1241 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
VOLUME 2 NOMOR 11 2022
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
Adelbertha A. B. Namita Candra Devi., Rita Oktavia Harahap, Astika Gita Ningrum
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Email : adelbertha.apriana.berkanis-2021@fk.unair.ac.id, namita.can.devi-
[email protected]nair.ac.id, rita.oktavia.harahap-2021@fk.unair.ac.id,
astika.git[email protected]r.ac.id
adolescent mother,
teen pregnancy,
stunting, Indonesia
Background: Nowadays early marriage is a worldwide issue and influences maternal
outcome and increases the incidence of stunting. Stunting is known as one of the most
significant barriers to human development and globally affects around 162 million
children under the age of 5 years. The Global stunting incidence in children under 5
years is 149.2 million or about 22.0% of all children under five. The prevalence of
stunting in children aged less than 5 years old in Africa is around 31.7%, Southeast Asia
is 30.1%, the Eastern Mediterranean Region is 26.2% and in Indonesia it is 24.4%. It is
known that children born of women who are less than 20 years have a 1.3 times risk of
experiencing stunting and the prevalence of stunting in adolescent pregnant women is
around 44.4% compared to mothers who are old enough, namely 35.6%.
Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between teenage pregnancy and
the incidence of stunting
Method: This was a literature review collected from four e-databases search was
conducted by PubMed (Medline), Web of science, Scopus and ScienceDirect for articles
published between 2019 and 2021 that examine teenage pregnancy and stunting.
Existing articles will be filtered and eliminated according to the inclusion criteria and
analyzed to find the conclusions from the entire study.
Results:. The search led to primary research publications including qualitative and
quantitative research. The articles were published between 2019 and 2021. Most of the
articles showed that young maternal age influences maternal outcome and we need to
pay attention to stunting incidence. Even though there are a lot of factors that play a
role in stunting such as nutrition, disease, parent height, etc. but five articles that have
been filtered agree that adolescent pregnancy is the main factor that plays a role in
Conclusion : Our review found the closely related factors that related with stunting are
early marriage, clean-healthy behaviors and mental emo-disorder of adolescent
mothers. However, there are other factors causing stunting namely direct and indirect
factors. Robust programs to support pregnant women and monitor children’s heights
from birth will help prevent intergenerational stunting. Nevertheless, it is also necessary
to review the policy on how stunting criteria are set in Indonesia based on socio-
demographic conditions.
The Association Of Adolescent Pregnancy With
Stunting Incidence In Child Under Five Years Old
Adelbertha A. B. Namita Candra Devi., Rita Oktavia Harahap, Astika Gita Ningrum 1242
Stunting is one of the most significant barriers to human development and globally
affects about 162 million children under the age of 5 years (WHO, 2014), and is a growth
and development disorder in children due to malnutrition, recurrent infections and
inadequate psychosocial stimulation (WHO, 2014). And have negative impacts both in the
short and long term (Yadika, Berawi, & Nasution, 2019). Stunting is caused by malnutrition
since the baby is in the womb and in the early days after the baby is born, but the stunting
condition only appears after the child is 2 years old (Wemakor, Garti, Azongo, Garti, &
Atosona, 2018). Stunting is one of the nutritional problems that are prone to occur in
toddlers due to chronic low food intake (Pertiwi, Lestari, & Ulfiana, 2019).
In 2020 the global incidence of stunting in children under 5 years of age is 149.2
million or around 22.0% of all toddlers who are estimated to be too short for their age. and
the prevalence of stunting in children aged less than 5 years in 2020 is highest in Africa,
which is around 31.7%, Southeast Asia at 30.1% and the Eastern Mediterranean Region at
26.2% (WHO-COVID, 2022). In Indonesia, the prevalence of stunting in children under 5
years in 2020 is 24.4%.
Stunting is caused by several factors. One of the factors that cause stunting is teenage
pregnancy. It is known that teenage pregnancies have an 8 times greater risk than adult
women. Stunting can cause children to get sick easily, can cause economic losses to both
the family and the country, the form of body posture cannot be maximized as an adult, body
functions become unbalanced, and the worst impact that is very worrying is the cognitive
ability of children is reduced (Eka, Krisnana, & Husada, 2020).
Adolescent pregnancy is a pregnancy in women aged 15-19 years (WHO-COVID,
2022) with an incidence of around 12 million pregnant adolescents who give birth every
year or about 777,000 girls under 15 years old give birth every year in developing countries.
Adolescent pregnancy is associated with stunting and can increase the prevalence of
stunting. The prevalence of stunting is higher in under-fives from teenage pregnant women,
namely 44.4% compared to mothers who are old enough, namely 35.6%. Married
adolescent women have a 1.2 times risk, and women who are less than 20 years pregnant
have a 1.3 times risk of experiencing stunting under five . Children of adolescent mothers
are 8 times more likely to be stunted compared to adult mothers because they are 13 times
more likely to be Stunting (Wemakor et al., 2018).
In Indonesia Teenage pregnancy is known as one of the causes of stunting.
According to Cindy Ega Fiolentina and Rini Ernawati (2021) teenage pregnancy has an
impact on stunting, which is 40%. According to (Irwansyah, Ismail, & Hakimi, 2016)
teenage pregnancy is associated with the incidence of stunting in children aged 6-23 months
by controlling the variables of maternal education, birth weight, and maternal stature.
Teenage pregnancy is known to have a negative impact on pregnancy outcomes and
infant/toddler health. Therefore, this study aims to explore some of the literature on the
relationship between teenage pregnancy and the incidence of stunting in children aged 0-
59 months. This study is expected to provide useful information about the impact of teenage
pregnancy, stunting and minimize the incidence of stunting caused teenage pregnancy.
The research was carried out by identifying the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
specific to this topic, in the thesaurus dictionary controlled by the National Library of
Medicine (NLM), and non-MeSH words, using them to search for the workindividually
or in association with each other—through the use of the boolean operators “AND”, “OR”:
Adolescent Pregnancy; Teenage Pregnancy; Adolescent Mother; Stunting; Failure to
thrive; Stunted growth; Growth Disorder.
Volume 2, Nomor 11, Oktober 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1243 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
The articles were selected based on the following criteria: Publication dates: from 1
January 2019 to 2021; Languages: English, Indonesian; Article types: qualitative and
quantitative articles with open access option. The articles must give information about the
relationship between Adolescent Pregnancy and stunting. The search results were screened
by reading the titles and abstracts. All articles that were not related to the scope of this
review were excluded. Studies not including human subjects were excluded.
A literature search was conducted using electronic databases namely, PubMed
(Medline), Web of science, Scopus and ScienceDirect. Key words entered into the search
in various combinations included “adolescent pregnancy or teenage pregnancy or
adolescent mother and stunting.” Limitations placed on each search include the year of
publication between 2019 and 2021 in both Indonesian and English language. The results
of the articles search will be described more clearly on the flow diagram of the database
search process.
a. Study Design Selection
The journal search strategy was carried out by entering all keywords in each of
the intended journals to find the appropriate data and getting the number 2650 journals.
After going through the screening of titles and abstracts, only 104 articles were
appropriate and 656 articles were declared not in accordance with the research
objectives. The selection process was continued by reading the entire article by paying
attention to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and then getting 15 suitable articles.
However, after we equated it with the research objectives, there were only 5 articles that
could be followed up.
b. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: Reputable journal (ScienceDirect, Pubmed, Web of Science,
Scopus) with quantitative and qualitative research conducted in Indonesia and open
access. The exclusion criteria were Thesis, Thesis, Final Project, Health profile, booklet.
In this article, we attach a prism flow chart that is carried out as a process of screening
articles that will be used in this literature review
J Flynn, FF Alkaff,
WP Sukmajaya, S
Salamah, Tahun
indicated that
Children with
maternal age
under 20 years
old during
pregnancy are
more likely to be
The Association Of Adolescent Pregnancy With
Stunting Incidence In Child Under Five Years Old
Adelbertha A. B. Namita Candra Devi., Rita Oktavia Harahap, Astika Gita Ningrum 1244
Noviati Fuada, Leni
Latiifah, Diyah
Yunitawat, Hadi
Families of
mothers of
This study
showed mental
disorder of
mother, related
underweight and
factor, which is
related with
nutritional status
is clean and
behaviors of the
mother .
Ingka K.
Pangaribuana, Isyos
Sari, Marlina
Simbolona, Basaria
Kosheila Ramuni
645 toddler
between 0
and 59
The result
showed that
there was
between early
marriage and
pregnancy to
stunting in a
Heru Subaris
Kasjono, Agus
Wijanarko, Rizki
Amelia, Dina
aged 0-59
pregnant women
who had
stunting children
Volume 2, Nomor 11, Oktober 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1245 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Fadillah, Wahyu
were at the
Kundi Health
Center (78.6%)
and Sekar Biru
Health Center
(83,3%). There
was a significant
between the
early married
teenagers and
stunting in their
children. Early
(under20 years
old) increases
the risk of
stunting in
Kencana Sari, Ratu
Ayu Dewi Sartika
In terms of age,
children whose
parents were
both younger
than 20 or older
than 35 had the
proportion of
(12.8%), of
which the
proportion of
males (13.7%)
was higher than
females (11.4%)
1. Outline of the results of the journals obtained
Based on 5 journals that discuss teenage pregnancy with stunting in children
under five years of age, it is concluded that there is a relationship between teenage
pregnancy and stunting. In 2016, globally there were 154.8 million children under the
age of 5 years suffering from child stunting, which is around 22.9%. The highest
prevalence of stunting in the Southeast Asian region is Indonesia. The average
prevalence of stunting under five in Indonesia is 36.4% (Kemenkes, 2021). Child
The Association Of Adolescent Pregnancy With
Stunting Incidence In Child Under Five Years Old
Adelbertha A. B. Namita Candra Devi., Rita Oktavia Harahap, Astika Gita Ningrum 1246
stunting can occur in the first 1000 days after conception which is influenced by many
factors, namely socio-economic status, food intake, infection, maternal nutritional
status, infectious diseases, micronutrient deficiencies and the environment. From WHO
data, it was found that women aged 15-19 years who had given birth at least once, can
be at risk of having babies with low birth weight and children can be stunted. This
happens because the mother's own growth has not been completed at this age (Marques,
Loureiro, Avelar-Rosa, Naia, & Matos, 2020). Teenage pregnancy is a high risk
pregnancy. Prevention of pregnancy complications is actually possible through early
detection carried out with regular and quality inspections (Sulis, Wahyuni, & Prasetyo,
In a study conducted by Jeannie Flynn and friends in 2020, it was found that
children born to mothers with maternal age under 20 years during pregnancy had a
greater likelihood of being underweight (Flynn, Alkaff, Sukmajaya, & Salamah,
2020).The prevalence of stunting and underweight is significantly lower when measured
using Indonesian national benchmarks compared to using WHO standards. In the study,
it was stated that the national growth reference of each country is more suitable to reflect
the condition of its own population (Mo-Suwan & Choprapawon, 2016).
Currently, early marriage has become a global problem, as well as the nutritional
status of children under five. At the age of teenagers, they are not ready to get married,
both in terms of reproductive health and mental health. Early marriage can contribute
to a cycle of poverty and powerlessness in women. A study conducted by Noviati in
2013 discussed factors related to the nutritional status of children under five. The
research design used was cross sectional with logistic analysis (chi-square test) on 978
samples. The results of the study found that a significant factor related to malnutrition
was the mother's emotional mental disorder. Underweight, stunting, wasting, are closely
related to clean and healthy living behavior and emotional mental disorders in
adolescent mothers (Fuada, Latifah, Yunitawat, & Ashar, 2020).
In another study conducted in Bangun Rejo Village, Tanjung Morawa District,
Deli Serdang in 2019 showed that there was a relationship between early marriage and
teenage pregnancy with the incidence of stunting in toddlers. Teenage pregnancies have
a greater chance of giving birth to premature babies or babies with low birth weight.
Teenage pregnancies are usually unplanned and occur more frequently in economically
disadvantaged populations. Lack of education in adolescent mothers causes poor
parenting in children (Pangaribuan, Sari, Simbolon, Manurung, & Ramuni, 2020). This
study revealed that the majority of stunting occurred in the first 2 years of life. The early
period of child malnutrition starts from the period of fetal development in malnourished
mothers. Maternal nutrition during pregnancy plays an important role in the growth and
survival of the child. Mothers who experience pregnancy at a young age are not fully
developed biologically. This results in less nutrient flow to the fetus during pregnancy.
Physically, teenage pregnant women are also still not fully developed, so there can be a
struggle for nutrients between the fetus and the mother's own metabolism. This situation
will lead to insufficient intake of maternal nutrients so that the fetus will experience
growth retardation. This stunted growth can increase the risk of the fetus being born
Volume 2, Nomor 11, Oktober 2022
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
1247 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
with low birth weight or premature birth. Both of these risk factors are responsible for
the occurrence of stunting in infants.
From the journal entitled Impact of Early Marriage on Childhood Stunting, Heri
and colleagues conducted a study using the Cross Sectional method. This research was
conducted at 8 Public Health Center in West Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia in
October-November 2018. The research sample consisted of 310 children aged 0-59
months. Based on variables that have risk factors for stunting in West Bangka Regency,
the age of early marriage (under 20 years) is still high. Early marriage among
adolescents is generally associated with early pregnancy, and pregnancy increases the
need for iron and affects iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia experienced by
adolescent girls. Approximately 1,000 mg of iron is needed to support changes
associated with pregnancy, such as increased blood volume, ideal fetal growth and
development. Most pregnant women, both in developing and developed countries, have
low iron stores in early pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy becomes more risky because of
the increased need for iron during pregnancy coupled with the need for iron during the
mother's own growth spurt. Malnutrition with anemia and underweight can cause low
birth weight babies when compared to women of childbearing age who are safe for
pregnancy (Kasjono, Wijanarko, Amelia, Fadillah, & Wijanarko, 2020).
Kencana Sari and Ratu Ayu Dewi in 2021 conducted a study by analyzing
secondary data from the 2018 Indonesian Basic Health Survey conducted in 34
provinces and 512 regencies/cities. The results showed that the incidence of stunting
could be associated with maternal age at the time of first pregnancy, parity, parental
height, parental age, and gestational age. Children of mothers who gave birth first at the
age of 25 years or older were less likely to be stunted at birth compared to the age group
of mothers under 25 years. Children whose parents are both < 20 years old are twice as
likely to be stunted at birth. Women who gave birth for the first time at the age of less
than 27 years had lower levels of maturity (Finlay, Özaltin, & Canning, 2011) Mothers
whose first pregnancy was in the 27-29 year age range were more likely to live in better
sanitary conditions, have higher levels of education, have higher socioeconomic status,
have a partner, and live in urban areas (Sari & Sartika, 2021).
At the age of 20 and under, a woman's uterus and pelvis are not fully developed
and have a greater chance of developing severe preeclampsia, eclampsia, postpartum
hemorrhage, poor fetal growth, and fetal distress. Pregnant women aged 35 years have
a greater chance of preterm delivery, hypertension, superimposed preeclampsia, severe
preeclampsia, and a reduced risk of chorioamnionitis. Older women (≥40 years) have
an increased risk of mild preeclampsia, fetal distress, and poor fetal growth (Kyozuka
et al., 2021). Preeclampsia still becomes an important topic related to cardiovascular
system health in more than 300 million women worldwide and has both short-term and
long-term morbidity (Akbar, Kinanti, Ernawati, & Lestari, 2021). This suggests that
maternal age during pregnancy can result in poor birth outcomes that hinder the growth
potential of the child. Young mothers are advised to delay pregnancy. Because
pregnancy in adolescent mothers poses an adverse risk to the health of the child, one of
which is stunting. Midwives play an important role in providing education to young
mothers to increase awareness of their own health.
The Association Of Adolescent Pregnancy With
Stunting Incidence In Child Under Five Years Old
Adelbertha A. B. Namita Candra Devi., Rita Oktavia Harahap, Astika Gita Ningrum 1248
2. Another various cause of stunting
a. Direct and indirect factors of stunting
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by multifactorial and is
intergenerational. There are two factors causing stunting, namely direct and indirect
factors. Direct factors were determined by the intake of food, birth weight, and
disease, while the indirect factors were such as economic, cultural, education and
employment, health-care facilities. Education is one of the indirect factors that can
also affect the occurrence of stunting because the mother's low knowledge in
providing nutrition to her child is also not optimal. The age of parents who are too
young, which is less than 20 years old, has twice the risk of stunting compared to
pregnancy at the ideal age, in boys the incidence is higher than in girls. Children
whose parents are below average height are six times more likely to experience
b. Parenting
Stunting is also caused by several factors, one of which is parenting. Parents in
providing parenting to children play an important role in shaping children's eating
behavior and eating patterns (Govender, Taylor, & Naidoo, 2020). Parenting patterns
are defined as the behavior of parents in caring for toddlers. Negative parenting by
parents, especially mothers, increases the risk of stunting in children (Pertiwi, Lestari
and Ulfiana, 2019). Negative parenting patterns are often associated with parental
age, parental education and knowledge in providing care to children. Parenting
patterns are one of the main factors that have a close relationship with the incidence
of stunting in the community (Yenita, Thamrin, Amin, & Agrina, 2021).
According to (Govender et al., 2020) Maternal parenting is one of the factors
causing the high prevalence of stunting in toddlers aged 12-36 months. Mothers with
poor parenting have a 1.47 times higher prevalence of stunting under five than
mothers with good parenting. In addition, pregnant adolescents have problems in
parenting behavior, difficulties in raising children, and physical and mental health
problems. A teenage mother still has to be guided because she is not ready to become
a mother and a comprehensive education program is needed for teenage mothers in
childcare readiness
Adolescent pregnancies that occur in Indonesia in most of the articles are the cause
of stunting, but there are also some articles which announce that there is no relationship
between teenage pregnancy and the incidence of stunting in children under 5 years of age.
However, we need to compare the incidence rates in Indonesia with other developing
countries so that we can conclude the main problem causing stunting in developing
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