210 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
VOL 2 NO 2 2022
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
Theodore Wibisono Rumpak
, Muhammad Fahmi Faturrahman
, Kevin Ramadhan
Yusuf Akmal Agam
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Multidisciplinary Faculty of Advanced Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Corresponding Author : Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin
, theorerumpak@gmail.com, faturrahman12@gmail.com
Article Info :
Received : January, 17
Disetujui : February, 10
Dipublikasikan : February, 15
Digital Era,
Society Era,
Background : The Digital Era 4.0 is a new phase in the industrial era that focuses on
automation, interconnectivity, machine learning, real time data and automation. Purpose :
Various countries have prepared and are willing to complete in the digital 4.0 era, so not
many countries face various problems. Method : on the learning citizenship, this relates to
the era of society 5.0 where the two don’t have much difference. Result : The world
community is required to possess the ability to solve complex problems , think critically and
ambiguity. So with the presence of era society 5.0 , it can be a solution.The principle is based
on the role of humans who live side by side with technology. Conclusion : So that humans
balance real time data between economic progress with solving various social problems
using a system that connects the real world with the virtual world.
The virtual technology or usually known as the industrial Revolution which is
presently entering degree 4.0 (Lasi, Fettke, Kemper, Feld, & Hoffmann, 2014). The first
industrial Revolution started with the appearance of steam power, mechanization and
hydropower which came about around the 18th and 19th centuries (Bruland & Smith,
2013). This mechanization turned into then accompanied by means of the second one
commercial revolution, which changed into worried with mass manufacturing and meeting
traces the use of strength (Rodgers, 2014). in the meantime, the industrial revolution is
related to the improvement of electronics, records generation systems, and automation,
which leads to the fourth business revolution, particularly the development of cyber
physical systems. every other time period for the industrial Revolution 4.0 is the era of
The development of virtual generation in the modern industrial technology 4.0 has
delivered changes and endorsed diverse factors of human lifestyles, along with within the
area of schooling (Sima, Gheorghe, Subić, & Nancu, 2020). Hoyles and Lagrange (2010)
assert that virtual era is the aspect that maximizes the influence of the education system in
Citizenship Education In Defending Nationalism In
The Digital 4.0 Era To Face The Society 5.0 Era
Theodore Wibisono Rumpak, Muhammad Fahmi Faturrahman, Kevin Ramadhan
dan Yusuf Akmal Agam 211
the world these days (Maher & Sigley, 2020). This is because of the elements of
effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness provided by way of virtual technology-based
totally gaining knowledge of the era of the commercial revolution 4.0 became marked via
the development of the net of things which penetrated in numerous fields of people's lives
today (Serdyukov, 2017). One of them is in the field of education. Therefore, there are
several efforts that need to be made, curriculum revitalization, proper use of information
The manifestation of the Society 5.0 era makes humans as the main component in
the development of life which is followed by advances in technology and information.
Industry 4.0 and society 5.0 pose great challenges to the global community, including the
people of Indonesia (Gladden, 2019). It is necessary to design and implement learning in
accordance with the demands of industry 4.0, or what is often called the disruptive era, and
society 5.0 (Narvaez Rojas, Alomia Peñafiel, Loaiza Buitrago, & Tavera Romero, 2021).
On the other hand, easy access to information can fulfill needs and curiosity, on the
other hand, without having skills in the digital world, this will have a negative impact on
life. The younger generation uses the internet actively in ways that might contribute to their
civic engagement (Hao, Wen, & George, 2014).
According to Muhadjir Effendy (Mendikbud) that the industrial revolution 4.0 has
entered the world of higher education, it is necessary to improve the curriculum to
strengthen the nationalism of students when facing the Era of Society, including: critical
thinking, creativity as well as innovation, interpersonal skill followed by communication
teamwork combined with collaboration, confidence.
Citizenship Learning in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 has a goal with 4C
characteristics. The description of the 4C characteristics is as follows critical thinking with
problem solving. Firstly, Critical thinking skills are higher-order thinking skills that do not
only memorize but use and manipulate the material that has been learned.critical thinking
with problem solving. Communication the ability to communicate is the interaction
between students who convey their ideas to each other. In this case, students are required
to use digital media and social media as learning resources. In learning citizenship, good
communication is needed and can increase students' knowledge. Collaboration. is working
together, adapting in various roles and responsibilities personally to achieve goals. This is
to provide solutions to various problems of the digital era in society. Creativity and
Innovation. Creativity and innovation are developing, implementing, and conveying new
ideas to others and being open and responsive to new and different opinions
(Purnawirawan, Sudana, & Harlanu, 2019).
Educators are required to develop higher order thinking skills (HOTS). HOTS-
according to Resnick (1987) is a complicated idea manner in describing material,
constructing representations, building relationships, analyzing, and making conclusions
involving the most simple intellectual activities (Lim, 2018). Within the technology of
society 5.0, humans are faced with technology that permits get right of entry to in virtual
space that feels like physical space, in massive records era and robots to do or aid human
paintings (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2020). In contrast to the commercial revolution 4.0 which
emphasizes business most effective, but with the technology of the generation of society
5.0, a new value is created that may potentially get rid of social gaps based on age, ethics,
gender, language.
Volume 2, Nomor 2, Februari 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
212 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Figure 1. Society 5.0 reduces social inequality (Government 2018).
The focus of expertise in the field of 21st century education currently includes
creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration or known as 4Cs (Risdianto,
2019). Some abilities in the field of education, especially civic education, which include:
team-working, leadership, global citizenship, entrepreneurship, problem solving, digital
The following method that are being used in this research are literature study and
field study. Literature studies are carried out by looking for reliable reference sources from
the internet while field studies are carried out by making a questionnaire via a google form
which will be distributed online and can be filled out by Airlangga University students and
non-Airlangga University students. The google form questionnaire distributed will contain
respondent data such as their name, gender, domicile and age. The questions that will be
asked on the google form relate to the topic being researched, namely Citizenship
Education in defending Nationalism in the Digital 4.0 era to face the Society 5.0 era. The
choice of the answer to the questionnaire is in the form of a scale of 1 - 5 with a scale of 1
meaning "disagree" to a scale of 5 which means "strongly agree" After the data obtained
from the google form has sufficed the specified and required amount, then the data
processing will be carried out in a manner and the results of the processing will be presented
in tabular form along with additional narratives.
This literature study and field study aims to analyze and find out in the scope of
education, especially citizenship which is taught by teachers in schools. According to the
Ministry of Communication and Information, in the digital era, of course, the values of
nationalism must be instilled through digital literacy, so that people can use Pancasila as a
barrier to understanding that undermines state sovereignty. The Ministry of
Communication and Information has four digital literacy frameworks, one of which is
digital culture which teaches about national insight in the digital space. There are four
basics that will be embedded in digital culture, namely :
1. Basic knowledge of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the foundation of
cultural, national, and Indonesian language life.
Theodore Wibisono Rumpak, Muhammad Fahmi Faturrahman, Kevin Ramadhan
dan Yusuf Akmal Agam 213
2. Basic knowledge distinguishes any information that is not in line with Pancasila
3. Basic knowledge about the importance of multiculturalism and diversity, as well
as understanding how to preserve regional languages, arts, and culture in the digital
4. Basic knowledge that encourages behavior to love domestic products, as well as
understanding the right to access freedom of expression and intellectual property
rights in the digital world.
This digital era cannot be separated from the role of technology that drives the
economy, industry, and daily life. Students and students in this learning environment need
to be equipped with knowledge about the digital era 4.0 so that they are able to deal with
changes that can occur at any time (Balyer & Öz, 2018).
Information age, there are also many social media that can be used for the rapid
dissemination of information. However, unfortunately social media is misused with the
emergence of hoaxes or hate speech.
Table 1.
Respondents Characteristics
Origin of Institution
Universitas Airlangga
Non-Universitas Airlangga
The field study method used is in the form of filling out a questionnaire. The age
range of the respondents is 18-20 years old. Respondents were dominated by men, namely
66.7% while women were 33.3%. In addition, most of the respondents are non-airlangga
with a total of 55.6% and 44.4% from UNAIR. The questionnaire is in the form of questions
and statements about civic education in maintaining nationalism in the digital 4.0 era to
face the era of society 5.0, in which some statements from the questions given contain
incorrect statements or have no relation to the question (Carr, Cuervo Sanchez, & Daros,
2020). The aim is to find out to what extent respondents know about nationalism, the era
of society, the industrial revolution 4.0, and how important civic education is to face the
Table 2.
respondent’s understanding of the era of society 5.0, the industrial revolution 4.0, and
civic education to maintain nationalism
Have a good understanding of era of society 5.0, industrial revolution
4.0, and civic education to maintain nationalism.
know but don't understand the concept
Volume 2, Nomor 2, Februari 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
214 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
The results we get from the questionnaire are, as many as 55.6% of respondents
know the meaning, but do not understand the concept of the era of society 5.0, the industrial
revolution 4.0, and civic education to maintain nationalism. A total of 27.8% of
respondents, already know and understand the concept. As many as 16.7% of respondents,
still do not know and understand the concept or are still too unfamiliar with the era of
society 5.0, the industrial revolution 4.0, and civic education to maintain nationalism.
Table 3.
Respondent’s views on civic education to maintain nationalism.
Respondent’s views on civic education to
maintain nationalism.
Strongly agree
Quite agree
There are 38.9% of respondents who strongly agree that civic education plays a very
important role in maintaining nationalism in the digital era 4.0 to face the era of Society
5.0. There are 27.8% agree that civic education plays a very important role in maintaining
nationalism in the digital era 4.0 to face the era of Society 5.0. Also, 33.3% of respondents
quite agree that civic education plays a very important role in maintaining nationalism in
the digital era 4.0 to face the era of Society 5.0.
Based on the survey results regarding understanding the concept of society 5.0,
industry 4.0, and civic education to defend nationalism, more than 50% of respondents
know about society 5.0, the industrial revolution 4.0, and civic education to defend
nationalism, but do not understand the concept. This means that the majority of respondents
have heard of the term society 5.0 era, industrial revolution 4.0, and civic education to
defend nationalism, but have not understood the concept (Koizumi, 2019).
The results of the survey on respondent’s views on civic education to maintain
nationalism showed 38.9% of respondents strongly agree. This means that respondents
think that civic education is a place to learn to understand the character of the nation and
be a protector from the dangers of social media that can cause the sense of nationalism to
fade. 27.8% agree with the assumption that learning civics education is related to improving
thinking power and being able to know what is right and wrong in this sophisticated era.
Also, 33.3% of respondents quite agree with the assumption that there is little relation and
contribution from civic education in maintaining nationalism.
An understanding of the concept of the era of society 5.0, with the industrial
revolution 4.0, and civic education to maintain nationalism in Indonesia is still lacking.
Therefore, education is needed about the concept of the era of society 5.0, the industrial
revolution 4.0, and civic education to maintain nationalism in Indonesia. The solution
given to help the Indonesian people to add insight into the concept of the era of society 5.0,
the industrial revolution 4.0, and civic education is to synchronize the Indonesian education
curriculum with the era of society 5.0 and the industrial revolution 4.0. As the times
develop, it is hoped that the Indonesian people can open their views and add insight to the
era of society 5.0, the industrial revolution 4.0, and civic education.
Citizenship Education In Defending Nationalism In
The Digital 4.0 Era To Face The Society 5.0 Era
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