Volume 4, Nomor 2, Februari 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
127 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
communication skills. According to Wahab Bruzzone et al., (2014) suggests that
"simulation play is a teaching technique in which students assume a special role as decision
makers, act as if they are involved in certain situations and compete to achieve certain goals
according to specific rules that have been set”
Meanwhile, according to Adams Lia, (2023) states that "a simulation game is a game
that reflects situations that exist in real life and these situations are always modified". In
this case the game in the situation is modified with the aim that it is not too complex and
not too simple. During implementation, if it is too complex, the players will be less daring
to play it, conversely, if it is too easy, the players will get bored quickly.
The objective of the simulation game is divided into direct and indirect objectives.
According to Abimanyu and Purwanto Rahayu, (2017) "direct objectives aim to train
certain skills both professional and for everyday life, to gain an understanding of a concept
or principle, and to practice problem-solving exercises". The indirect goals are to increase
learning activities by involving students in studying situations that are almost similar to
actual events, providing motivation to learn, training students to work in groups more
effectively, cultivating students' creative power, and training students to understand and
appreciate opinions and roles. others. The objective is indirectly the effect or influence of
the implementation of the simulation that accompanies and arises from students.
According to Romlah, (2006) the steps in forming a simulation game begin with
examining the dominant problems experienced by students, especially those concerning the
personal, social, learning and career fields. Then formulate the goals to be achieved with
the game. Next, make a list of the sources used to help complete the topic to be
implemented. After that choose a situation in real life related to student life. Then create a
model or scenario from the selected situation. Then identify the people who will be
involved in the game and make simulation game tools.
The advantages of simulation techniques were stated by Ikhwan, (2017) that with
simulation techniques students can carry out social interaction and communication in their
groups, student activity is quite high in learning so that they are directly involved in
learning, can familiarize students with understanding social problems (an implementation
of learning contextual based). Besides that, it can also foster positive personal relationships
and awaken imagination, foster communicative relationships and work together in groups.
Meanwhile, Taniredja, Faridli, & Harmianto, (2015) points out the advantages of the
simulation method including being fun so that students are naturally encouraged to
participate, encouraging teachers to develop simulation activities, allowing experiments to
take place without the need for an actual environment, visualizing abstract things, not
requiring skills. complex communication, allows interaction between students, generates
positive responses from students who are slow, less competent, and less motivated, and
trains critical thinking because students are involved in process analysis, simulation
Although there are many advantages of the simulation game technique, this method
also has weaknesses that should not be ignored. The weaknesses of the simulation game
technique according to Ricardianto, Nasution, Naiborhu, & Triantoro, (2020) include
requiring quite a lot of time, relying heavily on student activities, tending to require the use
of learning resources, experience gained through simulations is not always appropriate and