160 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
Ni Komang Diah Permata Sari, I Gusti Made Suwandana
Universitas Udayana, Indonesia
Boredom, Career
Background: Career aspirations play a key role in guiding individuals toward their
future goals. These career aspirations become an important part of a student's journey
during their studies and will develop over time.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the role of challenges in mediating
the influence of boredom on career aspirations
Method: The research method used is the simple random sampling method. Interviews
and the distribution of questionnaires carried out data collection. The data analysis
technique used in this study is path analysis with SPSS
Results: The results of this study show that boredom and challenges have a significant
negative effect on career aspirations, boredom has a significant positive effect on
challenges, and challenges mediate the influence of boredom on career aspirations. The
implications of this study theoretically support the findings of previous research results
Conclusion: The practical implications of the Management Study Program, Faculty of
Economics and Business, Udayana University are to increase students' career aspirations
by paying attention to the challenges and boredom felt by students
Education is a means of improving human resources, especially the Indonesian
generation (Fitriana, Yusuf, Megaiswari, & Afdal, 2021). Through education, it is hoped
that there will be changes in the students who are educated, where the expected changes
are that students can develop their potential optimally so that they can achieve perfect self-
independence in the future (Sari, Yusuf, Iswari, & Afdal, 2021).
Career aspiration by Nadeem & Khalid, (2018) is expressed as an individual's desire
to have a job or be chosen in their field. High career aspirations are assumed to trigger
individuals to exercise self-regulation in achieving desired career goals and ultimately lead
to positive consequences (Sawitri & Dewi, 2018).
Interviews with several Unud Management students class of 2020 stated that
currently students feel still confused about their career goals for fear of repeating the
boredom that occurred during the lecture period. The trigger is boredom and saturation with
monotonous learning methods and students admit that they do not feel suitable for the tasks
Volume 4, Nomor 2, Februari 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
161 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
during lectures with their abilities. So that challenges and boredom become the basis for
when students want to determine their career direction.
Krannich et al., (2022) stated that boredom has a negative and significant effect on
career aspirations. The same findings are also presented in the research of (Tamrin, Hasan,
& Jannang, 2020). Masturina's research, (2018) states that challenges have a significant
effect on career aspirations. The best comparison with research conducted by Purnama,
Wahyuni, & Ekawati, (2019) which shows that there is no relationship between challenges
and boredom in determining future career planning. The exposure of the background of the
problem shows a difference in research results (research gap) from one study to the
previous study, so this research was carried out again.
Hypotheses that can be formulated based on the problems described in the
background and findings in previous research, including:
H1: Boredom negatively and significantly affects career aspirations
H2: Boredom has a positive and significant effect on challenges
H3: Challenges negatively and significantly affect career aspirations
H4: The challenge of mediating boredom's influence on career aspirations
This research was conducted at the Bachelor of Management Study Program, Faculty
of Economics and Business, Udayana University with a quantitative approach and
associative causality method to analyze and discover how the role of challenges as
mediating variables for boredom in influencing career aspirations (Sugiono, 2019). This
research was conducted because there were problems with the career aspirations of Unud
Management students class of 2020 which were allegedly caused by boredom during the
lecture period. 290 students constitute the population, with the sample used being active
students as many as 168 people using the Slovin formula in determining the sample.
Research data is primary data through interviews and questionnaire distribution. Variable
measurement uses several indicators, so the results of questionnaire data need to be tested
for feasibility through validity and reliability instrument tests. The results of the
questionnaire in the form of data were measured using a Likert scale with a range of 1 to
five with provisions 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree. Path analysis, classical
assumption test, and sobel test were used to analyze questionnaire data obtained with the
help of SPSS software version 25 (Hadi Ismanto & Pebruary, 2021).
The Role of Challenges in Mediating Boredom's
Influence on Career Aspirations
Ni Komang Diah Permata Sari, I Gusti Made Suwandana
Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents
Persentase (%)
Source: research primary data, 2023
Table 1. Describe the characteristics of respondents. When viewed by gender, it
shows data related to female students dominating with a percentage of 60.7 percent. Age-
based characteristics show that 22-year-old respondents dominate with a percentage of 54.1
percent. Respondents with marketing interest are the majority with a percentage of 38.1
A correlation coefficient value of 0.3 indicates that the instrument is valid.
Indicators of challenge, boredom, and career aspiration all obtained a correlation
coefficient of validity test results above 0.3, meaning that they have met the criteria and are
feasible to be used to measure these variables in research. A Cronbach Alpha greater than
0.60 means the measuring instrument is consistent and trustworthy. Boredom has a value
of 0.785, challenge 0.795 and career aspiration 0.726, this means that reliability
requirements have been met.
The boredom variable with a fairly good average of 3.26 with the statement "I follow
the learning process only to fill in absences (Y3)" gets the highest average of 3.36 including
good criteria. The statement "I feel my grades are declining during the learning process"
obtained the lowest average of 3.16 and included sufficient criteria. The average score of
3.45 belongs to the Challenge which belongs to the good category. The highest score of the
challenge indicator was the statement "I find it difficult to do tasks that are not within my
ability", with the average including good criteria. The statement "I don't feel challenged
doing tasks that are too easy" 3.32 has the lowest average score which is a good enough
Career aspirations have an average score of 3.06 and belong to the category of quite
good. The statement "I'm still not focused on the talent I have" has the highest average of
3.10 and belongs to the moderately category. The lowest average value statement is "I have
not been able to cultivate the mindset I have related to my advanced career" with an average
score of 2.99 and included in the criteria of good enough.
Table 2. Results of Regression Analysis on Sub-structural 1
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
= 0,758
F Statistik = 519,331
Sig F = 0,000
Source: primary data processed, 2023
Volume 4, Nomor 2, Februari 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
163 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Sub-structural equation 1 is prepared based on the regression analysis in Table 2 set
forth in the following formula.
Z = β1X + e1…………………………………………..(1)
Z= 0,871X + e
The structural equation if interpreted as the boredom variable has a coefficient of
0.871 means that boredom has a positive direction of influence on challenges, meaning that
if the boredom increases then the challenge will increase, and vice versa.
Table 3 Results of Regression Analysis in Sub-structural 1
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
= 0,526
F Statistik = 91,523
Sig F = 0,000
Source: primary data processed, 2023
Sub-structural equation 1 is prepared based on the regression analysis in Table 2
outlined in the following formula.
Y = β2X + β3ZM + e2…………………………………...(2)
Y= -0,232X + -0,514Z + e
The structural equation if interpreted is that the boredom variable has a negative
influence on career aspirations, meaning that if boredom increases then career aspirations
will decrease, and vice versa. The challenge variable has a coefficient of -0.514. This means
that challenges have a negative influence on career aspirations, or when challenges
increase, career aspirations will decrease, and vice versa.
Table 4 Direct Influence and Indirect Influence of Research Variables
Influence of
Indirect Influence Through
challenges (Z) (b1 x b3)
Table 4 shows a summary of the results of path analysis techniques used to obtain
the results of each path in each structural equation. Based on these findings, boredom has
a direct influence on career aspirations with a value of -0.232; Boredom has a direct effect
on the challenge with a value of 0.871; challenges have a direct effect of -0.514 on career
aspirations; Boredom on career aspirations has an indirect effect with a value of 0.119. The
total influence of boredom on career aspirations of 0.990 is greater than its direct influence,
meaning that the influence of boredom on career aspirations would be better if using
challenge mediating variables.
The Role of Challenges in Mediating Boredom's
Influence on Career Aspirations
Ni Komang Diah Permata Sari, I Gusti Made Suwandana
Source; Primary Data Processed, 2023
Figure 1. Path Analysis Model
The calculation of the total coefficient of determination value is obtained as much as
0.885. This means that 88.5 percent of career aspiration variables are influenced by
boredom and challenge variables, while the remaining 14.5 percent is explained by other
factors not included in the model. Figure 1. Shows the value of the path coefficient of each
influence between variables in the study.
The One-Sample Kolmogorv-Smirnov Test was used to determine whether the data
in the study were normally distributed or not. Asymp.sig. (2-tailed) Kolmogorov-Smirnov
0.067 and 0.061 for sub-structural 1 and 2. The value is above the alpha value of 0.05,
meaning that the data in the research model has a normal distribution and passes the
normality test. The results of the multicollinearity test show that the regression model is
free from multicollinearity because it has a tolerance of 0.10 and a VIF value of 10.
The results of heteroscedasticity testing give the results of each model having a Sig. value
above 0.05 meaning that the variable is independent of absolute residual and free from
symptoms of heteroscedasticity.
The calculation results obtained a Beta coefficient value of -0.232 with a
significance level of 0.035 0.05 which means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It
shows that boredom has a significant negative effect on career aspirations. So, if the
stronger the boredom, it will have a significant effect on career aspirations. This study
supports Research conducted by Bieleke, Barton, & Wolff, 2021; Krannich et al., 2022;
Tamrin et al., 2020; Westgate & Wilson, 2018; Wolff & Martarelli, (2020) who found that
boredom has a significant and negative effect on career aspirations.
A Beta value of 0.871 with a significance level of 0.000 (≤ 0.05) means that H0 is
rejected and H2 is accepted. This shows that boredom has a significant positive effect on
the challenge. So it can be explained that the stronger the boredom eats will have a
significant effect on the challenge. This supports research conducted by (Keeler et al., 2019;
Krannich et al., 2022; Renninger & Hidi, 2019; Sutarjo, 2014; Ugwu, Onyishi, Ugwu,
Atama, & Ugwu, 2023) with boredom results have a significant and positive effect on
The beta value is -0.514 with a significance level of 0.000 (≤ 0.05) which means
that H0 is rejected and H3 is accepted. This shows that challenges have a significant
negative effect on career aspirations. This study supports the research of Aufar, 2019;
Krannich et al., 2022; Sorkkila, Ryba, Selänne, & Aunola, (2020) who stated that
challenges have a significant and negative effect on career aspirations.
The results of the calculation of the direct influence of boredom on career aspirations
-0.232 with a pValue of 0.000 and the indirect influence of boredom on career aspirations
Volume 4, Nomor 2, Februari 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
165 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
through a challenge of 0.119 with a pValue of 0.000. This shows that the direct effect of -
0.232 is less than the total effect of 0.119 with a pValue of 0.000, meaning that there is no
problem with the mediating variable, in other words, the challenge is able to have a
mediatic effect on the influence of boredom on career aspirations, so the fourth hypothesis
is accepted.
The theoretical implications of this study support some existing theories and provide
evidence related to social cognitive theory (Social Cognitive Theory) theoretically, where
the social cognitive relationships that occur in this study are in the challenges felt by
individuals. This happens because the challenges in this study help mediate the relationship
that occurs between boredom which influences the career aspirations of Unud Management
students class of 2020. The practical implications of this research are that it contributes
practically to the management of the Unud Management study program in improving the
career aspirations of its students by improving the learning system to make it more
interesting and not boring.
Based on the data analysis that has been done, several things can be drawn that are
conclusions, namely boredom has a negative and significant effect on career aspirations,
boredom has a positive and significant effect on challenges, and challenges have a negative
and significant effect on career aspirations, challenges act as a mediation on the influence
between boredom on career aspirations. Career aspirations are better if Boredom is
mediated by challenges, meaning that in an effort to increase career aspirations, the sense
of Boredom must be passed down without forgetting the challenges that are its mediating
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