249 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
Uliy Iffah, Novi Aulia Driza, Nurul Aminah, Dina Taufia, Henni Fitria
Universitas Andalas
Email: uliyiff[email protected]
Muscle Relaxation
Background: Elderly health is an increasingly urgent aspect in today's social dynamics.
With the increasing number of elderly people in the population, healthcare challenges
specific to them are increasingly important to discover.
Purpose: This study aims to analyze Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy to Lower
High Blood Pressure in the Elderly Through Community Service
Method: A series of activities were carried out in several stages, with active
participation from the elderly
Results: The results are in line with previous research that has also shown the
effectiveness of this therapy in lowering blood pressure and relieving stress in the elderly
population. Increased understanding of progressive muscle relaxation therapy is an
important first step in the management of high blood pressure. Participants who better
understand these relaxation techniques can use them as aids to maintain their health in
the long term.
Conclusion: Community service by applying progressive muscle relaxation therapy
has proven its benefits in lowering high blood pressure in the elderly. Increased
understanding of this therapy, decreased blood pressure, and increased feelings of
relaxation are encouraging results
Elderly health is an increasingly urgent aspect in today's social dynamics. With the
increasing number of elderly people in the population, health care challenges specific to
them are increasingly important to discover. One of the main problems often faced by the
elderly is high blood pressure, or hypertension. (National Institute on Aging., 2020).
Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other serious health
complications in the elderly (American Heart Association, 2023)
In this context, progressive muscle relaxation therapy is emerging as an attractive
option (Saleh, 2023). This therapy has been found effective in lowering blood pressure and
reducing stress, which are two factors that play a role in the well-being of the elderly.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy to Lower High
Blood Pressure in the Elderly Through Community
Service Midwifery Lecturer Unand
Uliy Iffah, Novi Aulia Driza, Nurul Aminah, Dina Taufia, Henni Fitria
Progressive muscle relaxation therapy involves exercises that aim to gradually relax the
muscles of the body, creating a feeling of relaxation and tranquility (Jernigan, A. M., &
Iturbe, 2021)
However, in the context of our community, understanding of the benefits of
progressive muscle relaxation therapy is still limited, and its implementation as a
preventive measure against high blood pressure in the elderly is also not widespread.
Therefore, the presence of progressive muscle relaxation therapy as part of community
service activities becomes very relevant. By filling this research gap, we can make a
significant contribution to improving the quality of life of the elderly in our communities.
In this article, we will explore the concept of progressive muscle relaxation therapy
Wijaya & Nurhidayati, (2020), Highlighting the importance of contributing community
service activities, and setting our main goal in carrying out service activities that focus on
the application of this therapy in order to reduce high blood pressure in the elderly.
Location and Series of Activities
This community service activity was carried out at the Lubuk Buaya Health Center,
Koto Tangah District, Padang. A series of activities were carried out in several stages, with
active participation from the elderly.
Materials and Tools
In the implementation of progressive muscle relaxation therapy, we use several
materials and tools, including:
1. Recording Tools
We use sound recording devices to record sessions of progressive muscle
relaxation therapy. This is done so that participants can monitor their own progress
during therapy sessions and as an evaluation tool for continuous improvement.
2. Therapy Room
We provide a special therapy room that is comfortable and quiet, with furniture
that promotes relaxation, such as ergonomic chairs and soft lighting.
3. Audio Equipment
We use audio equipment to play progressive muscle relaxation therapy guides
during sessions. This guide contains step-by-step instructions on how to tighten and
release certain muscles in the body. (Green, B. L., 2019; Williams, B., 2018)
Activity Implementation
Community service activities begin with socialization to the community about the
benefits of progressive muscle relaxation therapy. We organize training sessions for the
elderly and those caring for them to understand the basic techniques of this therapy. After
the training, we hold periodic group therapy sessions.
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
251 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Figure 1 extension activities
The therapy session begins with an audio guide that guides participants to tone and
then release their muscles in the right way. The session is conducted in a calm and attentive
Figure 2 guides participants to Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy
Data Collection Methods
Data is collected in several ways, among other things (Wekke, 2022):
1. Observations: We observed participants during therapy sessions to note changes in
relaxation levels and blood pressure levels.
2. Interviews: We conduct interviews with participants before and after therapy sessions
to gather information about the changes they feel.
3. Blood Pressure Measurement: The participants' blood pressure was measured before
and after the therapy session with an appropriate device.
Data Processing and Analysis
The collected data is analyzed with the help of statistical software. We used
descriptive statistical methods to analyze changes in blood pressure levels and relaxation
levels before and after therapy sessions. In addition, we also conducted a qualitative
analysis of interviews and observational notes to understand the impact of progressive
muscle relaxation therapy on participants (Vivi Silvia, 2020).
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy to Lower High
Blood Pressure in the Elderly Through Community
Service Midwifery Lecturer Unand
Uliy Iffah, Novi Aulia Driza, Nurul Aminah, Dina Taufia, Henni Fitria
With this method, we hope to document the effectiveness of progressive muscle
relaxation therapy in lowering high blood pressure in the elderly and provide a better
understanding of its benefits in elderly health care.
Results of Community Service Activities
In order to carry out community service activities with a focus on the application of
progressive muscle relaxation therapy to reduce high blood pressure in the elderly, we
managed to achieve significant results. These results are discussed in the following key
1. Increased Understanding of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy
After training and therapy sessions, participants showed increased understanding
of progressive muscle relaxation therapy. They can identify the muscles they need to
relax and understand their benefits for lowering blood pressure.
2. Blood Pressure Drop
Hasil pengukuran tekanan darah menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan setelah
peserta mengikuti sesi terapi relaksasi otot progresif. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa
terapi ini efektif dalam menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi pada lansia.
3. Increased Feelings of Relaxation and Well-Being
Participants reported feeling more relaxed and comfortable after the therapy
sessions. They also noted improved sleep quality and decreased stress levels.
The implementation of progressive muscle relaxation therapy as part of community
service activities has had a positive impact on the elderly in our community. The results
are in line with previous research that has also shown the effectiveness of this therapy in
lowering blood pressure and relieving stress in the elderly population (Hughes, J. W.,
Increased understanding of progressive muscle relaxation therapy is an important
first step in the management of high blood pressure. Participants who better understand
these relaxation techniques can use them as aids to maintain their health in the long term
(Bress et al., 2017; Karang & Rizal, 2017).
A significant drop in blood pressure is also a very positive result. In a society where
heart disease and stroke are major health problems, tackling high blood pressure is an
important priority (Pal, G. K., & Velkumary, 2018). This therapy opens the door to a more
natural and holistic approach in maintaining the health of the elderly.
Although the results were positive, there are some limitations to note. This activity
is limited by the number of participants involved, and the long-term impact of this therapy
still needs to be studied. In addition, the sustainability of these activities requires ongoing
resources and commitment from the community.
The recommendation for similar community service activities is to expand the scope
to more elderly in the community and involve more volunteers in its implementation
(Wiyasihati, Setiawan, Rejeki, & Irwadi, 2023). In addition, collecting long-term data on
the effects of progressive muscle relaxation therapy on the elderly will help provide a better
understanding of its long-term benefits (Rahayu, Hayati, & Asih, 2020).
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Maret 2024
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
253 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Figure 3. Documentation of community service activities
Community service by applying progressive muscle relaxation therapy has proven
its benefits in lowering high blood pressure in the elderly. Increased understanding of this
therapy, decreased blood pressure, and increased feelings of relaxation are encouraging
results. In an effort to maintain the health of the elderly, progressive muscle relaxation
therapy deserves to be considered as an important part of comprehensive health care.
Through this community service activity, we can conclude that the application of
progressive muscle relaxation therapy has a positive impact in reducing high blood pressure
in the elderly. Participants of the activity managed to increase their understanding of this
therapy and felt significant changes in their level of relaxation and well-being.
Progressive muscle relaxation therapy is a natural and effective approach to
managing high blood pressure in the elderly. This has the potential to reduce the risk of
heart disease, stroke, and other health complications that often pose a serious threat to the
American Heart Association. (2023). Managing High Blood Pressure.
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Green, B. L., Et Al. (2019). Mind-Body Practices: An Alternative, Drug-Free Treatment
For Hypertension In Low Socioeconomic Status African American Urban Women.
Journal Of Health Disparities Research And Practice, 12(3), 99108.
Hughes, J. W., Et Al. (2023). Randomized Controlled Trial Of Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction For Prehypertension. Psychosomatic Medicine, 75(8), 721728.
Jernigan, A. M., & Iturbe, M. L. (2021). The Use Of Progressive Muscle Relaxation For
Patients In A Clinical Setting. Journal Of Psychiatric Nursing, 7 (4), 196199.
Karang, Maria Theodorin Agnes J., & Rizal, Ahmad. (2017). Efektifitas Terapi Relaksasi
Otot Progresif Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia Dengan Hipertensi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan Indonesia, 7(04), 339345.
National Institute On Aging. (2020). High Blood Pressure.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy to Lower High
Blood Pressure in the Elderly Through Community
Service Midwifery Lecturer Unand
Uliy Iffah, Novi Aulia Driza, Nurul Aminah, Dina Taufia, Henni Fitria
Pal, G. K., & Velkumary, S. (2018). Effect Of Short-Term Practice Of Pranayamic
Breathing Exercises On Cognition, Anxiety, General Well-Being And Quality Of Life
In Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Journal Of Clinical
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Rahayu, Sri Mulyati, Hayati, Nur Intan, & Asih, Sandra Lantika. (2020). Pengaruh Teknik
Relaksasi Otot Progresif Terhadap Tekanan Darah Lansia Dengan Hipertensi. Media
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Saleh, Lalu Muhammad. (2023). Manajemen Teknik Relaksasi Otot Progresif Pada Atc.
Vivi Silvia, S. E. (2020). Statistika Deskriptif. Penerbit Andi.
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Williams, B., Et Al. (2018). (2018). 2018 Esc/Esh Guidelines For The Management Of
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Wiyasihati, Sundari Indah, Setiawan, Hayuris Kinandita, Rejeki, Purwo Sri, & Irwadi,
Irfiansyah. (2023). Kampanye" Ayo Bergerak!": Edukasi Dan Stimulasi Latihan Fisik
Pada Lansia. Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat, 7(1).
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