Volume 4, Nomor 2, Februari 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
165 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
through a challenge of 0.119 with a pValue of 0.000. This shows that the direct effect of -
0.232 is less than the total effect of 0.119 with a pValue of 0.000, meaning that there is no
problem with the mediating variable, in other words, the challenge is able to have a
mediatic effect on the influence of boredom on career aspirations, so the fourth hypothesis
is accepted.
The theoretical implications of this study support some existing theories and provide
evidence related to social cognitive theory (Social Cognitive Theory) theoretically, where
the social cognitive relationships that occur in this study are in the challenges felt by
individuals. This happens because the challenges in this study help mediate the relationship
that occurs between boredom which influences the career aspirations of Unud Management
students class of 2020. The practical implications of this research are that it contributes
practically to the management of the Unud Management study program in improving the
career aspirations of its students by improving the learning system to make it more
interesting and not boring.
Based on the data analysis that has been done, several things can be drawn that are
conclusions, namely boredom has a negative and significant effect on career aspirations,
boredom has a positive and significant effect on challenges, and challenges have a negative
and significant effect on career aspirations, challenges act as a mediation on the influence
between boredom on career aspirations. Career aspirations are better if Boredom is
mediated by challenges, meaning that in an effort to increase career aspirations, the sense
of Boredom must be passed down without forgetting the challenges that are its mediating
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