The Effect Of Technology-Based Marketing Strategy
And Service Quality As Mediation Variables On
Dyah Sawitri, Moch. Saleh
Customer Loyalty Of The Main Branch Jatim Branch
satisfied. Likewise, with banking products, there are many varieties and service facilities
offered to customers, thereby making the competition between banks stronger. In the
midst of increasingly fierce competition, it requires hard efforts to maintain and increase
customer loyalty.
Banks as financial institutions that produce products in the form of financial
services also need a strategy to market their products. Marketing strategy is a form of
directed plan in the field of marketing to obtain optimal results. In developing marketing,
every step in formulating a marketing strategy must be oriented towards efforts to achieve
customer satisfaction. If the marketing strategy implemented by the company is able to
market its products well, this will affect the company's goals (Sentot Imam Wahjono,
2010). According to Kotler and Keller, basically, the marketing mix strategy or known as
the marketing mix consists of 4 components, namely product (product), price (price),
place (place), and promotion (promotion) (Keller & Kotler, 2012).
According to Lovelock and Wright (2007: 97), service quality is a customer's long-
term cognitive evaluation of the delivery of a company (Moguluwa & Ode, 2013). In
general, the services provided by good companies will result in high satisfaction and very
high repeat purchases. Seeing the increasing competition between banks, banks are
increasingly competing to get customers by improving services and optimal performance.
According to (Akbar & Parvez, 2009), today's companies must be aware of the need to
learn and understand the various service qualities (eg switching costs, trust, company
image, and customer satisfaction) from customer loyalty that might help them to develop
a loyal customer base. As stated in the literature by (Siddiqi, 2011), relevant that high-
quality service helps to generate customer satisfaction, if the real service they feel is the
same as expected then the service quality is declared satisfactory. However, if the real
service quality they feel is below what is expected, the service quality is said to be of
poor quality (Octavia, 2019).
Loyalty literally means loyalty, namely one's loyalty to an object. According to
Marsalis (2005: 111-112) defines loyalty as a condition in which the customer has a
positive attitude towards a brand, has a commitment to the brand, and intends to continue
his purchase in the future. Given that customer behavior is very complex and difficult to
predict, a basic approach can be taken by the bank by instilling trust and building
commitment to its customers. In line with the opinion of Ramadan (2002:35) loyalty is
the goal of the marketing mix. To maintain this loyalty, the company can not only rely on
the satisfaction felt by the customer but more than that, trust and commitment are the
keys to building loyalty. Loyalty can make customers make purchases consistently
against the selection of a brand. Customers will try to minimize the risk, time, and
decision-making process. Experience is also important because it relates to habits in
decision-making (Van Der Meer, Kurth-Nelson, & Redish, 2012).
Various efforts have been made by Bank Jatim to improve marketing strategies and
services to its customers, among others, by adding a service network, pampering its
customers with various forms of service quality that further optimize service products and
service attributes offered, as well as the use of information technology in every effort to
get customer loyalty. Bank Jatim has also developed a Marketing Action Program (MAP)
which is a web-based application that is used as a means to report marketing
activities/activities. With this application, it is hoped that it will make it easier for Branch
Managers or Head Offices to monitor or evaluate the activities of marketing officers so
that marketing activities can run normally (Sukmadinata, 2019).
Bank Jatim is one of the best Regional Development Banks (BPD), because
according to the Info Bank Research Bureau there are ten BPDs with large own capital,
namely Banks: West Java, East Java, Central Java, North Sumatra, Riau, DKI, East