95 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
Davy Parsaoran Hinsa Pardede
Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia
Email: davy[email protected]
Service quality,
Empathy and
Background: The development of airlines owned or managed by private parties today
shows a fairly high development so that the level of competition to get customers is
increasingly difficult. One of the strategies carried out by airline management is to
provide optimal service, it is expected that those who provide flight services will meet
the expectations of their customers, able to win the competition which ultimately gets
maximum profit.
Purpose: This study is intended to determine the results of service quality on the
satisfaction of Airline clients in Tanzania, especially Precision Air Limited customers
Method: The explanatory study designed the data collected using interview method of
4oo customers of Precision Air Limited, non-probability sampling procedure was used
to select a sample of respondents from the target population, multiple regression analysis
to answer the research objectives. Key information in the study was collected through
questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Pearson correlation was carried out to
assess the strength and direction of linear relationships between variables, multiple
regression models at a significance level of 5% were used to determine the relationship
between dimensions of service quality and customer satisfaction
Results: The results in this study show that the findings spread that the five spheres of
facility excellence are positively related to customer satisfaction. Relying on multiple
regression results, it was found that the significance value of each independent variable
was tangible 0.674, reliability 0.001, assurance 0.449, and empathy 0.000
Conclusion: It can be concluded that service quality is seen from three dimensions:
dependability, receptiveness, understanding have a positive and significant effect on
client satisfaction. Two dimensions: tangibility and guarantee as part of it have a positive
effect but do not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction of Precision Air
The development of airline services from year to year has increasingly become a
concern of the public because this business is one of the important donors to economic
development. In adding to increasing world trade activities, the airline industry also allows
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in the Airline Industry in Tanzania
Davy Parsaoran Hinsa Pardede 96
for faster and easier tourist activities by expanding recreational and tourism destinations
that grow strong throughout the world. This can also be seen from the large number of
airline industries involved in the business.
The market competition between airlines has become more intense and the delivery
of high-quality service is essential for the airlines’ survival. Thus, the issue of service
quality is receiving greater attention and has become a critical antecedent of behavioral
intentions than ever before (Hussain, Al Nasser, & Hussain, 2015). The industry plays an
important role in facilitating economic growth in world trade, international investment, and
tourism. It is central to the globalization taking place in many other industries in the world
(Wirtz & Johnston, 2003). Judging from the size of the marketplace, the airline business is
fairly tempting, every day around the world there are millions of passengers flying in the
air, which is large market size. Demand for air transportation may still increase, especially
during the holiday season, such as school holidays, religious holidays, or high seasons.
In Tanzania, the airline industry is a useful means of transportation in all regions of
the country and plays an important role in the tourism sector, making Tanzania a tourist
destination. Tourists from various regions of the world come to Tanzania by international
flights and are flown to several destinations in the country by local airlines.
The multiple effects of the airline business lately in Tanzania are quite high because
it stimulates the growth of new service industries such as hotels, catering and others. So,
labor is needed to increase deregulated economic growth more quickly which makes
licensing easier to open up new competitive opportunities in the market. In Tanzania,
airlines need to make significant improvements and changes in providing better services
and services to realize the increasing challenges and opportunities in the air transportation
market. The efforts invested so far have not achieved the competitive quality offered by
international airlines. Local airlines have great challenges and opportunities for the future
when they try to expand their operations to an international level where there are several
large airlines on the African continent such as South African Airways, Kenya Airways,
Ethiopian Airlines and other major airlines operating.
Precision Air was incorporated in Tanzania in January 1991 as a private airline and
started operations in 1993. Its initial line of business mainly entailed providing connections
to tourists visiting the rich natural attractions of Serengeti National Park, Ngoro Ngoro
Crater, in northern Tanzania, the Zanzibar Island in the Indian ocean and other parts of the
country from Arusha town as its base. Precision Air is currently headquartered in Dar es
Salaam, the commercial city of the United Republic of Tanzania. The airline’s main
services include; scheduled flights, chartered and cargo air services which are growing at
an impressive rate. In May 2oo9, Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA) granted the
company a self-handling license and ground handling operations started at the beginning
of November. The airline is seeking a third-party ground handling license from TCAA. In
April 2011, the airline became a public company (Xu, Pham, & Dao, 2020). Service Quality
expectations in air travel are extremely important in consumer’s behavior Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, & Berry, (1985), as they affect their satisfaction and also lead to buying decisions
(Park, Robertson, & Wu, 2004). Airline passengers understand service quality as a multi-
dimensional variable ABLL Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, (1988) and satisfaction is
measured by overall service experience based on various factors, including the perception
Volume 4, Nomor 2, Februari 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
97 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
of service quality and also their mood, emotions and other social and economic factors
(Tolpa, 2012).
The rapid development in the airline industry made Precision Air Limited have to
work extra hard in carrying out their business. Many domestic and foreign competitors
made Precision Air Limited give extra attention to satisfy their customers so they would
not lose their loyal customers, Precision Air Limited tried to maintain rates by adjusting
the maximum service quality, intense competition in tariffs that occur in airline services on
one positive side and the other hand can be negative. The positive part, the number of
airplane passengers will rise or even the interest of the public to use flight services will be
more positive than when using transportation services by land. On the negative side,
because the number of passengers increases, comfort and flight safety get less attention.
Table 1 Data on the number of Precision Air Limited passengers per year 2o12-2o17
Total passenger
Source: (Precision Air Annual Report, 2012-2017)
The table above shows that the total number of passengers from 2013 to 2016 was
continuing to decline. This may be caused by consumer satisfaction or increasingly high
tariff competition where competitors offer increasingly competitive and affordable prices
for many people.
However, from 2016 to 2017 the total number of passengers in one year had
increased. This might be due to an increase in Precision Air in providing the best quality
service for passengers.
The airline industry in Tanzania makes significant contributions to the economy of
the country. It facilitates the efficient operation of many other economic sectors such as
manufacturing, tourism and trade (Makubo, 2015). Additionally, the sector creates
employment for the Tanzanians who are working in airline companies.
However, companies in this industry are facing several challenges. One of the
challenges is high competition from each other. According to Fageda, Flores-Fillol, & Lin,
(2020), the two main areas of competition in the airline industry are price and quality.
Additionally, Loureiro & Fialho, (2017) have got that two mainly significant features for
the client are little fees and high service. Out of the two to (Chou, Liu, Huang, Yih, & Han,
2011; Fageda, Jiménez, & Suárez-Alemán, (2014) claim that quality is of increasing
importance in the airline market.
Hence to survive in the airline business, many companies are investing in service
quality. This is because the quality creates the satisfaction of travel customers and makes
companies retain and gain more customers. This is supported by researchers who found out
that quality is important for business success (Afridi, Li, & Ren, 2015).
Most scholars have looked at the connection between service excellence and client
fulfilment in Tanzania. Just to mention a few, Burhan & Kalinga, (2018) researched in the
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in the Airline Industry in Tanzania
Davy Parsaoran Hinsa Pardede 98
hotel industry, (Shangali NajafAbadi, Mohammadzadeh, Khosravipour, & Yazdanpanah,
2015; Tarimo, 2015) in the banking sector and Nyangarika, (2016) in the shipping industry
with the case in Tanzania postal services. To the finest of the researcher’s literature review,
it was found that no study has been found to investigate the connection between service
quality and client satisfaction in the airline industry. Therefore, this study examines the
effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in the Tanzanian airline business, a case
of Precision Air Limited. The main variable was to examine the effect of service quality
attributes on customer satisfaction in the airline industry in Tanzania.
This study adopted positivism as the main philosophical position since the work used
based on quantitative methods and some theories which already in existence and the main
variables identified and measured based on the hypothesis formed. The study conducted
with a quantitative descriptive approach and the type of case study research uses an
explanatory design. In explanatory design methods, such as interviews, observation,
surveys. The natures of this research was explanatory research, is research that purposes to
clarifythe nature of the ongoing situation at the time of the study and examine the causes
of these symptoms. This study requires more descriptive information analysis to determine
its nature in more detail and get more insight for producing the right information.
The kinds and bases of information used in this research were key data, in this
research the information was gathered and was collected through fieldwork from airline
service customers based on questionnaires, interviews, observations. The actual and up-to-
date main data was obtained directly in the field.
The data analysis model that was used in this study is multiple regression analysis.
This analysis is used to analyze the influence of independent variables consisting of
tangibility(X1), empathy (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), reliability (X5) on the
dependent variable, customer satisfaction (Y). The following is the formulation of the
equation of the multiple regression analysis model in this study:
Yi = bo + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5 + e
Yi = Customer Satisfaction; X1 = Tangibility; X2 = Empathy; X3 = Responsiveness; X4 =
Assurance; X5 = Reliability; bo = constants; b1..b5= Independent variable regression
coefficient; e = estimation error.
In this study, there are 4oo feedbacks from the population sample. All the feedbacks
were complete that is no missing data in the questionnaires. All items show strong
consistency and its constructs are indicated by values of Cronbach's alpha higher than 0.70
as suggested by Hair et al, (1998). This suggests that items concerned adequately measure
a single construct for each tested variable (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, empathy and satisfaction). Reliability measurements for each construct are
shown in Table 1
Volume 4, Nomor 2, Februari 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
99 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Table 2 Reliability Statistic
Cronbach’s Alpha
Number of items
Source: SPSS Output
For construct validity in terms of the discriminate validity test, correlation analysis
between the variables was performed. The result shows that correlations are low with
values no higher than 0.9 as proposed by (Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson, & Tatham, 1998).
This indicates that the constructs are distinct from others and are deemed to be an
acceptable level of discrimination. Consequently, content validity is also established. Table
4.7 shows the analysis of the correlation between variables.
Table 3 Pearson Correlation
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: SPSS Output
A validity test shows a measure of the level of validity or accuracy of an instrument,
a valid instrument has high validity. Testing the validity of each item in this study used
item analysis, which is to correlate each score of each item with the total score, which is
the number of each item score. In this case, the correlation technique to determine the
validity of this item until now is the most widely used. Furthermore, in providing an
interpretation of the correlation coefficient, where items that have a positive correlation
with the criteria (total score) and high correlation, indicate that the item has high validity
as well, According to Sugiyono, (2013) the minimum requirement to be considered a valid
instrument item is the validity index value ≥ 0.3, then all statements that have a correlation
level below 0.3 must be corrected or repeated because they are considered invalid, The
higher the correlation between the criterion and the predictor indicates the greater the
predictive validity (Mohajan, 2017). state if the correlation is perfect, that is 1, the
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Davy Parsaoran Hinsa Pardede 100
prediction is also perfect. Most of the correlations are only modest, somewhere between
0.3 and 0.6.
Table 4 Tangible Validity Test Results
Aircraft type
Sophisticated equipment
The facilities used by Precision Air
The neatness of the employees
The brochure material introducing
Source: SPSS Output
Table 3 above shows that the five-question instruments from tangible variables, valid
because the R-value is greater than the R-Critical.
Table 5 Reliability Validity Test Results
The accuracy of keeping promises
Suitability of implementation
Concern to a problem
Sincerity in resolving customer problems
Source: SPSS Output
Based on Table 4 above shows that of the 5 measurement indicators about reliability
with an R-value greater than R-Critical, the questionnaire that has been compiled is
declared valid.
Table 6 Validity Test Results
Information clarity
Service speed
Accuracy of service
Willingness to help
Willingness to respond
Source: SPSS Output
Table 5 above shows that the five-question instruments from the responsiveness
variable are valid because the R-value is greater than the R-Critical.
Table 7 Assurance Validity Test Results
Sense of security
Insurance Certainty
Source: SPSS Output
Based on Table 6 above shows that of the 5 measurement indicators about assurance
with an R-value greater than R-Critical, the questionnaire that has been compiled is
declared valid.
Volume 4, Nomor 2, Februari 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
101 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Table 8 Empathy Validity Test Results
Individual attention
Convenient operating hours
Specific understanding of needs
Build interest
Source: SPSS Output
Based on Table 7 above shows that of the 5 measurement indicators about empathy
with an R-value greater than R-Critical, the questionnaire that has been compiled is
declared valid.
Table 9 Customer Satisfaction Validity Test Results
Quality of service
Ticket price
Service quality guarantee
Costs set
Source: SPSS Output
Table 8 above shows that the five-question instruments from the customer
satisfaction variable are valid due to the R-value is greater than the R-Critical.
Linear Regression Analysis
Based on table 4.9 below, the multiple regression can be determined: Y = 36 X5.
Based on the equation can show that the regression coefficient of all independent variables
shows a positive value. This means that all independent variables have a positive/direct
relationship to the dependent variable, of all the independent variables used which gave the
most dominant influence was empathy with a regression coefficient of 0.246.
Table 10 Multiple Regression Analysis
Std. Error
X1 = Tangibility
X2 = Reliability
X3 = Responsiveness
X4 = Assurance
X5 = Empathy
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: SPSS Output
Hypothesis Test and Partial Test
There are two methods to regulate the effect of an independent variable on the
outcome objective is significant or not. The first method is the result of Sig <0.05 or smaller
than 5%, then the predictor variable (X) significantly influences the outcome variable (Y),
the second method is to compare t arithmetic with t table. Can be said to be significant if t-
values > t-distribution. The T-distribution value is 1.966. The following hypothesis was
tested to determine their significance to client gratification.
The findings above in table 4.9 indicate the five-service quality dimension is
definitely connected to client gratification. Based on the results of multiple regression in
table 4.9, it is found that the significance worth of each predictor variable is tangible 0.674,
reliability 0.001, responsiveness 0.001, assurance 0.449, and empathy 0.000. From these
findings, can be decided that reliability, responsiveness, and empathy have a significant
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Davy Parsaoran Hinsa Pardede 102
effect on customer satisfaction because they have a significant result <0.05 while tangibility
and pledge variables do not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction because they
have sig> 0.05.
In table 4.9 is obtained t arithmetic for five independent variables, including tangible
0.421, reliability 3.314, responsiveness 3.375, assurance 0.759, empathy 4,048. From this
finding, the variables that take a significant effect on customer satisfaction are reliability,
responsiveness and empathy because each of these variables has a value of t-values> 1.966
while tangible and assurance do not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction
because both of these variables have t-values <t 1.966.
Coefficient of Determination
The constant of resolve is the ability of all predictors variables to clarify the outcome
variable. On table 4.10 is shown Adjusted R Square Determination Coefficient of 0.475 or
47.5% which state that the skill of objective X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5 in explaining the Y
variable, is 47.5% though the residual 52.5% is clarified by other variables outside of this
research variable. R of 0.694 indicates that the multiple correlations are strong.
Table 11 Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
Source: SPSS Output
a. Predictors: (Constant), X5 = Empathy, X1 = Tangible, X4 = Assurance, X2 = Reliability,
X3 = Responsiveness
b. b. Dependent Variable: Y = Customer Satisfaction
The SERVQUAL instrument has a useful diagnostic role to play in assessing and
monitoring service quality in Precision Air, enabling Precision Air to identify where
improvements are needed from the customer's viewpoint. From the statistical result, it was
confirmed that the service quality and customer satisfaction scale was reliable and valid
instruments for measuring the relationship in this study and also the research result gives
several managerial implications.
The Effect of Tangibility on Customer Satisfaction
Tangibility is the first dimension of service quality in the SERVQUAL model that
this study has used. According to Anantharanthan Parasuraman et al., (1985), tangibility:
includes physical aspects connected with services such as instruments and equipment,
persons, physical facilities like buildings and nice decoration and other observable service
facilities. Physical aspects of Precision Air aircraft can be seen from the types of aircraft,
sophistication, facilities, neatness of employees and the brochure material they have. Based
on the descriptive analysis in Table 4.5 that some respondents argue that the tangibility
variable offered by Precision Air has a poor rating with a minimum value of one to two.
The study has found that tangibility has a positive but has no significant effect on customer
satisfaction. Tangibles variable is the ability of a company to show its existence to external
parties. The physical appearance of the Precision Air aircraft can be seen from the type of
sophisticated aircraft, facilities, neatness of its employees and brochure materials, Hossain
(2012) whereas tangibility represents a non-significant effect on customer satisfaction
although it also has a positive correlation with customer satisfaction the findings in this
research found that tangibility has a positive but not significant relationship, this proves
that this variable does not seem to be paid much attention in Tanzania and pay more
attention to other variables and also It can be explained there is a altering tendency and
participants no longer treat tangibility as an important measure in Tanzania because
Volume 4, Nomor 2, Februari 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
103 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
customers prioritize flight time availability and other factors. However, by showing that
tangibility has a confident result on customer satisfaction the airline industry players would
not disregard this measurement in their processes.
The Effect of Reliability on Customer Satisfaction
Reliability is the second dimension of service quality in the SERVQUAL model that
this study has used. According to Anantharanthan Parasuraman et al., (1985), the ability of
Precision Air Limited, in this case, can be seen from the following aspects: accuracy of
keeping promises, timeliness, suitability of implementation, care and sincerity. Relied on
the evocative analysis in table 4.5 that the more dominant respondents consider that the
reliability variable offered by Precision Air Limited has a good rating with a minimum
value of three. The study has found that reliability has an optimistic and important result
on customer satisfaction.
The Effect of Responsiveness on Customer Satisfaction
Receptiveness is the third measurement of service quality in the SERVQUAL model
that this study has used. According to Anantharanthan Parasuraman et al., (1985) the
propensity and readiness of facility workers to assistance customers and please their needs,
directly answer to their studies and resolve their difficulties as rapidly as likely by
delivering clear information such as clarity of information, speed of service, the accuracy
of service, willingness to help, willingness to respond to deliver services as promised
accurately and reliably such as accuracy of keeping promises, timeliness, implementation
suitability, care and sincerity. Based on table 4.5 that the more dominant respondents agree
that the responsiveness variable offered by Precision Air Limited has a good rating with a
minimum value of three. The study has found that responsiveness has a optimistic and
important effect on customer satisfaction.
The Effect of Assurance on Customer Satisfaction
Assurance is the fourth dimension of service quality in the SERVQUAL model that
this study has used. Based on table 4.5 that the more dominant respondents agree that the
assurance variable offered by Precision Air Limited has a good rating with a minimum
value of three. The study has found that assurance has a positive effect but not a significant
effect on customer satisfaction.
This finding was supported in a study by Famiyeh, Asante-Darko, & Kwarteng,
(2018) where assurance has a positive relationship with Customer Satisfaction but without
significant effect. Assurance is a means of being safe, the responses state that the customers
do not feel assurance is being important as part of the service quality that should be
included. There are two possibilities; firstly, the customers feel that the airlines have
provided enough safety and confidence in their service. Most customers started to take it
for granted that there is no safety problem in dealing with any airline. Secondly, the
customers have given up since all the airlines are not able to provide the level of safety
expected. The customers are hopeless. According to the facts found that there have been
several incidents on precision air-limited flights, including the Precision AT72 flight near
Kilimanjaro on 10 Jul 2014 acting flight PW-415 from Mwanza to Dar es Salaam
(Tanzania) with 40 people on board, was en route near Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) the engine
suddenly stopped to the right, so the crew had to divert to Kilimanjaro. The plane landed
on the runway, there were no casualties, and the second incident Precision AT72 at
Zanzibar on Jun 16th, 2016, rejected takeoff due to engine fire, and the aircraft stopped on
the runway and was evacuated. These events do not reduce the interest of people in
Tanzania, whether Tanzanians themselves or even foreigners, to local domestic flights on
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
in the Airline Industry in Tanzania
Davy Parsaoran Hinsa Pardede 104
business or tourism trips instead of using buses or ferries which take longer or even
international flights, this indicates that some incidents can be anticipated excellent so as
not to cause casualties, in Tanzania assurance is mandatory and granted by the airline so
that there are no security problems in dealing with the problem. This variable has no
significance due to this variable is a component of the safety assurance offered by the airline
on a mandatory basis and does not seem to be of much concern in Tanzania because of trust
in the airline. In this manner, Precision Air should improve the assurance in their services.
This is a way to retain the customers, and even it can be a selling point to Precision Air if
they can provide better security compare toothers.
The Effect of Empathy on Customer Satisfaction
Empathy is the fourth dimension of service quality in the SERVQUAL model that
this study has used. Based on table 4.5 that the more dominant respondents agree that the
empathy variable offered by Precision Air Limited has a good rating with a minimum value
of three. The study has found that empathy has a positive and significant effect on customer
Data analysis result stresses the most significant effect of Empathy on Customer
satisfaction. That means Precision Air can considerably increase their customer satisfaction
level if they may better perform their empathy. This result was supported by the research
in my research in the Vietnamese hotel industry of Minh, Ha, Anh, & Matsui, (2015) which
applied the SERVQUAL scale to measure service quality and examine the impact of these
service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction. This research result stressed Empathy
with the strongest impact on customer satisfaction.
Issues facing airline business participants in Tanzania is high market competition
among operating companies. It was observed that price and quality are areas of competition
where quality is the most important one (Fageda Jiménez and Suárez-Alemán, 2012 and
Chou et al, 2011). Hence, companies invest more in quality competition. This is because;
quality creates customer satisfaction and creates loyal clients.
The research examined the effect of facility excellence on client fulfilment in the
airline business using a SERVIQUAL typical advanced by (Parasuraman et al., 1985).
According to this model, service quality is measured in five dimensions, namely,
tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Specifically, the study
examined the effect of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy on
customer satisfaction.
This research used a sample of 400 passengers of the Precision Airline to collect the
information by through the questionnaire method. Factor study and multiple regression
analysis methods were employed to analyze the information of the study to answer the
research objectives. In general, the study found three dimensions of service quality to have
a positive and important result on client fulfilment. The following are the study's main
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