219 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
Abdul Mun’im Amaly, Supiana, Tedi Priatna, Karman
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
Background: Understanding of the material of the book is difficult, it is not surprising
to question whether the understanding of the material has become neglected. Therefore,
the religious understanding of students must be developed by the ustāẓ in the Islamic
boarding school through the learning process. This can be done using the formulation
of the discovery learning model which contains a comprehensive learning procedure
Purpose: This study aims to determine the application of the discovery learning model,
and the religious understanding of students using discovery learning and non-discovery
learning models, as well as increasing the religious understanding of students after
using discovery learning and non-discovery learning models in Class 1 Aliyah Darul
Falah Islamic Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School West
Method: The research approach used is an experimental study with a quasi-
experimental type in the form of a nonequivalent pre-test and post-test control group
design. The research population was students of Class 1 Aliyah Darul Falah Islamic
Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School, West Bandung with a
sample of 106 students consisting of experimental and control classes. The research
instrument used was a 38-item questionnaire, providing 20 multiple-choice questions
and 5 description questions. Data were analyzed using statistical tests
Results: The results of the research show that the discovery learning model is very
suitable to be applied to the Al-Taufīq Sulam Book lesson, at the Darul Falah Islamic
boarding school it got an average score of 93.65% which shows a very good
interpretation value, and at the Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic boarding school, it got an
average score of 93.65%. an average of 90.42% which shows a very good interpretation
value. The religious understanding of students using the discovery learning model at the
Darul Falah Islamic boarding school is at high criteria with an average pretest score of
52.39 and posttest 82.85 which has increased by 30.46%, at Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic
The Application of the Discovery Learning Model in
Improving Religious Understanding of Students in the
Lessons of the Book of Sulam Al-Taufīq
Abdul Mun’im Amaly, Supiana, Tedi Priatna, Karman
boarding school it is at sufficient criteria. The average pretest score was 43.57 and
posttest 75.87, which was an increase of 32.3%.
Conclusion: Meanwhile, non-discovery learning at the Darul Falah Islamic boarding
school is at sufficient criteria with an average pretest score of 58.44 and posttest of
70.22, an increase of 11.78%, at the Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic boarding school it is at
sufficient criteria with an average score -average pretest 51.22 and posttest 60.65, an
increase of 9.43%
Discovery learning is a learning model introduced by Jerome Bruner, which aims
to maximize student understanding instead of mastery of subject matter and emphasizes
the active role of students (student oriented) in obtaining information, organizing what is
known and exploring learning experiences independently so that students get a deep
impression in the learning experience (Surur & Oktavia, 2019; Dahar, 2011; Rahmat,
2018; Baharun, 2017; Cintia et al., 2018; Mu’allimah, 2014; Kumala & Rohman, 2020;
Yuliana, 2018; Mu’allimah, 2014).
The above opinion means that the discovery learning model focuses on students'
understanding of the material they learn. If the discovery learning model is applied, the
student's comprehension ability will be better.
Even though the students' understanding of the books they learn is the core of
learning in the Islamic Boarding School as well as being one of the goals of the Islamic
boarding school, because if the students are not able to understand the books they are
learning, then the students will not be able to take actions according to what is stated in
the books of their learning resources. Research conducted Aliudin (2019), Fakhor et al.,
(2019) dan Umroh et al., (2020) Highlighting the risk that, if understanding of the material
of the book is difficult, it is not surprising to question whether the understanding of the
material has become neglected (Hidayati, 2018).
This understanding according to Benjamin S. Bloom is a person's ability to
understand and understand something, after something is known and remembered
(Sudijono, 2011). Understanding is also a level of ability that expects a person to be able
to understand the meaning of concepts, situations and factors that he knows (Purwanto,
2010). In this case a person not only memorizes verbally, but understands the concept of
the stated problem.
Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that student understanding is the
ability of students to define and master something by understanding its meaning, thus
understanding is a person's ability to interpret things contained in a theory or concepts
studied. This understanding contains the understanding that to what extent the ability of
students to recognize or understand religious values contained in the book of tūraṡ, this
will be seen when a person is able to understand, internalize, and apply the religious values
contained in the book he studies (Witisma, 2020).
The formation of student understanding is carried out based on the assumption that
the understanding is the result of coaching efforts, not by itself, thus, the implementation
of education in Islamic boarding schools should be perfected. This can be done by using
alternative learning models that can support the effectiveness of Islamic boarding school
learning, especially in increasing students' understanding of the book of tūraṡ, one of
which is the discovery learning learning model.
The importance of this model is applied in Islamic Boarding Schools because it is
based on research conducted by Utiyani, Saefuloh (2019), Ardyansyah dan Fitriani (2020)
The use of discovery learning models has an impact on the level of understanding and
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
221 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
can make it easier for students to understand the material they are learning. The results of
their research are the reason for the discovery learning model to be applied in Islamic
boarding schools, because it will be able to improve students' understanding of the books
they learn.
The Islamic boarding schools that became the location of the study, namely Darul
Falah Islamic Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung experienced the same
problem, namely that students did not understand the material from the books they
studied. Various ways have been done by Islamic boarding schools to make students
understand the material from the books studied optimally but still do not show
compatibility between the results obtained and their expectations.
Based on preliminary studies in the form of interviews at Darul Falah Islamic
Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung, there are several problems that
often arise, including ustāẓ problems in applying learning models, and understanding of
students (Studi Pendahuluan, 24 Februari 2022, 10 Maret 2022).
The model used by ustāẓ in learning in both Islamic boarding schools is a teacher-
oriented model, which is a model that focuses learning on educators, in this case ustāẓ,
combined with the sorogan and balagan or weton methods, ideally if the ustāẓ has applied
this model and learning method, the understanding of students increases because students
receive a full explanation of the material from the current book he learned. However, what
happens is that 35% of students have an understanding of the book they are studying
below average, as can be seen from the exam results at Darul Falah Islamic Boarding
School and interviews with administrators at Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School
(Preliminary Study, February 24, 2022, March 10, 2022).
This is seen during learning, students do not respond and play an active role in
learning, students have difficulty mentioning the material content of the book they are
studying causing students' understanding and learning outcomes for the subjects of the
book of Embroidery Al-Taufīq are not optimal (Preliminary Study, February 24, 2022).
The problems mentioned above are certainly influenced by various factors
including: (1) understanding-based learning has not been optimally applied, this is
characterized by at the end of learning ustāẓ does not provide reinforcement or verification
to students, (2) ustāẓ does not want to be difficult in teaching material to students. (3)
Ustāẓ's knowledge of low comprehension-based learning has an impact on students' lack
of understanding of the books they study, this is seen from ustāẓ lacking examples and
focusing only on the books studied (Preliminary Study, 24 February 2022).
As for articles related to this research such as: Surur & Oktavia (2019), The research
they conducted on the discovery learning model had an impact on understanding concepts
in exact matter, namely mathematics. Articles written by (Cintia et al., 2018; Nugrahaeni,
Redhana, & Kartawan, 2017; Sa’diyah & Dwikurnaningsih, 2019), Conduct research on
discovery learning models that have an impact on the ability to submit problems, critical
/ creative thinking, mathematical resilience and student learning outcomes. Articles
written by Khoiruddin (2020) Firmansyah & Romelah (2022) Conduct research on
discovery learning models that have an impact on student learning motivation and student
independence. Articles written by (Ardyansyah & Fitriani, 2020; Kumala & Rohman,
2020; Madrasah, Mafatihul, Cirebon, & Saefuloh, 2019; Rahman, 2021; Widodo, Abidah,
Fahmi, & Chebaiki, 2021), Conduct research on discovery learning models associated
with Arabic or part of Arabic science in general.
The discovery learning model that was once researched oleh Silvia Fitriani (2021),
Surur & Oktavia (2019), Yerimadesi (2018), Lilik Ariyanto (2018), Cintia et al. (2018),
Sa’diyah & Dwikurnaningsih (2019), Nugrahaeni et al. (2017), Khoiruddin (2020), serta
Firmansyah dan Romelah (2022) all of them focus on the locus of research in formal
The Application of the Discovery Learning Model in
Improving Religious Understanding of Students in the
Lessons of the Book of Sulam Al-Taufīq
Abdul Mun’im Amaly, Supiana, Tedi Priatna, Karman
institutions, while research on discovery learning models applied in Islamic boarding
schools has not been conducted. After a review of the research on the application of the
discovery learning model, it turned out that many were carried out in the exact sciences
that entered the general sciences, while research in the social sciences or religion was still
Based on the explanation above, the distinguishing point and reformer of previous
research is the application of the discovery learning model in increasing the
understanding of students in the book of Embroidery Al-Taufīq which was carried out in
Islamic Boarding Schools, and the location of this research is Darul Falah Islamic
Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School West Bandung.
This study uses a quantitative approach because in this study the data used are taken
from empirical phenomena and can be measured according to research variables. In
addition, the reason for researchers to choose a quantitative approach is because this
research requires questionnaires, research instruments that are quantitative or statistical so
it is not suitable if only understanding the phenomena that occur by describing them.
This research includes a quasi-experimental method with a quantitative approach.
This method is used to examine student samples at Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School
and Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School West Bandung, data collection using
research instruments, quantitative or statistical data analysis with the aim of testing
hypotheses that have been formulated.
Data sources in this study consist of primary and secondary data. In the study, data
from Aliyah class students as primary data. While from the ustāẓ who teach in class, the
parties who manage the Islamic Boarding School, documents and other records as
secondary data. Primary data in this study were obtained from respondents consisting of
students of Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding
School West Bandung through tests. While secondary is data related to research problems.
Application of Discovery Learning Model in Class 1 Aliyah Darul Falah
Islamic Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School West
The application of the discovery learning model was carried out in two different
Islamic boarding schools by looking at the results of questionnaire answers that had been
distributed to each student of the class 1 Aliyah experimental group, Darul Falah Islamic
Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School, West Bandung. The
results of the research questionnaire were analyzed and produced an overview of the
application of the discovery learning model as follows:
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
223 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Table 1 Results of the research questionnaire
Islamic boarding schools darul
falah bandung barat
Islamic boarding schools al-
mukhtariyah bandung barat
Mean angket kedua Islamic Boarding
Based on the recapitulation table above, it can be seen that the application of the
discovery learning model in Class 1 aliyah of Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School
obtained a mean of 93.65% which is in the very good category, and Class 1 aliyah of Al-
Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School West Bandung got a mean of 90.46% which is in
the very good category. The average score of the two classes obtained a mean value of
92.055% which has a very good interpretation.
This can be seen from the results of the analysis of each step of applying the
discovery learning model. Therefore, the discovery learning model is very suitable to be
applied in the Islamic boarding school to the subjects of the book of Embroidery Al-Taufīq.
This is as described by Surur & Oktavia (2019) dan Dahar (2011) That the use of the
discovery learning model is suitable to be used to provide flexibility for students to search,
and find information in the form of concepts and principles, also emphasizes the activeness
of students in exploring learning experiences independently.
Of course, the successful application of this discovery learning model cannot be
separated from the steps designed and carried out by Ustāẓ at Darul Falah Islamic Boarding
School and Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School West Bandung, these steps are as
follows :
a. Stimulation
The provision of stimuli is carried out by Ustāẓ at the beginning of learning
starting before entering the learning material or discussion, these stimuli are given in
the form of stories or pictures that are still unclear, thus fostering students' curiosity and
curiosity about the phenomena shown by the ustāẓ. This stimulation activity is in line
with what is conveyed by Kumala & Rohman (2020) that this stimulation encourages
independence and learning initiative by students. This stimulus activity continues to the
point where the student has poured out all his feelings of heat with various questions
and assumptions about the story or picture given by the ustāẓ. Santri tries to find for
himself various information about the phenomena given by the ustā related to the
subject matter to be studied. So the next process is usually done in groups so that the
task of the ustāẓ is more as a facilitator and guide for the students (Mu’allimah, 2014).
b. problem statement.
This is because one of the main characteristics of the discovery learning model
is exploring and solving problems to create, combine and generalize knowledge
(Kristin, 2016). This activity focuses on determining the problems that arise from the
students themselves, namely from the questions previously asked so that they are then
accommodated and selected questions that will be raised into a problem and answers or
solutions are sought. Baharun (2017) call the above activities with the term Self
The Application of the Discovery Learning Model in
Improving Religious Understanding of Students in the
Lessons of the Book of Sulam Al-Taufīq
Abdul Mun’im Amaly, Supiana, Tedi Priatna, Karman
discovery learning, that is; learning through their own discovery, through searching by
finding their own problems that must be learned and solved. For this reason, the
involvement of students in learning is very important and determines the success of
c. data collection
At this stage, students will try to reach the data and information needed in order
to solve problems or questions that have been asked or set before. This encourages an
active and massive thinking pattern because it is not easy to mix and match data,
information, and other sources of study needed.
Santri does collect data related to the problem to be solved, but still needs to be
supervised by the process by Ustāẓ or according to Munir (2020) The form of control
was supervision. The learning evaluation used other supplement books or diaries, That
is, the form of control is supervision. Evaluate learning using supplementary books or
other diaries. This supervision is carried out by checking data by ustāẓ to students, ustāẓ
always assigns students to record in sequence the supporting data needed in a book,
whether the data is in the form of texts from books and other sources, from interviews
with sources or others, so that the data collected is archived properly and clearly.
d. Data processing
M. Hosnan added that in this condition students will rearrange various data and
information that they have collected both from observations, interviews, and reviews of
various literature, in order to answer statements or temporary answers to the problems
being studied. As a result, students not only learn the subject matter in the book of
Embroidery Al-Taufīq but also explore various existing knowledge and sources, making
students have a deep understanding and broader insight (Kumala & Rohman, 2020).
e. Verification
The analytical ability of students is really tested at this stage because it is not
enough just to be able to find various data or information and know that the answer
exists, but not be able to check the truth of the answers that have been found, in this
case students are led to identify what they want to know then students organize or form
(constructive) what is known and understood into the final form (Cintia et al., 2018;
Mu’allimah, 2014). The purpose of this final form is that the answers that have been
checked for correctness are analyzing various data and information with various
appropriate literature, so that the answers determined are valid answers.
f. Generalization
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
225 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Table 2 Discovery learning model steps on learning kitab Sulam Al-Taufīq di
Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah and Islamic Boarding School Al-
Mukhtariyah Bandung Barat
Opening with prayer
Santri prayer
Linking learning material
with students' experiences
regarding previous material
Santri relates material to
experiences in everyday life
Ask questions that have
something to do with the
material to be studied
Santri asks questions related to
the material to be studied
Provide an overview of the
benefits of learning the
material to be learned in
everyday life
Santri listened to the teacher's
explanation about the benefits of
learning learning material
Deliver learning objectives
Santri listens to learning
Explain the mechanism of
learning implementation in
accordance with the steps of
the discovery learning model
Santri listened to the learning
mechanism based on discovery
learning steps
Ustāẓ motivates to focus on
the topics of duty for the
mukalaf, prayer, zakat,
fasting, buying and selling,
apostasy, immorality and
Santri observes ustāẓ
explanations regarding
obligations for the mukalaf,
prayer, zakat, fasting, buying
and selling, apostasy,
immorality and repentance.
Santri conducts literacy in class
/ outside the classroom by
reading books or other sources
related to the material to be
studied then writing down the
results of his observations
Ustāẓ gives the student the
opportunity to dialogue
individually or in groups
either with friends on the side,
front, back or others related to
writing, gambar yang
diperlihatkan ustāẓ
Santri conducts dialogue with
oneself, his friend or others
regarding writing, or pictures or
those shown by the Ustāẓ
Ustāẓ meminta santri untuk
mengumpulkan data atau
informasi terkait materi
Santri mengumpulkan data atau
informasi terkait materi
kewajiban bagi orang mukalaf,
The Application of the Discovery Learning Model in
Improving Religious Understanding of Students in the
Lessons of the Book of Sulam Al-Taufīq
Abdul Mun’im Amaly, Supiana, Tedi Priatna, Karman
Opening with prayer
Santri prayer
Linking learning material
with students' experiences
regarding previous material
Santri relates material to
experiences in everyday life
Ask questions that have
something to do with the
material to be studied
Santri asks questions related to
the material to be studied
Provide an overview of the
benefits of learning the
material to be learned in
everyday life
Santri listened to the teacher's
explanation about the benefits of
learning learning material
Deliver learning objectives
Santri listens to learning
Explain the mechanism of
learning implementation in
accordance with the steps of
the discovery learning model
Santri listened to the learning
mechanism based on discovery
learning steps
kewajiban bagi orang
mukalaf, shalat, zakat, puasa,
jual beli, murtad, maksiat dan
Serta analisis dari data
shalat, zakat, puasa, jual beli,
murtad, maksiat dan taubat.
Serta menganalisis data
Ustāẓ memberi kesempatan
kepada santri untuk
menjelaskan temuan dan
analisisnya mengenai
kewajiban bagi orang
mukalaf, shalat, zakat, puasa,
jual beli, murtad, maksiat dan
Santri secara individu
mempresentasikan hasil temuan
dan analisisnya mengenai
kewajiban bagi orang mukalaf,
shalat, zakat, puasa, jual beli,
murtad, maksiat dan taubat.
Ustāẓ mengamati,
memberikan masukan dan
mengelaborasi presentasi dari
santri mengenai kewajiban
bagi orang mukalaf, shalat,
zakat, puasa, jual beli, murtad,
maksiat dan taubat.
Ustāẓ with the students concludes the lesson
Ustāẓ reflections with students
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
227 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Opening with prayer
Santri prayer
Linking learning material
with students' experiences
regarding previous material
Santri relates material to
experiences in everyday life
Ask questions that have
something to do with the
material to be studied
Santri asks questions related to
the material to be studied
Provide an overview of the
benefits of learning the
material to be learned in
everyday life
Santri listened to the teacher's
explanation about the benefits of
learning learning material
Deliver learning objectives
Santri listens to learning
Explain the mechanism of
learning implementation in
accordance with the steps of
the discovery learning model
Santri listened to the learning
mechanism based on discovery
learning steps
Closing the lesson with a prayer
Religious Understanding of Class 1 Students Aliyah Islamic Boarding School
Darul Falah and Islamic Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung
Using the Discovery Learning Model
Tabel 3 Rekapitulasi Pemahaman Keagamaan Santri Kelas 1 Aliyah Islamic
Boarding School Darul Falah dan Islamic Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah
Bandung Barat dengan Menggunakan Model Discovery Learning
Mean pre
Mean post
Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah
Bandung Barat
The Application of the Discovery Learning Model in
Improving Religious Understanding of Students in the
Lessons of the Book of Sulam Al-Taufīq
Abdul Mun’im Amaly, Supiana, Tedi Priatna, Karman
Islamic Boarding School Al-
Mukhtariyah Bandung Barat
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the religious understanding of
students after using the discovery learning model has increased significantly. The
acquisition of the mean pre-test score of class 1 aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul
Falah West Bandung of 52.39 was in the less category and experienced an increase
(gain) of 30.46 so that the mean post test value of 82.85 was in the high category.
Class 1 aliyah Islamic Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung obtained
a mean pre-test score of 43.57 which was in the sufficient category and increased (gain)
of 32.3 so that the mean post lest value of 75.87 was obtained in the sufficient category.
The above facts show that the use of the discovery learning model can
significantly increase the religious understanding of students. This is because the
application of the discovery learning model is combined with approaches, strategies
and methods that are appropriate and in accordance with the discovery learning model.
In its implementation, the ustad uses a scientific approach, this approach allows for an
increase in the religious understanding of students because it emphasizes students to
learn through scientific stages, namely observing, questioning, collecting data,
associating, and communicating (Maesaroh, Mukaromah, Budiman, & Lokasari, 2021).
The steps described in the scientific approach support learning as described in the
discovery learning model, with this approach students must try to find and formulate
findings that have been processed which then become an answer or solution to the
problem that is part of the material being studied. The strategy that can be applied in
accordance with the discovery learning model is the inquiry learning strategy, which is
a series of learning activities that emphasize the process of thinking critically and
analytically to find and find the answer to a problem asked by yourself (Maesaroh et al.,
This strategy is suitable for use in the discovery learning model, because in the
learning process emphasizes the ability to think critically and analyze the findings that
have been obtained by students, so that the results of the learning carried out will
sharpen students' understanding of the material being studied.
While methods relevant to the discovery learning model can use the discussion
method, the discussion method is a way of delivering learning materials that provide
opportunities for students to collect opinions, make conclusions or compile various
alternative problem solving (Nasution, 2017). Can also use troubleshooting methods.
The two methods are combined to complete the syntax framework of the discovery
learning model.
The choice of method is seen from the core purpose of the discovery learning
model, namely students who seek answers from various existing sources which are then
cumulatively verified answers or correctness. The search process is a form of discussion
and problem-solving method, students try to solve problems that have been given by
educators as an initial stimulus in the learning process, then students discuss the steps
that must be taken and from which source of the solution, can discuss with their friends,
upperclassmen, or other teachers. This discussion process will continue until students
find answers to problems stimulated by educators.
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
229 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
The religious understanding of students is tested by giving questions as many as
28 items, based on the dimension of religious knowledge, which is a dimension that
explains how far a person knows about the teachings of his religion, especially those in
any other holy book. At the very least, a religious person should know the basics of
beliefs, rites, scriptures and traditions. This dimension in Islam includes knowledge of
the contents of the Qur'an, the main teachings that must be believed and implemented,
Islamic law and understanding of the scientific rules of Islamic economics / Islamic
banking (Ancok & Suroso, 2008).
This study focuses on the dimension of religious knowledge because religious
knowledge can be measured clearly, and a person's religious understanding can be
measured from religious knowledge whose object itself is religious beliefs, practices
and consequences derived from the book he studied at the Islamic Boarding School,
namely in this study is the book of Embroidery Al-Taufīq.
To be able to measure religious knowledge, a person is said to understand if he
can construct the meaning of learning messages, in this case the study of the book of
Embroidery Al-Taufīq is related to the science of creed or tawhid, jurisprudence and
Sufism. At that time he can connect new knowledge and old knowledge. It can combine
new knowledge with existing cognitive schemes and frameworks.
As for this study, indicators of religious understanding take and focus on what
Anderson & Krathwohl (2010) convey that understanding this includes seven processes,
Table 4 Recapitulation of Answers to the Religious Understanding Test for Class 1
Class 1 Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah and Islamic Boarding School
Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung Based on Religious Understanding Indicators
Other names
Change the shape of a
picture like a number to
another form into words
illustrate, set an
Find examples or
illustrations of concepts
or principles
categorize, group
Define something in a
Extract, extrapolate,
interpolate, predict
Making logical
conclusions from the
information received
Abstract a common
theme or point
Describe, Create a
Create a cause-and-
effect model in a
Compare, Contrast,
Map, Match
Determine the
relationship between
two ideas, two objects
and such
The Application of the Discovery Learning Model in
Improving Religious Understanding of Students in the
Lessons of the Book of Sulam Al-Taufīq
Abdul Mun’im Amaly, Supiana, Tedi Priatna, Karman
Based on the table above, to find out the level of religious understanding of
students in learning the book of Embroidery Al-Taufīq at the Islamic Boarding School,
can be done by asking questions related to learning or in the form of tests. The test is
used to find out how much religious understanding students have about the material
delivered by the ustāẓ in the learning process.
Religious Understanding of Class 1 Students Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul
Falah and Islamic Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung Using Non
Discovery Learning Model
Table 5 Recapitulation of Religious Understanding of Class 1 Students Aliyah
Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah and Islamic Boarding School Al-
Mukhtariyah West Bandung Using Non Discovery Learning Model
Mean pre
Mean post
Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah
Bandung Barat
Islamic Boarding School Al-
Mukhtariyah Bandung Barat
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the religious understanding of
students after using the non-discovery learning model has increased with the moderate
category. The acquisition of the mean pre-test score for class 1 aliyah Islamic Boarding
School Darul Falah West Bandung was 58.44 and increased (gain) by 11.78 so that the
mean post test value of 70.22 was in the sufficient category. Class 1 aliyah Islamic
Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung obtained a mean pre-test score of
51.22 and an increase (gain) of 9.43 so that a mean post lest score of 60.65 was obtained
with sufficient category.
The above facts show that the use of non-discovery learning models can increase
students' religious understanding, it's just that the increase is not as high as students'
religious understanding if using the discovery learning model. This is because the
application of the non-discovery learning model is not combined with approaches,
strategies, and methods that allow students to develop their religious understanding or
still use the conventional learning model
Differences in Santri Religious Understanding Using the Discovery Learning
Model with the Non-Discovery Learning Model in the Subjects of Kitab Sulam
Al-Taufīq at Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah and Islamic Boarding
School Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung
a. Increasing Religious Understanding of Class 1 Students of Aliyah Islamic
Boarding School Darul Falah West Bandung after Using the Discovery
Learning Model with the Non Discovery Learning Model
The percentage of increase in religious understanding of Class 1 students
of Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah West Bandung can be seen
from the average score (mean) of the pre-test score, post-test score, gain, and gain
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
231 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
score between the experimental group and the control group. The following table is
the difference in the mean values of the experimental class group and the control
Table 6 Differences in Mean Scores of Pre Test Scores, Post Test Scores, Gains, and
Gain Scores of Religious Understanding Between the Experimental Group and the
Control Group of Class 1 Students Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah
West Bandung
Experimental Class
Control Class
Nilai Mean
Nilai Mean
Pre test
Post test
Gain Score
Pre test
Post test
Gain Score
The results of the table analysis above concluded that for the experimental class,
the mean pre-test value was 52.39, while the mean post-test value was 82.85, which is
included in the high category. The next score is the mean gain value of the experimental
class of 30.46 with a gain score of 0.64 which is included in the fairly high category.
As for the control class, the mean pre-test value was 58.44 and the mean post-test
value was 70.22, including in the good category.
The next gain is the average value (mean) gain of the control class using a non-
discovery learning model obtained a figure of 11.78 with a gain score of 0.26. Perolch
this figure gives an interpretation including in medium categories. When viewed from
the increase in each class, it can be obtained by 6.4% for the experimental class group
using the discovery learning model and a value of 2.6% for the control class group
using the non-discovery learning model.
Thus, it can be concluded that the increase in religious understanding of Class 1
Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah West Bandung students for the
experimental class is higher than that of the control class. This means that learning the
book of Embroidery Al-Taufīq using the discovery learning model is proven to increase
the religious understanding of students.
This difference can be seen from the percentage table of increasing religious
understanding of Class 1 Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah students in West
Bandung as follows:
Table 7 Percentage of Religious Understanding of Class 1 Students Aliyah Islamic
Boarding School Darul Falah West Bandung After Using the Discovery Learning
Model and Using the Non Discovery Learning Model
Group Eksperimental
Group Control
Quite high
Quite high
Very high
Very high
From the table above, it can be seen that there is a significant difference between
the religious understanding of grade 1 students of Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul
Falah West Bandung after using the discovery learning model and using the non-
discovery learning model.
The Application of the Discovery Learning Model in
Improving Religious Understanding of Students in the
Lessons of the Book of Sulam Al-Taufīq
Abdul Mun’im Amaly, Supiana, Tedi Priatna, Karman
The religious understanding of students in the experimental group was dominated
by the fairly high category of 69.7% while the rest was in the medium category of
30.3%. The religious understanding of the control group students was dominated by the
medium category of 92.59%, while the rest were in the fairly high category of 7.40%
The explanation above shows that the experimental group has a better percentage
of religious understanding compared to the control group, this can be seen from the
percentage in the experimental group which is dominated by the fairly high category
while the control group is dominated by the medium category. Even the control group
almost approached 100% of the level of religious understanding of students in the
medium category.
b. Increasing Religious Understanding of Class 1 Students Aliyah Islamic Boarding
School Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung after Using the Discovery Learning Model
with a Non Discovery Learning Model
Table 8 Differences in Mean Scores of Pre Test Scores, Post Test Scores, Gains, and
Gain Scores of Religious Understanding Between the Experimental Group and the
Control Group of Class 1 Students Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah
West Bandung
Experimental Class
Control Class
Nilai Mean
Nilai Mean
Pre test
Post test
Gain Score
Pre test
Post test
Gain Score
The results of the table analysis above concluded that for the experimental class, the
mean pre-test value was 43.57, while the mean post-test value was obtained at 75.87,
which is included in the sufficient category. The next score is the mean gain value of the
experimental class of 32.3 with a gain score of 0.57 which is included in the fairly high
As for the control class, the mean pre-test value was 51.22 and the mean post-test
value was obtained at 60.65, including in the good category. The next gain is the mean
gain value of the control class using a non-discovery learning model obtained a figure of
9.43 with a gain score of 0.21. Obtaining this figure gives an interpretation including the
medium category.
When viewed from the increase in each class, a value of 5.7% can be obtained for
the experimental class group using the discovery learning model and a value of 2.1% for
the control class group using the non-discovery learning model.
Thus, it can be concluded that the increase in religious understanding of Class 1
Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung students for the
experimental class is higher than that of the control class. This means that learning the book
of Embroidery Al-Taufīq using the discovery learning model is proven to increase the
religious understanding of students.
This difference can be seen from the percentage table of increasing religious
understanding of Class 1 Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah students in West
Bandung as follows:
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
233 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Table 9 Percentage of Religious Understanding of Class 1 Students Aliyah Islamic
Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung After Using the Discovery
Learning Model and Using the Non Discovery Learning Model
Group eksperimental
Group control
Very high
Very high
Based on the results of the increase in the table above, it can be seen that the religious
understanding of grade 1 students of Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah and
Islamic Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung has increased higher than the
increase in religious understanding of students using the Non-Discovery Learning Model.
This is because the use of the Discovery Learning Model is a comprehensive learning
model so that it can achieve learning objectives optimally.
The above facts are as explained by Nurdyansyah & Fahyuni (2016) That this
learning model maximizes student understanding and emphasizes the active role of students
in building understanding and obtaining information. So that the difference in significant
improvement between the experimental group and the control group becomes reasonable
because the experimental class gets treatment that can encourage increased understanding,
namely by using a dicovery learning model.
This is confirmed by Rahmat (2018), Cintia et al., (2018), Mu’allimah (2014),
Kumala & Rohman (2020) which states that this dicovery learning model does not
emphasize students to be able to master the material directly but rather emphasizes their
understanding, structural understanding of a discipline through active involvement of
students in the learning process.
Based on this presentation, it can be concluded that the application of the dicovery
learning model in the study of the book of Embroidery Al-Taufīq can increase the religious
understanding of students rather than learning the book of Embroidery Al-Taufīq without
applying the model of dicovery learning. .
Hasil perhitungan di atas untuk variabel X penerapan model discovery learning di
kelas 1 Aliyah Islamic Boarding School darul falah bandung barat dari 6 indikator
diperoleh nilai 91,31% + 93,94% + 93,94% + 93,45% + 95,08% + 94,14% = 561,87% : 6
= 93,65%. Angka 93,65% menunjukkan nilai interpretasi sangat baik sebab berada pada
interval nomor 5 dengan rentang 84,00 100%. Hal ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa
penerapan model discovery learning pada pelajaran kitab Sulam Al-Taufīq di kelas 1
Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul Falah Bandung Barat merupakan model
pembelajaran yang tepat untuk diterapkan. Hasil perhitungan di atas untuk variabel X
penerapan model discovery learning di kelas 1 Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Al-
Mukhtariyah bandung barat dari 6 indikator diperoleh nilai 91,45% + 93,91% + 88,12% +
86,61% + 91,69% + 90,72% = 542,50% : 6 = 90,42%. Angka 90,42% menunjukkan nilai
interpretasi sangat baik sebab berada pada interval nomor 5 dengan rentang nilai 84,00
100%. Hal ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa penerapan model discovery learning pada
The Application of the Discovery Learning Model in
Improving Religious Understanding of Students in the
Lessons of the Book of Sulam Al-Taufīq
Abdul Mun’im Amaly, Supiana, Tedi Priatna, Karman
pelajaran kitab Sulam Al-Taufīq di kelas 1 Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Al-
Mukhtariyah Bandung Barat merupakan model pembelajaran yang tepat untuk
diteraPemahaman keagamaan santri setelah menggunakan model discovery learning
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Boarding School Al-Mukhtariyah Bandung Barat memperoleh nilai mean pre test sebesar
43,57 yang berada pada kategori cukup dan mengalami peningkatan (gain) sebesar 32,3
sehingga diperoleh nilai mean post lest sebesar 75,87 dengan kategori cukup
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