410 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
VOL 2 NO 3 2022
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
, Y.Salamanang
, A.Tampubolon
, F.Sianipar
dan N.Sinaga
English Language Education Program of HKBP Nommensen, University Pematangsiantar, Indonesia
Corresponding Author : F.Simatupang
Email : [email protected], yvatricia@gmail.com, [email protected],
[email protected], Nopaulinasinaga@gmail.com
Article Info :
Accepted : February, 28
Approved : March, 11
Published : March, 15
Tool, Speaking
The main purpose of this study was to improve a self-assessment tool for speaking
competency of the seven grade students of junior high school. The focus of this study
was specifically on; 1) finding out the types of self-assessment needed to be improved;
2) Improving the prototype of a self-assessment tool; and 3) examining the quality of
the improved self-assessment tools. This study used R&D method of Gall & Borg
(2003) as design model. The subjects of this study were six English teachers and a
syllabus for the seven grade students of junior high school. The data were obtained
through questionnaire, interview, observation and syllabus analysis. The results
revealed that there were two form of self-assessment tools needed to be developed,
namely linguistic aspect and non-linguistic aspect self-assessment. The prototype of
self-assessment tools were improved by considering the need analysis results and
grand theory. The tools were validated and revised by two expert judges and user
judges. Based on the validation from expert judges and user judges, the quality of the
improved self-assessment tools was categorized as excellent instruments with very high
The improvement of approach and methods in the area of education is in line with
the improvement of evaluation systems in education and learning itself. Therefore,
teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation are inseparable aspects that affect school
communities in many ways (Suchyadi et al., 2020). In school, the assessments of
students learning and classroom instruction serve multiple purposes. The information
obtained from an assessment activity can be used to monitor studentsprogress and the
effectiveness of the instruction (Chng & Lund, 2018). In fact, assessment and instruction
can be integrated purposefully by constructing assessments appropriately, interpreting
assessment information effectively, evaluating students achievement wisely, and
providing feedback helpfully to students and their families at conference time
(Constantinou & Wijnen-Meijer, 2022).
Improving the Self-Assessment Tools for Training in
Speaking to Grade Seven Students of Junior High
F.Simatupang, Y.Salamanang, A.Tampubolon, F.Sianipar dan N.Sinaga 411
In the context of English teaching and learning, the assessment should cover the
four language skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. However,
for many years, those four skills have not been assessed equally (Sparks, 2021). There has
been a tendency to put emphasis on assessing reading and writing skills. Permendiknas
No. 34, 2007 concerning “National Examination and Standard Competency of Passing-
Grade” clearly stated that the final examination on English subject only covered the
reading and writing skills. That is why, most of the teachers focused on those reading and
writing skills in the teaching learning process and neglect listening and speaking skills
(Rao, 2019). The ignorance of assessing speaking skill in the foreign language learning
consequently affected students ability. More importantly, it also affected teachers ability
in assessing speaking skill (Al-Sobhi & Preece, 2018).
The ability to speak \ English is very important for the students because speaking is
the basic language skill for communicating, and the ability to speak well will allow the
students to follow the progress of globalization easily. As a part of communication
speaking is regarded more as representing what the speaker wants to say (Tan, Jospa,
Mohd-Said, & Awang, 2021). Meanwhile, states that speaking is the form of oral
language that is inevitably used to communicate ideas and feelings no matter what the
language is (Nasir, Yusuf, & Wardana, 2019). Furthermore, stated that speaking usually
involve two or more people who use a language for interactional or transactional
purposes. It is not the oral expression of written language (Meena, 2020). According to
these definitions, it can be concluded that speaking is an interaction between two people
or more (Humprecht, 2019). The achievement of good speaking activity is when the
people who interact can understand each other. One obvious example of speaking activity
is the interaction between teacher and students. In the interaction, the teacher should have
good speaking competence because he or she has to bring all of his or her students to
understand the material through his or her speech (Rao, 2019).
Besides, the EFL teachers should be good speakers; they also have to be competent
in assessing their students. Nevertheless, in reality, the English teachers of Junior High
School or Sekolah Menengah Pertama (henceforth: SMP) in Pematangsiantar have
faced problems in assessing their students, especially in assessing students speaking
ability. The teachers have realized that the weaknesses of the assessments have affected
the results of the students achievements (Dietrich et al., 2020). It can be seen from the
output of SMP students, which cannot speak English well. They have failed to
communicate well because of bad English. Meanwhile, it was known that in School SMP
Based Curriculum (KTSP), assessment plays a very significant role since it influences the
students competency significantly (Siagian, 2020). It emphasizes the improvement of
competence through the tasks with specific performance standards so students can
perceive the results as a mastery of a set of specific competencies.The Process standard
which is applied to the latest curriculum (Curriculum 2013) also emphasizes more on the
authentic assessment (Permendikbud No. 81A 2013). Here, authentic assessment is
considered necessary to measure the overall learning outcomes of students (Martin,
Ritzhaupt, Kumar, & Budhrani, 2019). It is because these assessments evaluate the
progress of learning, not merely the result but also the process and other aspects in
different ways. In other words, the assessment system would be fairer to students as
learners, because every effort, which the students produce, will be more appreciated
(Landers, Armstrong, Collmus, Mujcic, & Blaik, 2021). However, there were many
obstacles faced by the teachers in improving authentic assessment especially self-
assessment in the teaching learning process at the school. From the preliminary interview
and questionnaire, it was found that most of the teachers did not implement self-
assessment, especially in speaking skill. The teachers faced problems in implementing
Volume 2, Nomor 3, Maret 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
412 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
self-assessment of speaking skill because most of the students did not understand the use
of self-assessment. Besides, most of the teachers did not have enough knowledge and
self-assessments instrument to be used in speaking class. They also said that they did not
have proper guidance for the implementation of authentic assessment, especially self-
assessment in speaking skill. Most of them admitted that they were really lacking
information about self-assessment. This condition made the teachers feel unwell to
implement the self-assessment of speaking skill. They also expect to have a correct and
good guidance of authentic assessment especially self-assessment for teaching speaking.
Finds the problems about the assessment on teaching speaking. From her study, it
was found that teachers found some obstacles in implementing assessment, especially
authentic assessment (Zaim & Arsyad, 2020). First, teachers did not have instruments to
equip themselves in implementing authentic assessment. Second, some teachers have the
instruments, but they are not able to use them. Third, teachers did not have enough
knowledge about authentic assessment. One type of authentic assessment that could help
teachers and students to see and know the results of learning and teaching tasks is self-
Self-assessment is what the students see from their own perspectives. Enabling
students to self-monitor their learning practice is regarded as a way to help students
develop knowledge through conscious control over that knowledge or to develop
metacognitive awareness of knowledge and thought. Meanwhile, define self-assessment
as a process of formative assessment during which students reflect on and evaluate the
quality of their work and their learning, judge the degree to which they reflect explicitly
stated goals or criteria, identify the strengths and weaknesses in their work, and revise
accordingly. In conclusion, self-assessment is a method where the students are asked to
assess themselves and to identify their strengths and weaknesses (Febriyanti, Dewi,
Ratna, & Dewi, 2018).
Smith explains the benefit of Self-Assessment is to encourage the students to know
their own strengths and weaknesses. The students can reflect their competency, which is
already achieved, and give them self-motivation toward their learning process, thus they
will be more stand-alone and honest. Considering the importance of self-assessment for
assessing speaking, it was needed to improve self-assessment instruments. In this study,
to make the self-assessment instruments easier to be understood and implemented, it is
considered important to supplement the lesson plan and the speaking task (Borg &
Edmett, 2019). States that lesson plan is important because it provides a structured
route through to the lesson so that the teachers can be sure of meeting the lesson
objective(s) and lesson plan also gives the teachers a guideline of what they are doing.
This research was conducted to find out the type of self-assessment which is needed to be
developed for assessing teaching speaking to the eighth grade students of Junior High
School and to improve the prototype of self-assessment instruments as the result of need
analysis. This study also intends to examine the quality of the improved self-assessment
instruments for teaching speaking to the seven grade students of Junior High School.
The subjects of this study were 6 English teachers in Pematangsiantar and syllabus
for the second grade students of junior high school. The object of this research was self-
assessment instruments improvement for speaking competency. Since the aimed of this
research was to design a new product of self-assessment instrument for the seven students
of Junior High School in SMP Negeri 5 Pematangsiantar in the academic year of
Improving the Self-Assessment Tools for Training in
Speaking to Grade Seven Students of Junior High
F.Simatupang, Y.Salamanang, A.Tampubolon, F.Sianipar dan N.Sinaga 413
2021/2022 in the terms of the quality of the improved self-assessment instruments to
assess speaking competency of the Seven Grade Students of Junior High School. It was
shown in figure below.
Figure 1 An Elaboration Model of R&D
Meanwhile, there were several methods of data collection used in this study such as
observation, interview, questionnaire, document study, and experts and users judgment.
Besides, in collecting the data, the researcher was equipped with some instruments. Those
instruments were observation sheet, note, and questionnaires. The quality of the
instruments improved was measured through its validity (content, construct and criterion
validity) and reliability. Expert judges and user judges did it. The result from the expert
judges was analyzed using the formula of Gregory in. Results of user judges were
analyzed using formula adopted.
1. Self-assessment needed to be Improved for speaking competency of Seven Grade
Students of Junior High School
There were several activities, which were done by the researcher in need analysis.
Those were: (1) Syllabus analysis, (2) Giving questionnaires to the English teachers of
Junior High School and (3) Interview. Based on the result of the data, it was found from
the syllabus analysis, there were eight basic competencies covered by 23 topics for one
academic year. Meanwhile, from questionnaire and interview, it can be seen that the
application of speaking assessment in school is less than the expectation. There are many
teachers, who still use traditional assessment to assess their students. Students often only
assessed by using short answer or multiple-choice questions. Students are assessed only
on a limited number of tasks that may not conform to what is done in the classroom. In
addition, many teachers still lack about authentic assessment knowledge, particularly the
use of self-assessment.
Many teachers expect to have an appropriate assessment instruments that they can
use later to assess students speaking ability. Teachers want to use a self-assessment
instrument as an alternative to assess students' ability in speaking because the teachers
hope that linguistics and non-linguistics aspects of self-assessment in speaking will help
students know their own improvement from the previous meeting. Based on the need
analysis, It can be concluded that the self-assessment needed to be developed for
speaking competency of grade eight students of Junior High School is self-assessment
instruments including self-assessment rubric (linguistic and non-linguistic).
2. Prototype of Self-assessment tools in Speaking Skills for Seven Grade of Junior
High School
Volume 2, Nomor 3, Maret 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
414 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
The prototype of self-assessment instruments for assessing students speaking
ability was develop based on the result of need analysis, basic competencies that should
be covered and grand theory, the design of prototype could be draw as follows:
Figure 2. Prototype of Self-assessment Instruments
The prototype was designed based on the need analysis, curriculum and syllabus
analysis. The prototype of the assessment product as displayed in the figure above
covered basic competency, which was distributed to some indicators. There were eight
basic competencies covered for teaching speaking for the seven grade students of Junior
High School for the whole one year. From the basic competencies, it could be seen that
there were 23 topics for teaching speaking for seven grade students of Junior High
School. However, in this study there were 17 topics that would be equipped by self-
assessment tools. It was because of some topics, which appeared twice .
Meanwhile, from the indicators, it can be seen that there were two speaking types,
namely monologue and dialogue. The self-assessment instruments were also improved by
including some aspects, namely assessment task, non-linguistics aspects, and linguistics
aspects. There are five kinds of assessment tasks that students are expected to carry out in
classroom. Those are imitative, intensive, responsive, interactive and extensive.
Meanwhile, the product of self-assessment instruments improved into two forms, namely:
1) linguistic aspect which includes comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and
pronunciation; 2) non-linguistics aspects of self-assessment which covers competence to
follow the lesson, integrity/honesty, competence to do self-reflection, identifying self-
improvement and describing the learning outcome.
3. The Quality of the Improved Self-Assessment tools
To find out the quality of the improved self-assessment instruments, the validation
was occurred. The expert and user judges did the validation of the product. From the five
categories, all self-assessment instruments improved in this study belong to the first
category, 0.76 X 1.00. It means that the instruments were categorized as very high
validity. Meanwhile, both of the user judges stated that the quality of self-assessment
instruments was categorized as excellent instruments.
Self-assessment tools for speaking competency were improved by using model of
R&D proposed by Gall, Gall & Borg. The instruments were based on the criteria of good
assessment proposed. In improving the self-assessment instruments, the researcher started
Improving the Self-Assessment Tools for Training in
Speaking to Grade Seven Students of Junior High
F.Simatupang, Y.Salamanang, A.Tampubolon, F.Sianipar dan N.Sinaga 415
from the first step, research analysis and need assessment. Then it was continued with
syllabus analysis, product planning and design, product development, validation product
from expert and user judges, and final product revision. As explained previously, the very
first thing in improving the self-assessment instruments were identifying the type of self-
assessment needed to be improved from teachers perspective where these would be used
as considerations in improving self-assessment instruments. Previous researcher as the
very basic source in developing products also conducted identifying the type of what will
be improved.
He identified the type of performance assessment needed during the
implementation of preliminary observation where the results then were used as the
considerations in improving the products. What the researcher did in this study was also
the same. From the result of preliminary observation, it was found that the application of
speaking assessment in school is less than the expectation. There were many teachers,
which often assessed their students by using short answer, or multiple-choice questions. It
also found that the teachers still lack about authentic assessment knowledge, particularly
the use of self-assessment.
The teachers also stated that they expect to have an appropriate assessment
instrument that they can use to assess speaking students. Most of the teachers want to use
a self-assessment instrument as an alternative to assess students' ability in speaking
because the teachers hope that linguistics and non-linguistics aspects of self-assessment in
speaking will help students know their own improvement from the previous meeting.
Summarizing, it is obvious that self-assessment will help students in identifying their
strengths and weaknesses, gives a positive impact toward the students competency and
gives self-motivation toward their responsibilities in their learning process. Also as stated
in empirical review, result of study revealed that self-assessment was one of the effective
ways to improve the students‟ ability in English. Therefore, looking at the problems
found during the preliminary observation and relate to the theory of self-assessment, the
researcher tried to improve self-assessment instruments. This study was emphasized on
improving self-assessment instruments because up until now, the study about self-
assessment was only limited on finding how effective self-assessment was used to
improve students’ competency.
Here, the improved self-assessment instruments were instruments for assessing
speaking competency of the seven grade students of junior high schools in
Pematangsiantar. Besides, the researcher tried to use simple language in the self-
assessment instruments because it will be used for the students in junior high schools. It
had been adjusted with the seven graders language proficiencies. The self-assessment
instruments was hoped to be able to encourage the students to know their own strengths
and weaknesses. The students can reflect their competency which is already achieved,
giving self-motivation toward their responsibilities in their learning process so, they will
be independent and honest. By using these instruments, it hopes to give a positive impact
toward the improvement of students,personality, especially the problem that the students
face during their learning process.
During the improvement, the researcher designed the self-assessment instruments
based on the new syllabus constructed as the result of Syllabus Analysis and the Need
Analysis. The syllabus consisted of four competence standards and eight basic
competencies. Besides, the self-assessment instruments were also designed by
considering the linguistics aspect and non-linguistics aspect of self-assessment. Because
according, to be successful in English speaking, learners should master the linguistics
aspect and possess the non-linguistics aspect. They both correlate each other. So, English
Volume 2, Nomor 3, Maret 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
416 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
speaking ability here not only focuses on knowledge of language that the learners have,
but also focuses on the personality dimension that will affect them in presenting their
knowledge of English and they know how and when to present it. In accordance of that,
the instruments were made based on linguistics aspect. According to Marhaeni (2008),
the non-linguistic aspects covered five indicators; such as Competence to follow the
lesson, Integrity/Honesty, Competence to do self-reflection, Identifying self-
improvement, and Describing the learning outcome. Meanwhile, stated that the linguistics
aspects of the self-assessment included comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar,
and pronunciation.Comprehension aspect required a subject to respond to speech as well
as to initiate it. Fluency aspect required a subject to speak fluently and pauses properly.
Vocabulary aspect required a subject to use related vocabulary. Pronunciation aspect
required a subject to pronounce the word with correct sounds, tones and the voice was
clear and easy to hear. In grammar aspect, it was required the use of correct sentence
pattern. The self-assessment instruments in this study were also being improved from the
speaking type. In regards to the theory, the self-assessment instruments in this study were
divided into two speaking types, namely dialogue and monologue.
The differences were only in the statement. For example in dialogue speaking type
for non-linguistic aspects, the statement was Saya bercakap-cakap dengan baik dan
penuh tanggung jawab” (I communicate well and full of responsibility). Meanwhile, in
the monologue speaking type, the statement was Saya menyampaikan teks monolog
dengan baik dan penuh tanggung jawab(I convey the monologue text well and full of
responsibility). In addition, in the linguistic aspect for dialogue speaking task, the
statement was Saya bisa mengucapkan kata-kata untuk keperluan meminta/
memberi/menolak barang/jasa orang lain dalam bahasa Inggris dengan jelas dan tepat
(I can say the words for asking/giving/refusing service/goods in English clearly and
Meanwhile, the statement for monologue speaking type was Saya bisa
mengucapkan kata-kata untuk keperluan menyampaikan sebuah pesan
singkat/undangan/pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris dengan jelas dan tepat(I can say
the words for telling a short message/invitation/announcement in English clearly and
accurately). It can be seen that from the content of each statement in the self-assessment
instruments improved in this study, it was made to be specific and simple.
The reason for improving each statement to be specific and simple rather than to be
general or complicated was to avoid confusion for the students. Since the instruments are
intended for seven junior high school level, it was considered that each statement should
be delivered as specific as well as simple as possible. To know the quality of a product, it
cannot be judged as having excellent quality when it is seen only from the contents
involved. However, it must be seen from other points such as the validity (Content and
construct) of the product. According to Nieven in Nieven et al (2007), validity of the
product can be seen from its content and construct validity. She explained that content
validity is about theory/literature review gathered in preliminary observation while
construct validity is about the steps that had been conducted during the development of
the product. In this study, the product can be said that it had fulfilled the content and
construct validity.
The development of the product had been based on the teachers and students‟ need.
Some literature reviews had been used as the considerations and sources in improving the
prototype. Besides that, the instruments had been based on the criteria of good
assessment. In other words, it can be said that the product used some theories as the basis
of its improvement. The product can also be said to have fulfilled the construct validity
where the improvement itself consisted of some steps, which had to be followed. The first
Improving the Self-Assessment Tools for Training in
Speaking to Grade Seven Students of Junior High
F.Simatupang, Y.Salamanang, A.Tampubolon, F.Sianipar dan N.Sinaga 417
step had connection with the second step and the next steps. The result of each step was
used as the basis of revision toward the product and its supporting components. In other
words, the development of the product followed some steps chronologically, between
one-steps with another steps had close relationship, and interconnected.
The expert judgment toward the product had been conducted to complete the
explanation above. The result from the expert judges categorized the improved self-
assessment instruments as the instruments with a very high validity. However, there were
some aspects of the instruments suggested to be revised by the expert judges. Meanwhile,
the result from the user judges indicated the similar things that all self-assessment
instruments improved in this study were categorized as excellent instruments. Based on
the discussions above, it can be said that the improved self-assessment instruments are
considered as excellent instruments with very high validity for assessing speaking
competency of the seven grade students of junior high school.
Based on the findings and discussions, it can be concluded that the self-assessment
needed to be improved for speaking competency of grade seven students of Junior High
School is self-assessment tools including self-assessment rubric (linguistic and non-
linguistic). The prototype of self-assessment tools for assessing studentsspeaking ability
was improved based on the result of need analysis, basic competencies that should be
covered and grand theory. The type of self-assessment tools needed to be improved for
speaking competency of grade seven Junior High School was made based on linguistics
and non-linguistics aspects of speaking competency.
For the quality of the improved self-assessment, expert judges and user judges
validated instruments. The expert judges were the lecturers of post-graduate program of
English Education Department, HKBP Nommensen University of Education and the user
judges were the English teachers in Junior High School. The expert judges stated that the
quality of self-assessment tools could be interpreted into the first category, 0.76 X
1.00. It means that the instruments were categorized as very high validity. Meanwhile,
both of the user judges stated that the quality of self-assessment tools was categorized as
excellent tools. Thus, it is suggested for English teachers to use this product to assess the
students speaking process.
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