Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
221 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
can make it easier for students to understand the material they are learning. The results of
their research are the reason for the discovery learning model to be applied in Islamic
boarding schools, because it will be able to improve students' understanding of the books
they learn.
The Islamic boarding schools that became the location of the study, namely Darul
Falah Islamic Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung experienced the same
problem, namely that students did not understand the material from the books they
studied. Various ways have been done by Islamic boarding schools to make students
understand the material from the books studied optimally but still do not show
compatibility between the results obtained and their expectations.
Based on preliminary studies in the form of interviews at Darul Falah Islamic
Boarding School and Al-Mukhtariyah West Bandung, there are several problems that
often arise, including ustāẓ problems in applying learning models, and understanding of
students (Studi Pendahuluan, 24 Februari 2022, 10 Maret 2022).
The model used by ustāẓ in learning in both Islamic boarding schools is a teacher-
oriented model, which is a model that focuses learning on educators, in this case ustāẓ,
combined with the sorogan and balagan or weton methods, ideally if the ustāẓ has applied
this model and learning method, the understanding of students increases because students
receive a full explanation of the material from the current book he learned. However, what
happens is that 35% of students have an understanding of the book they are studying
below average, as can be seen from the exam results at Darul Falah Islamic Boarding
School and interviews with administrators at Al-Mukhtariyah Islamic Boarding School
(Preliminary Study, February 24, 2022, March 10, 2022).
This is seen during learning, students do not respond and play an active role in
learning, students have difficulty mentioning the material content of the book they are
studying causing students' understanding and learning outcomes for the subjects of the
book of Embroidery Al-Taufīq are not optimal (Preliminary Study, February 24, 2022).
The problems mentioned above are certainly influenced by various factors
including: (1) understanding-based learning has not been optimally applied, this is
characterized by at the end of learning ustāẓ does not provide reinforcement or verification
to students, (2) ustāẓ does not want to be difficult in teaching material to students. (3)
Ustāẓ's knowledge of low comprehension-based learning has an impact on students' lack
of understanding of the books they study, this is seen from ustāẓ lacking examples and
focusing only on the books studied (Preliminary Study, 24 February 2022).
As for articles related to this research such as: Surur & Oktavia (2019), The research
they conducted on the discovery learning model had an impact on understanding concepts
in exact matter, namely mathematics. Articles written by (Cintia et al., 2018; Nugrahaeni,
Redhana, & Kartawan, 2017; Sa’diyah & Dwikurnaningsih, 2019), Conduct research on
discovery learning models that have an impact on the ability to submit problems, critical
/ creative thinking, mathematical resilience and student learning outcomes. Articles
written by Khoiruddin (2020) Firmansyah & Romelah (2022) Conduct research on
discovery learning models that have an impact on student learning motivation and student
independence. Articles written by (Ardyansyah & Fitriani, 2020; Kumala & Rohman,
2020; Madrasah, Mafatihul, Cirebon, & Saefuloh, 2019; Rahman, 2021; Widodo, Abidah,
Fahmi, & Chebaiki, 2021), Conduct research on discovery learning models associated
with Arabic or part of Arabic science in general.
The discovery learning model that was once researched oleh Silvia Fitriani (2021),
Surur & Oktavia (2019), Yerimadesi (2018), Lilik Ariyanto (2018), Cintia et al. (2018),
Sa’diyah & Dwikurnaningsih (2019), Nugrahaeni et al. (2017), Khoiruddin (2020), serta
Firmansyah dan Romelah (2022) all of them focus on the locus of research in formal