Eka Marta Puspita Rini, Euvanggelia Dwilda Ferdinandus, Sofia Al Farizi,
Andriyanti 36
is not good for the mother's health. This can be seen from the research results that
mothers with children >5 years apart are more likely to experience perennial rupture.
This happens because the perenium is stiff and the muscles are not as elastic as in the
second or third pregnancy (Sigalingging & Sikumbang, 2018).
Birth interval has a significant relationship with the incidence of perineal rupture at
TPMB Sudjiati Frans Surabaya. Health workers can monitor risk factors for perineal
rupture as a preventive measure. So it can reduce the incidence of perineal rupture in
mothers giving birth and provide education and motivate mothers to regulate birth spacing.
It is hoped that future researchers can carry out research related to the history of previous
births and include other risk factors that have not been studied by current researchers.
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