419 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
VOL 2 NO 3 2022
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
Renatha Verary
, Sri Suwarsi
dan Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
Researchers, Departement of Postgraduate of Unisba, Bandung Islamic University, Indonesia
Lecturer, Departement of Postgraduate of Unisba, Bandung Islamic University, Indonesia
Corresponding Author : Renatha Verary
Email : renathavera26@gmail.com, srisuwarsi@gmail.com
dan hendridwimulya@gmail.com
Article Info :
Accepted : February, 28
Approved : March, 11
Published : March, 15
Work life
Doctors, Hospital
Background: A hospital is in constant demand of holistic service. Different professions
and different generations of staff, intertwining with different kinds of demands from all
sorts of customers, making a hospital a high-pressure workplace, conduct 24 hours of
various activities. This leads to disturbance in work life balance, resulting in
dissatisfaction from doctors toward the hospital. From 2015 onward, Gen Y (known as
millennial) has taken over as the dominant workforce replacing the Baby Boomers.
Purpose: To perceive the level of work life balance from the perception of millennials
doctors, how it affects the overall satisfaction, and work satisfaction. Method: This
research is conducted in a hospital in Bandung, with 84 participants (chosen with
purposive sampling technique). Data was collected through questioners, observations,
and interviews. The research method used is the causal relation of X and Y. Results:
Out of four dimensions in work life balance, life to work enrichment achieves the
highest score, as work to life conflicts is the lowest. The work satisfaction rate in
millennial doctors in Bandung is categorized as very good, whereas from five
dimensions of satisfaction, workplace satisfaction gets the highest score, and
employer satisfaction is the lowest. Research results signify the importance of work
life balance in working satisfaction for millennial doctors in a hospital in Bandung.
Even though the research showed acceptable results, efforts are still needed to
maintain the satisfactory rate for millennial doctors. Conclusion: The conclusions
from research results are out of four dimensions in work life balance, life to work
enrichment achieves the highest score, as work to life conflicts is the lowest.
Hospital operations that last 24 hours with a variety of activities, professions,
generations, as well as various hospital customers with various conditions, have made the
hospital a place of work with fairly high work pressure. On the other hand, medicine is a
highly demanding profession, where doctors often work overtime, and are faced with many
difficult decisions. This accumulation effect certainly affects the work-life balance, which
can affect the satisfaction of doctors (Dousin, Collins, & Kler, 2019).
The Influence Of Work Life Balance On The Work
Satisfaction Of Millenial Doctors In Hospital In
Bandung City
Renatha Verary, Sri Suwarsi dan Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih 420
Research conducted by Indah Budiati, et al stated that the percentage of the
millennial population in Indonesia was 33.75% (Indah Budiati, et al, 2018). Badan Pusat
Statistik Jawa Barat stated that in 2020 Generation Z, which is around 27.88% of the total
population of West Java, while the second group that dominates is the millennial
generation, which is around 26.07% of the total population of West Java, dominates the
population composition of West Java (Yudha Maulana, 2021).
Based on data from the Indonesian Medical Council, the number of registered
doctors in Indonesia as of May 28, 2020, was 224,438 doctors consisting of 144,849 general
practitioners, 41,401 specialists, 33,894 dentists, 4294 specialist dentists. In addition, the
number of registered doctors in Bandung was 1975 general practitioners and specialists,
with the number of millennial doctors being 527 doctors.
Doctors are one of the core resources in hospitals with long working hours. Doctors
must be ready to work beyond the official hours, and it is undeniable that doctors will be
under considerable pressure in their work in hospitals. This phenomenon is slightly
contrary to the characteristics of the millennial generation, which in the opinion of the
previous generation, the millennial generation is a generation that cannot stand the pressure,
is selfish, has a lack of empathy, and cannot stand to work for a long time.
The Covid-19 pandemic has encouraged the development of the health world in the
digital world. Online health services (telemedicine) are growing everywhere and offer a
type of work that is quite attractive to millennial doctors, were by the millennial spirit,
online health services offer doctors a job that is not bound by place and time. On the other
hand, working in a hospital may indeed generate more money, but working in a hospital
carries the risk that most of your life will be spent in the hospital, often with many patients
or emergency calls causing the working hours of doctors to lengthen. For this reason,
hospitals need to understand how a doctor, especially a millennial doctor, views, and
practices work-life balance so that it can affect the satisfaction of millennial doctors to work
in hospitals. The purpose of this research is to perceive the level of work-life balance from
the perception of millennial doctors, how it affects overall satisfaction, and work
Work life balance is a balanced life in work and personal life, such as being able to
spend time with family members, having free time to relax, having good communication
with colleagues, and being able to complete work well (Vyas & Shrivastava, 2017).
Meanwhile, according to (Rifadha & Sangarandeniya, 2015) work-life balance is a person's
ability to fulfill the duties of his job and the demands of life outside of work that leads to
happiness for him.
From all the definitions above, it can be concluded that work life balance is an
individual's perception of his work and non-work activities that complement and encourage
each other to progress by his current life priorities. divides the dimensions of work life
balance into work life conflict which consists of work to life conflict, and life to work
conflict and work life enrichment which consists of work to life enrichment and life to work
enrichment (Pheng & Chua, 2019).
Define job satisfaction as positive feelings towards a job resulting from evaluating
its characteristics, someone with high job satisfaction has positive feelings at work, on the
other hand, someone with low job satisfaction has negative feelings towards his job (Judge
& Robbins, 2017).
Generation is a social structure consisting of a group of people of the same age and
historical experience (Risman, 2018). One generation usually has a span of 20 years, so
individuals who are part of the same social generation are individuals who have the same
social dimensions and historical dimensions in 20 years. Who wrote the book Millennial
Volume 2, Nomor 3, Maret 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
421 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Nusantara refer to the generation born between 1981 and 2000 as the millennial generation
(Hidayah, 2021).
Millennial tend to think of work-life balance as an expectation from a normal job
(Serafin, Danilewicz, Chyla, & Czarkowska-Pączek, 2020). Millennial want integration
between work and life to run smoothly. Generation X doctors and baby boomers have
higher levels of job satisfaction while millennial doctors have lower satisfaction due to lack
of time for their personal lives and long working hours (Hill, Goicochea, & Merlo, 2018).
In addition to work life balance, millennial generation’s employee job satisfaction is
also influenced by relationships with supervisors. Millennial need to connect with
someone, supervisors can fill this role by providing guidance, feedback on their work,
connecting with millennial through social media networks, as well as giving recognition
for their good work (Contreras & Vega, 2018).
This study used a causal relation of the X and Y method. The study population for
this study was all millennial doctors who work at the private hospitals at Bandung as many
as 527 doctors. The author takes a sample via the purposive sampling technique so that the
number of samples is 84 participants. The data taken from the research sample is primary
data. Data were collected through a questionnaire distributed via a Google form. To test
the feasibility of the questionnaire that will be used, validity and reliability tests are used,
it is found that r count is positive and r count > r table, and the value of r alpha > r table,
the questionnaire is valid and reliable. To interpret the variables being studied,
categorization of the respondent's response scores is carried out using the arithmetic mean
as a reference for determining the classification of the assessment categories. The
classification of assessment categories in this study was determined based on the number
of measurement scales used, namely five classifications. In addition, the relationship
between work life balance and millennial doctor satisfaction was analyzed using a simple
linear regression method.
Millennial doctors in the city of Bandung have a work life balance in the adequate
category and have been measured in four dimensions, namely the dimensions of work to
life conflict, life to a work conflict, life to work enrichment, and work to life enrichment.
The highest average score is the dimension of life to work enrichment with a value of 3.96
and is in a good category and the lowest average score is work to life conflict which is 2.60
and is included in the sufficient category.
Millennial doctors in the city of Bandung have job satisfaction in the very good
category and have been measured in five dimensions of job satisfaction, namely satisfaction
with salary, satisfaction with work, satisfaction with leadership, satisfaction with
coworkers, and satisfaction with development. The highest average score is the dimension
of satisfaction with coworkers with a value of 4.49 and in the very good category, and the
lowest average score is satisfaction with the leader with a value of 4.13 in the good
category. Work Life Balance has a significant effect on job satisfaction. Where when the
work life balance is low, job satisfaction will decrease, and vice versa when the work life
balance is high, job satisfaction will increase (Aziz-Ur-Rehman & Siddiqui, 2019).
The Influence Of Work Life Balance On The Work
Satisfaction Of Millenial Doctors In Hospital In
Bandung City
Renatha Verary, Sri Suwarsi dan Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih 422
Based on the coefficient of determination, Job Satisfaction (Y) is influenced by Work
Life Balance (X) by 8.6%, while the remaining 91.4% is influenced by other factors not
Figure 1. Recapitulation of Descriptive Analysis of Work Life Balance (X) Variables.
Volume 2, Nomor 3, Maret 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
423 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Figure 2. Recapitulation of Descriptive Analysis of Work Life
Balance (X) Variables.
The Influence Of Work Life Balance On The Work
Satisfaction Of Millenial Doctors In Hospital In
Bandung City
Renatha Verary, Sri Suwarsi dan Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih 424
Figure 2. Recapitulation of Descriptive Analysis of Job Satisfaction
Variables (Y).
The conclusions from research results are out of four dimensions in work life
balance, life to work enrichment achieves the highest score, as work to life conflicts is the
lowest. Work satisfaction rate in millennial doctors in Bandung categorized as very good,
whereas from five dimensions of satisfaction, workplace satisfaction gets the highest score,
and employer satisfaction is the lowest. Research results signify the importance of Work
life balance in working satisfaction for millennials doctors in a hospital in Bandung. Even
though the research showed acceptable results, efforts are still needed to maintain the
satisfactory rate for millennial doctors.
Aziz-Ur-Rehman, Maha, & Siddiqui, Danish Ahmed. (2019). Relationship between flexible
working arrangements and job satisfaction mediated by work-life balance:
Volume 2, Nomor 3, Maret 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
425 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
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