development: One of the main objectives of internalizing the
values of religious moderation is the character development of moderate,
tolerant, and diverse students. Extracurricular Scouting supports this goal by
providing students with hands-on experience in situations that require them
to work together, respect differences, and adapt to diverse environments.
b. Value Education: Extracurricular Scouting can be used as a tool to provide
value education to students. The purpose of internalizing the values of
religious moderation includes understanding students of the importance of
tolerance, respecting differences, and upholding justice in religious
understanding. Scouts can be a platform for this education through
discussions, role plays, and lectures.
c. Increased Comprehension: One of the main objectives is to increase students'
understanding of religious moderation. Through Scouting activities, students
can understand these concepts in practical contexts, such as through activities
that encourage cooperation and appreciation of cultural diversity.
d. Formation of Moderate Leaders: Another objective is to train students to be
moderate leaders and play a role in promoting religious moderation in society.
Extracurricular Scouting is an ideal place to develop students' leadership
skills and train students to practice the values of religious moderation in their
leadership roles.
e. Field Experience: Scouting often involves outdoor activities that can help
students internalize the values of religious moderation by reflecting on and
observing natural diversity. It can also be an opportunity to reflect on the role
of religious moderation in maintaining harmony between religions and
2. Internalization of Religious Moderation Values Program through Scout
Extracurricular in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Assalam, Salem District, Brebes
Regency and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Irfan Tanjungsari, Sumedang Regency.
Based on the results of research conducted by the author at MTs Assalam,
Salem, Brebes Regency, the internalization program of religious moderation
values through Extracurricular Scouting is structured with various levels of
activities. The day-to-day program involves picket and school security duties, as
well as teaching social etiquette and courteous interaction to learners. Every
week there are regular meetings, aimed at strengthening students' understanding
related to dasa darma related to religious moderation and Scouting proficiency
training. The monthly program focuses more on social activities such as cleaning
the school environment and the community. The semester program includes tests
of scout knowledge and students' understanding of the relationship between dasa
darma and religious moderation as well as other proficiency tests. An annual
program of joint camps held each August coincides with the Scouts' birthdays.
In addition, there are flexible incidental programs, including fundraising and
other unplanned activities that encourage learners to be prepared for a variety of
situations. The main objective of this entire program is to internalize the values
Volume 2, Nomor 12, Desember 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1299 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
of religious moderation, encourage tolerance, mutual respect, concern for others,
and shape the character of students comprehensively. All these efforts help
students understand, accept, and implement the values of dasa darma and the
values of religious moderation in daily life, become wise citizens and care for
Based on the results of research conducted by the author at MTs Al Irfan
Tanjungsari, Sumedang Regency, the internalization program of religious
moderation values through Extracurricular Scouting at MTs Al Irfan Tanjungsari
is a comprehensive initiative that aims to shape the character of students who are
balanced in religious understanding and become moderate and tolerant
individuals. This program consists of various types of activities that take place
in different time spans, ranging from daily, weekly, monthly, semester, yearly
and incidental. Daily activities include ant operations or neighborhood cleanup,
weekly activities include regular Friday meetings to deepen understanding of
scouting and religious moderation and Scouting skills training, monthly
activities include monthly camp activities in madrasah and social service
settings, semester activities include General and Special Proficiency
Requirements tests and student skills evaluations, annual activities include
participation in large camps and Provincial jamboree as well as social awareness
activities such as fundraising for disaster victims and other social activities. All
of these programs aim to cultivate moral, social, and spiritual values that are in
accordance with the principles of dasa darma Pramuka and religious moderation
so that students are expected to become empowered individuals, have a
leadership mentality, and appreciate differences in a diverse society.
The internalization program of religious moderation values through
extracurricular Scouting at MTs Assalam Salem and MTs Al Irfan Tanjungsari
has several similarities and differences that reflect the unique characteristics of
each location. The similarities include similar main goals, namely building
moderate and tolerant student character and teacher involvement in supporting
this program. While the differences include different geographical locations with
impacts on local religious and cultural traditions emphasized in these programs,
different physical resources, and the role and priorities of madrasah heads that
can affect the development and implementation of programs.
Different social and cultural contexts also influence the approach (Dasrun
Hidayat, 2014) towards internalizing the values of religious moderation,
focusing on different local values within each madrasa. For example, activities
that highlight cultural values and religious traditions typical of the Brebes region
are different from those that focus on the values of religious traditions typical of
the Sumedang region in the Al Irfan madrasa. Thus, although the objectives of
the two madrassas are similar, the approach and implementation of Scouting
extracurricular programs can differ to match the local needs and conditions in
each madrassa, taught with specific approaches, methods and techniques
implemented inside and outside the classroom.
3. Implementation of the Internalization Program of Religious Moderation Values
through Scout Extracurricular in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Assalam, Salem
Internalization of Religious Moderation Values
Through Extracurricular Scouts
Agus Samsudin, Supiana, Nanat Fatah Natsir, Andewi Suhartini
District, Brebes Regency and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Irfan Tanjungsari,
Sumedang Regency.
Based on the results of research conducted by the author regarding the
implementation of the internalization program of religious moderation values
through extracurricular Scouting activities at MTs Assalam Salem Brebes is
carefully designed to shape the character of moderate students. The entire
process runs in a planned and measurable manner, through the stages of
planning, material selection, approaches used, and evaluation processes that play
an important role in achieving program objectives.
Every day, this program involves students in school security tasks,
providing lessons on responsibility, trust, and honesty. At regular weekly
activities, the focus is on delving deeper into the values of religious moderation
through Scouting skills exercises, conducted inside and outside the classroom to
help learners understand the importance of skills and responsibilities.
Meanwhile, the monthly program involves students in environmental cleaning
and social service activities, encouraging caring attitudes towards others and the
In semester activities, there are tests or tests of knowledge and skills for
students, which allow them to move up in Scouting. The annual program, which
holds an annual camp, aims to teach independence, cooperation, discipline, and
moderation. In addition, incidental programs are organized to respond to
emergency or disaster situations, providing lessons to learners about the
importance of caring for others.
Based on the results of research that has been conducted by the author
regarding the implementation of the internalization program of religious
moderation values through Scouting extracurricular activities at MTs Al Irfan
Tanjungsari, various stages can be identified. The implementation of these
programs involves a learning approach that includes teaching, example,
habituation, practical experience, motivation, and application of rules. Every
day, students are involved in "Operation Ant," which is the task of cleaning the
madrasah environment. Its main purpose is to teach values about cleanliness,
love of nature, and compassion for fellow humans. The weekly program includes
two core elements: special material focused on scouting material and religious
moderation values material and Scouting general proficiency requirements
exercises. Within the scope of the monthly program there are Persami (Saturday-
Sunday Camp) activities in the madrasah environment, where students practice
discipline, cooperation, independence, and social care. In Persami, there are also
remembrance activities and religious discussions related to the values of
religious moderation and others. The semester program includes an examination
of knowledge and skills related to Scouting materials and religious moderation
materials, as well as an evaluation of student development. The annual program
is a large camp of the Madrasah Jamboree involving teachers and students
outside the madrasah environment. Activities include ceremonies, exercises,
social service, and outdoor exploration. Incidental programs are run in the event
of a natural disaster or emergency situation, with learners and teachers raising
Volume 2, Nomor 12, Desember 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1301 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
funds and providing assistance to the needy. It aims to apply the values of
moderation and dasa darma in concrete actions.
The implementation of the program of internalizing the values of religious
moderation through Scouting extracurricular activities at MTs Assalam Salem
and MTs Al Irfan Tanjungsari is carefully designed and involves a number of
organized stages. Every day, learners engage in school security duties, which
teach the values of responsibility, trust, and honesty. The weekly program
emphasizes the development of Scouting skills and a deep understanding of the
values of moderation, both inside and outside the classroom. The monthly
program promotes environmental awareness and social service, encouraging a
caring attitude. The semester program contains knowledge and skill tests and
evaluation of student progress. The annual program involves camps that teach
self-reliance, cooperation, discipline, and moderation. Incidental programs
respond to emergency or disaster situations, providing lessons about caring for
others. Overall, the program integrates the learning, practice, and application of
religious moderation values in the context of Scouting activities to shape the
character of moderate and responsible learners.
Based on the results of research and discussion on internalizing the values of
religious moderation through extracurricular scouts at MTs Assalam Salem, Brebes
Regency and MTs Al Irfan Tanjungsari Sumedang, it can be concluded that the purpose of
internalizing the values of religious moderation through extracurricular Scouting in the two
schools is to form moderate learners. The program of internalizing the values of religious
moderation through extracurricular Scouting in both schools is realized through the scout
program consisting of daily, weekly, monthly, semester, annual and incidental programs.
The implementation of the internalization program of religious moderation values through
extracurricular Scouting in the two schools is realized through concrete steps ranging from
goal formulation, planning, material selection, human resource involvement, use of
learning approaches and methods, exercises, and evaluation. The evaluation of the
internalization of religious moderation values through extracurricular Scouting in both
schools consists of program evaluation, process evaluation and impact evaluation.
Supporting and inhibiting factors for internalizing the values of religious moderation
through extracurricular Scouting in the two schools consist of internal supporting factors
in the form of the active role of the head of the madrasah, Foundation support, cooperation
between madrasah residents and self-motivation of students. While the external support is
the support of parents, students, and the surrounding community. Internal inhibiting factors
are the incomplete facilities and infrastructure of madrasahs, non-compliance of students
with rules and the presence of some teachers who have not attended training or religious
moderation training. While the external inhibiting factors are the lack of transportation
facilities, the association of students outside the madrasah, and the diversity of student
backgrounds. The success of internalizing the values of religious moderation through
extracurricular Scouting in both schools consists of the success of the process, the success
of the program, the success of planting siakap which has a direct impact in the form of the
realization of moderate attitudes of students and a peaceful madrasah environment. While
the indirect impact is in the form of public appreciation and trust in madrassa.
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