Kiky Tunjung Dewi
DPK Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business University of Gajayana Malang, Indonesia
Email : kikydewi5581@gmail.com
Info Artikel :
Diterima : 26 Juni 2022 Disetujui : 6 Juli 2022 Dipublikasikan : 15 Juli 2022
Marketing strategy is a form of directed planning in the marketing sector to obtain
optimal results. Service quality is generally seen as a result of the overall service
system that consumers receive. Loyalty as a condition in which customers have a
Based Marketing, positive attitude towards a brand The objectives of this study are: i) Knowing and
Service Quality,
analyzing technology-based marketing strategies that affect service quality. ii)
Customer Loyalty
Knowing and Analyzing Technology-Based Marketing Strategies affect Customer
Loyalty. iii) Knowing and Analyzing Service Quality affects Customer Loyalty. iv)
Knowing and analyzing the significant influence of Technology-Based Marketing
Strategies on customer loyalty by mediating service quality in Bank Jatim. This type of
research uses a quantitative research approach. The sample used was 44 respondents.
The analysis used is Path Analysis. The results showed that: i) Technology-Based
Marketing Strategy has a positive effect on the Service Quality of Bank Jatim Main
Branch. ii) Marketing strategy has a positive effect on Customer Loyalty in Bank Jatim
Main Branch. iii) Service Quality has a positive effect on Customer Loyalty in Bank
Jatim Main Branch. iv) Technology-Based Marketing Strategy has a significant effect
on Customer Loyalty by mediating Service Quality.
The development of banking is currently experiencing a significant increase. This
change occurred due to the rapid growth and development of technology, information,
machinery and heavy equipment, especially communication technology. Banks can create
products that customers want and need. Information technology, especially the internet,
plays a big role in the business world, especially the world of marketing.
The phenomenon is one that really feels this competition is competition in the
banking world which is increasingly felt, especially what is happening at Bank Jatim.
Various methods are used to attract as many customers as possible. With the friendliness
of the bank officers and the services provided will improve the quality of services
provided. Each company makes various efforts to provide satisfaction to consumers, as
well as in the banking service business. To achieve customer satisfaction is not easy. The
customers they face today are different from those of a few decades ago. Now customers
are more educated and aware of their rights. Therefore, there are customers who are not
763 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
The Effect Of Technology-Based Marketing Strategy
And Service Quality As Mediation Variables On
Dyah Sawitri, Moch. Saleh
Customer Loyalty Of The Main Branch Jatim Branch
satisfied. Likewise, with banking products, there are many varieties and service facilities
offered to customers, thereby making the competition between banks stronger. In the
midst of increasingly fierce competition, it requires hard efforts to maintain and increase
customer loyalty.
Banks as financial institutions that produce products in the form of financial
services also need a strategy to market their products. Marketing strategy is a form of
directed plan in the field of marketing to obtain optimal results. In developing marketing,
every step in formulating a marketing strategy must be oriented towards efforts to achieve
customer satisfaction. If the marketing strategy implemented by the company is able to
market its products well, this will affect the company's goals (Sentot Imam Wahjono,
2010). According to Kotler and Keller, basically, the marketing mix strategy or known as
the marketing mix consists of 4 components, namely product (product), price (price),
place (place), and promotion (promotion) (Keller & Kotler, 2012).
According to Lovelock and Wright (2007: 97), service quality is a customer's long-
term cognitive evaluation of the delivery of a company (Moguluwa & Ode, 2013). In
general, the services provided by good companies will result in high satisfaction and very
high repeat purchases. Seeing the increasing competition between banks, banks are
increasingly competing to get customers by improving services and optimal performance.
According to (Akbar & Parvez, 2009), today's companies must be aware of the need to
learn and understand the various service qualities (eg switching costs, trust, company
image, and customer satisfaction) from customer loyalty that might help them to develop
a loyal customer base. As stated in the literature by (Siddiqi, 2011), relevant that high-
quality service helps to generate customer satisfaction, if the real service they feel is the
same as expected then the service quality is declared satisfactory. However, if the real
service quality they feel is below what is expected, the service quality is said to be of
poor quality (Octavia, 2019).
Loyalty literally means loyalty, namely one's loyalty to an object. According to
Marsalis (2005: 111-112) defines loyalty as a condition in which the customer has a
positive attitude towards a brand, has a commitment to the brand, and intends to continue
his purchase in the future. Given that customer behavior is very complex and difficult to
predict, a basic approach can be taken by the bank by instilling trust and building
commitment to its customers. In line with the opinion of Ramadan (2002:35) loyalty is
the goal of the marketing mix. To maintain this loyalty, the company can not only rely on
the satisfaction felt by the customer but more than that, trust and commitment are the
keys to building loyalty. Loyalty can make customers make purchases consistently
against the selection of a brand. Customers will try to minimize the risk, time, and
decision-making process. Experience is also important because it relates to habits in
decision-making (Van Der Meer, Kurth-Nelson, & Redish, 2012).
Various efforts have been made by Bank Jatim to improve marketing strategies and
services to its customers, among others, by adding a service network, pampering its
customers with various forms of service quality that further optimize service products and
service attributes offered, as well as the use of information technology in every effort to
get customer loyalty. Bank Jatim has also developed a Marketing Action Program (MAP)
which is a web-based application that is used as a means to report marketing
activities/activities. With this application, it is hoped that it will make it easier for Branch
Managers or Head Offices to monitor or evaluate the activities of marketing officers so
that marketing activities can run normally (Sukmadinata, 2019).
Bank Jatim is one of the best Regional Development Banks (BPD), because
according to the Info Bank Research Bureau there are ten BPDs with large own capital,
namely Banks: West Java, East Java, Central Java, North Sumatra, Riau, DKI, East
Volume 2, Nomor 7, Juli 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
Kalimantan, Bali, South Sulawesi, and Papua (Bank Info, February 2004). Based on the
financial report published in Bisnis Indonesia Daily (https://m.bisnis.com/amp/read/
20200730/90/1273014/bank-jatim-bukukan-laba-rp77015-miliar-), where the profit of
Bank Jatim is supported by an increase in net interest income of 1.67% year on year (yoy)
to Rp2 trillion. The company also issued operating expenses other than interest in the
period amounting to Rp1.29 trillion. shown from the increase every year it can be
concluded that more and more customers are using the products and services provided by
Bank Jatim. Therefore, to retain customers who already need attention to improve the
quality of existing services so that customers' expectations can be fulfilled. On the other
hand, if the customer's expectations are the same or less than the level of service received,
the customer will be satisfied (Muslih, Wibowo, & Purwanto, 2017).
This study uses a quantitative approach in an effort to test the hypotheses that have
been prepared. Quantitative research is required to use numbers, starting from data
collection, interpretation of these numbers, and the appearance of the results (Arikunto,
2002:12). This research was conducted at Bank Jatim Main Branch as the object of
research, namely customers. The reason the researcher chose the research location was
because the place was easily accessible by researchers and was the center of Bank Jatim
in Surabaya. The time of this research was carried out in July 2020. The population here
are customers at Bank Jatim Main Branch, totaling 176 customers. The sample is part of
the population. Arikunto (2010:174) says that the sample is part or representative of the
population being studied. If the number of respondents is less than 100, all samples are
taken so that the research is a population study. Meanwhile, if the number of respondents
is more than 100, then the sampling is 10%-15% or 20%-25% or more (Arikunto, 2010)a.
So the sampling in this study is 25% of the existing population, because the total
population exceeds 100, namely 176 customers. Means 176 X 25% / 100 = 44, so the
sample used in this study was 44 customers. In this study, the scale that will be used for
variable measurement is a Likert scale. The Likert Scale is a scale used to measure the
subject's response to 5 points with the same interval scale. The data collection method
used is a list of questions or questionnaires and documentation which is used in order to
meet the data or information needed for the benefit of the research variables that have
been previously designed then the research data were analyzed using Path Analysis
(Cheng & Phillips, 2014).
The hypotheses proposed in this study are 1) Technology-Based Marketing
Strategy has an effect on Service Quality. 2) Technology-Based Marketing Strategy
affects Customer Loyalty. 3) Service Quality affects Customer Loyalty. 4) There is a
significant effect of Technology-Based Marketing Strategy on customer loyalty by
mediating service quality. The results of testing this hypothesis are presented in the
following table:
The Effect Of Technology-Based Marketing Strategy
And Service Quality As Mediation Variables On
Customer Loyalty Of The Main Branch Jatim Branch
Tabel 1.
Hasil Uji Sub Struktur 1
Koefisien regresi
Nilai t
Nilai p
Strategi Pemasaran
R =
R square (R
) =
Tabel 2.
Hasil Uji Sub Struktur 2
Koefisien regresi
Nilai t
Nilai p
Strategi Pemasaran
R =
R square (R
) =
Tabel 3.
Hasil Uji Sub Struktur 3
Koefisien regresi
Nilai t
Nilai p
Kualitas Layanan
R =
R square (R
) =
Tabel 4.
Hasil Analisis Pengaruh Langsung, Tidak Langsung dan Total dari Analisis Jalur
Hipotesis Jalur
Pengaruh Tidak
Sig. T
Strategi Pemasaran
0,520 - - 0,000*
Kualitas Layanan
Strategi Pemasaran
0,606 - - 0,000*
Loyalitas Nasabah
Kualitas Layanan
0,301 - - 0,008*
Loyalitas Nasabah
Strategi Pemasaran
Kualitas Layanan 
Loyalitas Nasabah
0,606 0,520 x 0,301 = 0,156 0,762 -
Marketing Strategy on Service Quality
The results showed that the Marketing Strategy variable had a positive effect on
service quality. It is proven from the results of the analysis conducted by researchers
where the beta coefficient value, marketing strategy on service quality is 0.520 and p-
company's success in providing quality services can be determined by the service quality
approach that has been developed by Parasuraman, Berry and Zenthaml (Lupiyoadi,
2014: 181). One of the important factors that determine customers in utilizing the quality
of service is the marketing strategy that is applied, it is important for Bank Jatim Main
Branch to have the right marketing strategy, with the programs or products offered can be
done to improve the quality of service so that customers will be satisfied on the quality of
services provided by Bank Jatim Main Branch which means that in the survival of the
Volume 2, Nomor 7, Juli 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
company the quality of service must be considered because customers are one of the keys
to the company's success. By providing quality services, it will create a positive
perception from customers and will lead to satisfaction after experiencing the services
provided. The results of this study are in accordance with and in line with (Amelia,
Salamah, & Sofyan, 2019) which states that marketing strategy has a positive effect on
service quality.
Marketing Strategy for Customer Loyalty
The results of this study indicate that the Marketing Strategy variable has a positive
effect on Customer Loyalty. It is proven from the results of the analysis conducted by
researchers where the regression coefficient or marketing strategy beta value on customer
loyalty is 0.606 and the p-value is 0.000. The p value is greater than 0.05 at a significance
the more loyal customers are (Ferdinand, 2014). Thus, related to the results of this study,
the influence of marketing strategy on customer loyalty affects customers to remain loyal
and will not move. With the overall research results, that one way to face the competition
that occurs, the main branch of the bank Jatim trying to establish a marketing strategy that
is in accordance with good customer loyalty so that it can be accepted by customers and
prospective customers later. The results of this study are consistent and in line with Faiz
Abrar in 2019 showing that the marketing mix affects customer loyalty and Dertaida
Panjaitan, Retno Setyorini in 2019 shows that marketing strategies affect customer
The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty
The results of the study indicate that Service Quality has a positive effect on
Customer Loyalty (Ghozali, 2006). It is proven from the results of the analysis conducted
by researchers where the regression coefficient or beta of service quality is 0.606 and the
results of this study confirm the statement according to Gronroos (2000: 46), that service
is a process consisting of a series of activities in fewer or more numbers which normally,
but do not have to be continuous, occur in interactions between customers and services
from workers. and/or physical resources or goods or from the service provider's system,
where solutions are provided for customer problems. Where the higher the quality of
services provided by the Bank to the public, it will have an impact on increasing the
loyalty of the Bank (Utami, 2010). The results of this study are consistent and in line with
Feliks Anggia B.P, Nurul Eka Rachmawati in 2016 showing that service quality affects
customer loyalty.
Effect of Marketing Strategy on Customer Loyalty through Service Quality
The results showed that the marketing strategy on customer loyalty through service
quality . It is proven from the results of the analysis where if the total effect is greater
than the direct effect, then the service quality variable is an intervening variable
(Veithzal, 2012). The total effect of 0.762 is greater than the direct effect of 0.606. This
means that the marketing strategy carried out by Bank Jatim Main Branch can affect
service quality and customer loyalty to customers at Bank Jatim Main Branch. However,
several things are still needed that can improve service quality and customer loyalty from
the implementation of this marketing strategy. Whether or not the quality of service is
good depends on the ability of service providers to consistently meet customer
expectations. Because the main factor in assessing the quality of public services is the
customer's perception of the service received (perceived service) and the service that is
The Effect Of Technology-Based Marketing Strategy
And Service Quality As Mediation Variables On
Dyah Sawitri, Moch. Saleh
Customer Loyalty Of The Main Branch Jatim Branch
actually expected or desired (expected service). This means that a good quality image
based on the customer's point of view or perception will increase customer loyalty to
Bank Jatim Main Branch. The results of this study are consistent and in line with Feliks
Anggia B.P and Nurul Eka Rachmawati in 2016 showing that service quality significantly
affects customer loyalty, which indirectly through bank relationship marketing, Sukarni
Novita Sari 2016 shows that marketing strategy significantly affects satisfaction, which
indirectly through service quality.
Based on the results of research and discussions that have been carried out, it can
be concluded that technology-based marketing strategies have a positive effect on service
quality. Technology-Based Marketing Strategy has a positive effect on Customer Loyalty.
Service Quality has a positive effect on Customer Loyalty Technology-Based Marketing
Strategy has a significant effect on Customer Loyalty with Service Quality mediation.
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Volume 2, Nomor 7, Juli 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.
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