168 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
P-ISSN 2774-7018, E-ISSN 2774-700X
Aditya Eka Pranandiansyah
University Of The Budio Luhur
Email : eka.aditya.p@gmail.com
Kata kunci: Game
Seluler, Pengaruh
Teman, Nilai yang
Keywords: Mobile
Games, Friends
Influence, Believed
Latar Belakang : Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, Internet dan smartphone sering
dianggap sebagai kebutuhan dasar bagi kehidupan manusia. Menurut survei yang
dilakukan oleh Datareportal.com, pengguna internet meningkat sebesar 3,5 persen
pada tahun ini hingga Oktober 2022, mencapai 5,07 miliar saat kita memasuki kuartal
terakhir tahun ini. 171 juta pengguna baru selama 12 bulan terakhir telah
meningkatkan penetrasi internet global menjadi 63,5%.
Tujuan : Bertujuan untuk menyatakan kembali proposisi bahwa game seluler,
terutama game sosial, mengharuskan pemain untuk berkomunikasi dengan pemain lain
dan berdiskusi tentang game itu sendiri, dan diskusi sering kali condong ke arah cara
membelanjakan uang mereka secara efisien untuk pembelian dalam aplikasi.
Metode : Dalam penelitian ini akan digunakan metode "Normal P-P Plot" untuk
menentukan apakah data tersebut didistribusikan secara normal atau tidak.
Hasil : Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa pengguna game seluler lebih cenderung membeli
Pembelian Dalam Aplikasi ketika mereka melihat sesuatu yang mereka butuhkan atau
inginkan dalam game, baik untuk tujuan estetika atau praktis. Kemungkinan untuk
membeli juga akan ditentukan oleh genre atau jenis permainan.
Kesimpulan: Dapat diartikan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara Nilai
Hedonik terhadap Niat Pembelian Dalam Aplikasi. Ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun
motivasi hedonik memainkan peran besar dalam hal keterlibatan dalam game itu
sendiri, itu tidak berarti itu akan memiliki dampak yang cukup besar dalam hal niat
Pembelian Dalam Aplikasi.
Background: In the past few decades, the Internet and smartphones are often
considered as basic necessities for human life. According to a survey conducted by
Datareportal.com, Internet users increased by 3.5 percent in the year to October 2022,
reaching 5.07 billion as we entered the final quarter of the year. 171 million new users
over the past 12 months have taken global internet penetration to 63.5%.
Purpose: Aim to restate the proposition that mobile games, especially social games,
require players to communicate with other players and have discussions about the
game itself, and discussions often lean towards how to efficiently spend their money on
in-app purchases.
Method: In this study, the "Normal P-P Plot" method will be used to determine
Volume 3, Nomor 2, Februari 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
169 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
whether the data is normally distributed or not.
Results: These results suggest that mobile game users are more likely to buy In-App
Purchases when they see something they need or want in a game, whether for aesthetic
or practical purposes. Likelihood to buy will also be determined by genre or game
Conclusion: It can be interpreted that there is no significant effect between Hedonic
Value on In-App Purchase Intention. This suggests that even if hedonic motivation
plays a large role when it comes to engagement in the game itself, that doesn't mean it
will have a appreciable impact in terms of In-App Purchase intent.
In the past few decades, Internet and smartphone is often considered as basic
necessities for human lives. According to a survey conducted by Datareportal.com,
Internet users increased by 3.5 percent in the year to October 2022, reaching 5.07 billion
as we enter the final quarter of the year. 171 million new users over the past 12 months
have taken global internet penetration to 63.5%. Global mobile users have reached 5.48
billion, with smartphones accounting for almost 4 in 5 of the mobile handsets in use
today. The world’s mobile user base has grown by 170 million since this time last year,
with 68.6 percent of all the people on Earth now using some form of mobile phone
(KEMP, 2022). As Internet providers and mobile technologies becoming more affordable,
there will be more people who are connected to the Internet. It is predicted that more than
two-thirds of the world’s population will be connected to the internet by the end of 2023.
Hence there would be growing demand for mobile applications to support our daily needs
for various purposes, including entertainment purposes. And one of the very promising
innovations, that is currently growing rapidly in mobile entertainment industry, is mobile
Mobile games are defined as a form of game that are played on mobile devices
(Terlutter & Capella, 2013). Mobile games have some advantages compared to the other
game segment (such as console and PC games), which is easy accessibility and
convenience to play whenever and wherever the user wish to play. This makes mobile
games are able to cater to larger share of the market due to their flexibility, thus making it
quickly become popular (Titov, 2022). As a highly popular form of entertainment, mobile
game has a very high potential to be profitable. In 2021, a survey from Statista reports
that there are 2.7 billion unique user who played mobile games worldwide, and it boasts a
massive $103.5 billion revenue during the same year (Lynkova, 2022). In a recent survey
from Statista.com, it has been mentioned that the average annual revenue per user
(ARPU) projection in mobile games segment will reach $87.32 in 2022 (“Mobile Games
- Worldwide,” 2022). Mobile games segment currently are the most thriving segment of
game market, with year-on-year revenue growth reaching 5.1%.
Fig. 1 Statistics of global games market growth rates from Newzoo
Indonesia holds the 16th place in the world and is the largest gaming market in
Southeast Asia. The market size of mobile games market in Indonesia is valued at $853
million in the year and is expected to reach $2,188 billion by the end of the year 2025
(Reogma, 2022). In terms of revenue, Indonesia’s mobile game segment are projected to
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Toward In-App Purchase Intention In Mobile Game
Aditya Eka Pranandiansyah 170
reach $630 million in 2022, with an annual growth rate of 7.41%, resulting in a projected
revenue of $900 million by 2027 (Statista.com, 2022). Mobile games segment are
developing well in Indonesia, and several Asian mobile game giants (Tencent, Moonton,
Hoyoverse, and other companies) are looking to get into Indonesia’s market soon.
Fig. 2 Projected revenue in Indonesia’s mobile games market from
What makes mobile game segment interesting is, there are approximately 37.5% of
the mobile game player known as “mobile game payer” A group of players that spends
real money on mobile gaming, and this number are expected to grow in the following
years. This shows that mobile game industry is a very interesting segment to look into.
Even though most of the mobile game currently available in the app store are free-to-play
game, these mobile game payer does pay to have additional features for them that might
not be available for the majority of mobile game player that are otherwise not spending
money. This kind of business model are also known as “Freemium” business model.
Freemium is a business model in which a product is provided for free with its basic
functionality, with additional benefits, features, or services which is charged to user who
wish to expand beyond the scope of the given basic functionality (Reime, 2011). In the
case of mobile games, the game which implemented this kind of freemium business
model is also known as free-to-play, or F2P game to be short. These kinds of mobile
games are free to be downloaded and played, however several virtual items that would
help the players’ gameplay and progressions are locked behind a paywall, unless the
players are willing to pay for those additional features via microtransaction a business
model in which the users can pay with real money for virtual items via in-app purchase
(Rahiem & Fitrananda, 2021). By combining freemium and microtransaction business
model, mobile game publishers can make virtual goods, in a virtual economic
environment, using virtual currency in place of actual money, which also adheres to real
life currency exchange rate.
Nowadays, many mobile games utilize the model of in-app purchases where
players use real money for virtual goods. This form of “freemium” business model
requires the game design to tempt players to do in-game purchases. The in-app purchases
itself can be classified into two broad groupings: functional and aesthetic (Hellsten,
2019). Functional in-game purchases like these add something to the gameplay and game
enjoyment e.g., more powerful tools or increases flow of the game. On the contrary,
games also utilize in-game purchases that are purely for aesthetic purposes e.g., character
customization. Aesthetic virtual goods do not add anything to the gameplay itself but are
still proven to be very efficient as a monetization tool, that is utilized by many game
developers. Both types of virtual goods are popular ways to monetize the game and
usually determine the way the game is designed.
Some virtual items are designed to be exclusive and one-of-a-kind, and that
makes the price of those virtual items absurdly high. For example, in January 4
, 2021, a
Volume 3, Nomor 2, Februari 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
171 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
South East Asian mobile game called Ragnarok Online Mobile : Eternal Love, managed
to shock the internet with its virtual auction value. The virtual auction sold Key of
Heaven, a one-of-a-kind virtual mount and the only one in the server at that time, which
was sold with the price of 360.000 BCC (Rp 900 million). Since then, there are at least
several virtual goods that had been sold in the auction with bid value reaching almost Rp
1 billion. But the same game managed to once again amazed the mass in the same year by
releasing EVA Unit-01, a giant robot character costume, which was then sold for 490.000
BCC (Rp 1.2 billion). The interesting thing is, two of those virtual items are in the
possession of Indonesian player with the nickname of MambaaElChap.
Fig. 3 Two of the most expensive virtual items in Ragnarok Online Mobile :
Eternal Love
Besides the freemium and microtransaction business models, there is one more
layer of business model that is widely implemented in most of mobile games currently
available nowadays, which is loot box mechanism, or in Japanese term are referred to as
“Gacha”. The term Gacha itself is derived from Japanese word Gashapon”, a type of
capsule toys vending machine which is very popular in Japan. This mechanism is based
on random chance, creating a box” which is a form of a refined lottery system where
users choose to pay for a chance to enter a real-time lucky draw” to acquire these virtual
items, contrary to normal transaction in which one player purchases certain virtual goods
with a fixed price point (Koeder, Tanaka, & Hitoshi, 2018). The adaptation of gacha
mechanism in mobile games creates another complex layer of abstraction, as it allows the
game company to use the gacha mechanism as both reward systemand “honey trap”.
Related to the freemium pricing strategy, gacha mechanism can be seen as an extension
of the free features given by the F2P game, in a form of reward by giving the players
several free chance to try the lucky draw, also in tandem they provide some premium in-
game currency that can be bought with real money to further encourage the player to buy
additional chance to draw the lucky lots. The gacha behavioral impact of this of this
Gacha business model are so significant that there are some controversies about Gacha
between mobile game developers, players, and regulators in Japan because its perceived
relationship to over-spending behavior (Shibuya, Teramoto, Shoun, & Akiyama, 2019).
There are a lot of different mobile games with gacha systems can be found in the
app store. But in the history of mobile games, perhaps the one with most significance in
building gacha games history is a Japanese gacha game named Granblue Fantasy, which
developed by Cygames, Inc., one of the biggest game company in Japan (AlDakhil, Al
Taleb, Al Ghamlas, & Al-Megren, 2019). Granblue Fantasy is initially designed as a 2D
game with turn-based RPG gameplay, and also contains summons and a class system that
alters the main character's move-set and growth. Characters in Granblue Fantasy gain
levels and abilities by accruing experience; by collecting certain materials, some
character may earn an extra star (which is called full limit break or "FLB"). Summons
and weapons equipped also confer characters with bonuses on attack power and HP. The
characters themselves are gained either via quests (the main story quests or special event
quests) or by using in-game currency to receive random crystal fragments, which may
contain special weapons that add specific characters to the party. Characters, summons,
and weapons are ranked (from best to worst) as SSR, SR, R, or N. Since March 2016,
Granblue Fantasy offers English translation as part of their marketing strategies to
expand playerbase outside of Japan.
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Fig. 4 Real footage of Granblue Fantasy game, developed and published by
Cygames, Inc.
For some small, active part of the playerbase, the goal of Granblue Fantasy is to
collect and upgrade as much weapon and characters as possible to be able to contend in a
guild-vs-guild battle event called “Unite and Fight”, as well as clearing the end game
raids available in game. But the majority of the playerbase choose to be more laid back
and casual, only collecting characters that roused their interests. It is because one of the
main appeal of Granblue Fantasy, is that character designs are very intricate and detailed,
also they are voiced by various popular voice actors in Japan. But to be able to obtain
these characters, players have to do some gacha pulls and pray that they are lucky enough
to draw their desired characters. In Granblue Fantasy, the normal chance of getting an
SSR is 3%, and is doubled on special occasions such as Premium Gala, which usually
occurs at the end of the month; and Flash Gala, which usually occurs on the middle of the
month. Those occasion usually offers limited characters, so as to build pressure on the
player to spend money to get them before the time runs out.
Fig. 5 Examples of Premium Gala and Flash Gala Banner on Granblue Fantasy
Back in the early days of Granblue Fantasy, this limited occasion often leads to
overspending incident, moreover so when there are no upper limit on how one can spend
before finally getting the characters they want. One of the extreme case of the incident in
Granblue Fantasy is in March 2016, where the game introduced a character named
Anchira, a character based on a Chinese Zodiac. Since 2016 is the year of monkey,
Anchira is designed to be a limited “Divine General” series. Being the first character of
the limited Divine General series, the players are rushing to get her. The chance of getting
her are supposed to be 6% since it is on the rate up occasion. However, one of the player
named Taste did a stream to pull Anchira, and spend about $6.065 (around Rp 90 million)
before finally getting her. He did 2.276 pulls, before getting something that was supposed
to be have a 6% rate up (Nakamura, 2022). This, of course, resulting in one of the biggest
backlash in the history of gacha games, and Cygames as the publisher publicly
apologizing by giving a massive refund in the form of their virtual currency for all players
who pull for Anchira. This incident, also known as monkeygate”, remains as one of the
most historical moment in the history of gacha games (EXCEL COANANDA, 2021).
Volume 3, Nomor 2, Februari 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
173 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Fig. 6 Anchira, The Divine General, a character that starts theMonkeygate
After the monkeygate incident, JOGA (Japanese Online Games Association)
investigates this matter. After their investigation, it is revealed that the problem lies in the
chances of gaining a rare item were not always truly presented to the player (Koeder et
al., 2018). This lack of transparency led to a law announced by the Computer
Entertainment Supplier’s Association in 2016 in Japan (George-Gabriel & Anastasia,
2022). As part of the law, companies must disclose item probabilities in paid gachas so
consumers can understand their chances of winning (CESA, 2016). According to CESA
(CESA, 2016), instead of displaying the gacha item offer ratios, game publishers can
select and focus on any of the following restrictions :
1. The upper limit of the estimated amount of money to acquire any of the gacha rare
items is within 100 times of the charge amount per paid gacha. If the upper limit is
exceeded, the estimated price or multiplying factor must be displayed on the gacha
2. The price limit to obtain rare gacha items should be within 50,000 yen. If the limit
exceeds, the estimated price must be displayed on the gacha page.
3. Display the upper and lower distribution rates of rare gacha items.
4. The offer ratio is displayed for each type of gacha item.
These laws were passed on April 27
, 2016, in Japan. Then soon after, other
countries like China and South Korea begun to develop their own regulation regarding
gacha games. Looking at the implementations of gacha business model above in mobile
game industry, we can see issues arise regarding the mobile game player, be it for the free
user or the paying one. In the case of typical freemium model implementation, it is
expected that a number of players might consider purchasing the additional premium
features. But when we include the lucky draw gacha mechanism, there will be a situation
where players are more likely failing to get the desired virtual items with resources that
are accessible to free players. This will raise a questionable condition in which the paying
players still choose to buy additional gacha chance, despite of its low chance of getting
higher rarity items.
Before starting this research, a simple survey has been conducted in Nov 14
, 2022
until Nov 17
, 2022 on a sample of 100 people who plays various mobile games in the
past year. This survey consists several simple questions, such as what kind of gacha
games they are currently playing, whether they have ever been do in-app purchase on the
before, how much money are they putting in their mobile games for these past 12 months,
and the factors that leads them to do in-app purchases. In this survey, 93% of the
respondent said that they have been doing in-app purchases, while 7% have not. And the
statistics for the spending levels are as follows:
The Impact Of Perceived Values and Peer Influences
Toward In-App Purchase Intention In Mobile Game
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5. 30% belongs to F2P/Low spender group, with spendings between Rp 0 Rp
500.000 a year
6. 24% belongs to Casual spender group, with spendings between Rp 500.001 Rp
1.000.000 a year
7. 23% belongs to Regular spender group, with spendings between Rp 1.000.001
Rp 5.000.000 a year
8. 11% belongs to Competitive spender group, with spendings between Rp 5.000.001
Rp 10.000.000 a year
9. 10% belongs to Hardcore spender group, with spendings between Rp 10.000.001
Rp 50.000.000 a year
10. 2% belongs to Whale group, with spendings above Rp 50.000.000 a year.
Fig. 7 Mobage spending level on the past 1 year, data taken from 100 respondent
As for the factors influencing the in-app purchase of mobile gacha games, there are
several common factors that often mentioned by the respondents of previous survey. The
first and the most common reason is that they feel that the in-app purchase is worth the
money spent for them, which is mentioned by 69% of the respondent. Second reason is
they are attracted by the characters that appears in the draw pool, mentioned by 67% of
the respondent. Next reason is that they feel the in-app purchase will help their progress
in the game, mentioned by 44% of the respondent. Then, 43% of the respondent said that
they want to support the game. 26% of the respondent said that they want to be stronger
in terms of competitiveness. Lastly, 13% of the respondent said that they are influenced
by their play mates or friends. Beside those common reason, there are several interesting
reasons that is mentioned by the respondents. Some respondents said that they bought in-
app purchase since they are just missing a bit before getting the guaranteed unit with free
obtainable gems. Some other respondents do in-app purchase to further enhance the story
experience in the game they played. And lastly, there are respondents that do in-app
purchase on impulse since they have the money to spare.
Based on the general definition for the theory of consumption value, it is
mentioned that perceived values consisted of several components such as : functional
value, social value, emotional value, epistemic value, and conditional value (Boksberger
& Melsen, 2011). In the context of mobile games, multiple driving factors influencing
players intention to make an in-app purchase, such as loyalty and good value of money.
are shown in recent studies (Hsiao & Chen, 2016). Another studies also shows that
emotional factors are also driving in-app purchases in mobile games, such as addiction
and brand loyalty, which influences each other in the process of influencing players
intention to make in-app purchase (Balakrishnan & Griffiths, 2018). The forementioned
studies have shown that emotional values, social values, and good value of money are the
factors influencing in-app purchase intention (Tirtasamita, 2020), which aligns with the
theory of consumption value mentioned before. Mobile game players also might be
influenced by their peers such that they found higher satisfaction or intention in
purchasing digital items so as to escalate their level of performance (Chow, 2021). In the
case that mobile game players have some disposable income, they might do some planned
impulse purchase (Shapiro, 2014)
Volume 3, Nomor 2, Februari 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
175 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Although the theoretical angles from Behavioral Economics on lottery analysis in
mobile game environment has been briefly explained in (Koeder et al., 2018), the lack of
comprehensive and empirical explanation on this phenomenon creates a gap of
understanding that needs to be addressed. Moreover, the motivation and driving factors
behind the mobile game free players and paying players are still unclear and worth
discovering. In regards to the previous research, the objective of this research is to
address the main factors driving the in-app purchase intention of mobile game players.
This research aims to determine the relationship between the independent variable
to dependent variable by using quantitative approach. This research uses numerical data
to determine the relationship. This research has no specific location as search location, as
all of the data used will be gathered via online questionnaire. However, the respondent
location will be compiled as well to improve this research integrity. Population is a
generalization of area that includes some sort of object or subject that have certain quality
or characteristics that can be used to conclude a particular hypothesis (Creswell &
Creswell, 2009). The population of this research is all player who plays mobile game that
implements gacha mechanism in their game.
Sample is a form of representation of a population that is able to explain the
population as a whole (Creswell & Creswell, 2009). This research uses random sampling
method due to the sheer size of the population. A population size of mobile game player
requires at least 300 sample size for 5% margin of error. As stated in the research
background, a simple survey has been conducted to identify the key factor influencing in-
app purchase in mobile game with gacha mechanism. There are 100 respondents of the
survey, all of them are active players of various mobile games for the past year period.
Statistical analysis of their responses reveal that there are four major determinants of in-
app purchase intention, which is: the joy in having things they want, the needs to become
stronger in-game, worth of the value gained compared to money spent, the need to show
off or bragging rights, and attitude from friends who played the same game (Chuang,
2020; Hamari, 2015; Hsiao & Chen, 2016; Tirtasamita, 2020). Based on the result, this
research will categorize these determinants into three dimensions of perceived value
(hedonic value, utilitarian value, economic value), and one dimension of peer influence
(Hsu & Lin, 2016; Sweeney & Soutar, 2001).
A. Result
1. Classical Assumption Testing
a. Normality test
According to normality test is used to test whether the data in a variable
is normally distributed or not. If data in a variabkle is not normally distributed,
then the result of statistical analysis will not be accurate. In this research, we
will use Normal P-P Plot” method to determine whether the data is normally
distributed or not. The result of the normality tests is as follows:
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Toward In-App Purchase Intention In Mobile Game
Aditya Eka Pranandiansyah 176
Fig. 8 Normality test results
The above graph explains that the probability plot has normal distribution
value since the data spread follows average residual plotline. In the histogram
we can also see that the normality curve is right in the middle, so we can
conclude that the data is normally distributed.
b. Multicolinearity test
Table 1 Multicolinearity test
Utilitarian Value
Economic Value
Peer Influence
a. Dependent Variable: IAP intention (Y)
Since there are no tolerance value below 0.1 and VIF value above 10,
then we can conclude that there are no correlation between the independent
Volume 3, Nomor 2, Februari 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
177 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Fig. 9 Heteroscedasticity
As we can see, there is no pattern nor equalized data scatter in the
residual, also the data spreads over and below the 0 value on Y axis. So, by this
result, we can say that the heteroscedasticity assumption is fulfilled.
2. Hypotheses Testing
a. Correlation Test
Correlation test explains the amount of relation from the independent
variable (X) to dependent variable (Y). In this correlation test, we will use r-
table value = 0.159. The results of correlation test for Hedonic Value (X1),
Utilitarian Value (X2), Economic Value (X3), and Peer Influence (X4) toward
In-App Purchase Intention (Y) can be found in the table below : Based on
significance value shown above, we can conclude that:
1) Significance value between Hedonic Value (X1) and IAP intention (Y) is
0.000, which is less than 0.05, which means that the correlation between
Hedonic Value (X1) and IAP intention (Y) is significant
2) Significance value between Utilitarian Value (X2) and IAP intention (Y) is
0.000, which is less than 0.05, which means that the correlation between
Utilitarian Value (X2) and IAP intention (Y) is significant
3) Significance value between Economic Value (X3) and IAP intention (Y) is
0.000, which is less than 0.05, which means that the correlation between
Economic Value (X3) and IAP intention (Y) is significant
4) Significance value between Peer Influence (X4) and IAP intention (Y) is
0.000, which is less than 0.05, which means that the correlation between
Peer Influence (X4) and IAP intention (Y) is significant
Then, we will compare r
value with r
value. Since our N = 157, df
= N-2 = 157-2 = 155, and our significance level is 0.05, then our r
(0.05;155) = 0.159. This means that every item that have r
above 0.159 will
be count as valid. Hence, we can conclude that:
1) The r
value for Hedonic Value (X1) is 0.613. greater than our r
(0.159), so we can conclude that there are correlations between Hedonic
Value (X1) with In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
2) The r
value for Utilitarian Value (X2) is 0.319. greater than our r
value (0.159), so we can conclude that there are correlations between
Utilitarian Value (X2) with In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
3) The r
value for Economic Value (X3) is 0.815. greater than our r
value (0.159), so we can conclude that there are correlations between
Economic Value (X3) with In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
4) The r
value for Peer Influence (X4) is 0.791. greater than our r
(0.159), so we can conclude that there are correlations between Peer
Influence (X4) with In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
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b. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
The result of multiple linear regression analysis can be seen in the table below :
Table 2 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Value (X2)
Value (X3)
Peer Influence
Based on the above model we can interpret it further as follows:
1) The constant is 1.320, means that if every X variable is 0 then Y will have a
positive value of 1.320
2) The regression coefficient of Hedonic Value (𝑋
) is 0.103; it means that for
every unit (𝑋
), it will impact the In-App Purchase Intention (𝑌) by 0.103.
The positive value coefficient means that there is a positive relationship
between Hedonic Value (𝑋
) and In-App Purchase Intention (𝑌)
3) The regression coefficient of Utilitarian Value (𝑋
) is 0.101; it means that
for every unit (𝑋
), it will impact the In-App Purchase Intention (𝑌) by
0.101. The positive value coefficient means that there is a positive
relationship between Utilitarian Value (𝑋
) and In-App Purchase Intention
4) The regression coefficient of Economic Value (𝑋
) is 0.499; it means that for
every unit (𝑋
), it will impact the In-App Purchase Intention (𝑌) by 0.499.
The positive value coefficient means that there is a positive relationship
between Economic Value (𝑋
) and In-App Purchase Intention (𝑌)
5) The regression coefficient of Peer Influence (𝑋
) is 0.103; it means that for
every unit (𝑋
), it will impact the In-App Purchase Intention (𝑌) by 0.103.
The positive value coefficient means that there is a positive relationship
between Peer Influence (𝑋
) and In-App Purchase Intention (𝑌)
a. T-test
Table 3 T-test
Volume 3, Nomor 2, Februari 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
179 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
Utilitarian Value
Economic Value
Peer Influence
Based on the t value and significance level above, we can interpret it as follows:
1) The t-count value of Hedonic Value (X1) is 1.616. Since the t-count value is
lower than t-table (1.976), then it means the null hypothesis is accepted, or the
alternative hypotheses is rejected. Which means, Hedonic Value (X1) is not
statistically significant to In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
2) The t-count value of Utilitarian Value (X2) is 2.323. Since the t-count value is
lower than t-table (2.323), then it means the then it means the null hypothesis
(H0) is rejected, or the alternative hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. Which means,
Utilitarian Value (X1) is statistically significant to In-App Purchase Intention
3) The t-count value of Economic Value (X3) is 6.251. Since the t-count value is
lower than t-table (6.251), then it means the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, or
the alternative hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. Which means, Economic Value
(X3) is statistically significant to In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
4) The t-count value of Peer Influence (X4) is 2.547. Since the t-count value is
lower than t-table (2.547), then it means the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, or
the alternative hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. Which means, Hedonic Value (X1)
is statistically significant to In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
b. F-test
Table 4 F-test
Sum of
a. Dependent Variable: IAP intention (Y)
b. Predictors: (Constant), Peer Influence (X4), Utilitarian Value (X2), HEDONIC
VALUE(X1), Economic Value (X3)
According to the ANOVA table above, we have F-count value = 94.736,
which is higher than our F-table value (2.431). As such, we can conclude that there
exists a significant influence on independent variables simultaneously towards the
dependent variable
c. R-square test
Table 5 R-square test
Model Summary
Error of
Change Statistics
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Peer Influence (X4), Utilitarian Value (X2), HEDONIC VALUE(X1),
Economic Value (X3)
Dependent Variable: IAP intention (Y)
The Impact Of Perceived Values and Peer Influences
Toward In-App Purchase Intention In Mobile Game
Aditya Eka Pranandiansyah 180
Based on the above table we can see that the R value is 0.845, it means
that all the independent variable is strongly correlated to Y. Also, we can see that
the determinant coefficient R square is 0.714, which means that In-App Purchase
Intention (Y) is influenced by the independent variable by 71.4%, and the
remainder (28.6%) influenced by factors outside the regression model or other
variables outside of this research.
B. Discussion
1. Impact of Hedonic Value (X1) towards In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
Based on the statistic results, from the correlation test we found that Pearson
Correlation value for Hedonic Value is 0.613, with sig. value of 0.000. Since the Pearson
correlation value is higher than R table value of 0.159, and the sig. value is lower than
0.05, it means that there is a positive linear correlation between Hedonic Value (X1) and
In-App Purchase Intention (Y).
Even so, high correlation coefficient does not imply causality between the
independent variable and the dependent variable. We can see the results of T-test of
Hedonic Value, whereas the t-count value of Hedonic Value (X1) is 1.616. Since the t-
count value (1.616) is lower than t-table (1.976), and sig. value then it means the null
hypothesis (H
) is accepted, or the alternative hypotheses (Ha) is rejected. Which means,
in terms of relationship, Hedonic Value (X1) is not statistically significant to In-App
Purchase Intention (Y). In other words, every increase in Hedonic Value does not
necessarily have positive increase in In-App Purchase Intention.
Contrary to the findings in previous researches such as Tirtasasmita (Tirtasamita,
2020), which states that there are a positivealbeit not significantinfluence from
emotional value towards purchase intention, and similarly, research from Tjhin &
Hendratno (2021), states that fun, fantasy, and challengewhich is part of hedonic
valuehas a positive but not significant influence towards purchase intentions, this
research does not show any relationship between Hedonic Value (X1) towards In-app
Purchase Intention. This research findings is more similar to the results, which states that
there are no significant influence from emotional value towards in-app purchase
2. Impact of Utilitarian Value (X2) towards In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
Based on the statistic results, from the correlation test we found that Pearson
Correlation value for Utilitarian Value is 0.319, with sig. value of 0.000. Since the
Pearson correlation value is higher than R table value of 0.159, and the sig. value is lower
than 0.05, it means that there is a positive linear correlation between Utilitarian Value
(X2) and In-App Purchase Intention (Y).
Even so, high correlation coefficient does not imply causality between the
independent variable and the dependent variable. We can see the results of T-test of
Utilitarian Value, whereas the t-count value of Utilitarian Value (X2) is 2.323. Since the
t-count value (2.323) is lower than t-table (1.976), and sig. value then it means the null
hypothesis is rejected, or the alternative hypotheses is accepted. Which means, in terms of
causality, Utilitarian Value (X2) is statistically significant to In-App Purchase Intention
(Y). In other words, every increase in Utilitarian Value will positively impact In-App
Purchase Intention. This research finding is similar to Chuang (Chuang, 2020), which
states that utilitarian value have positive impact on purchase intention via satisfaction and
3. Impact of Economic Value (X3) towards In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
Based on the statistic results, from the correlation test we found that Pearson
Correlation value for Economic Value is 0.815, with sig. value of 0.000. Since the
Pearson correlation value is higher than R table value of 0.159, and the sig. value is lower
than 0.05, it means that there is a positive linear correlation between Economic Value
Volume 3, Nomor 2, Februari 2023
p-ISSN 2774-7018 ; e-ISSN 2774-700X
181 http://sosains.greenvest.co.id
(X3) and In-App Purchase Intention (Y). Even so, high correlation coefficient does not
imply causality between the independent variable and the dependent variable.
We can see the results of T-test of Economic Value, whereas the t-count value of
Economic Value (X3) is 6.251. Since the t-count value (6.251) is lower than t-table
(1.976), and sig. value then it means the null hypothesis is rejected, or the alternative
hypotheses is accepted. Which means, in terms of causality, Economic Value (X3) is
statistically significant to In-App Purchase Intention (Y). In other words, every increase
in Economic Value will positively impact In-App Purchase Intention. This research
finding is similar to Tirtasamita (Tirtasamita, 2020), Chuang (Chuang, 2020), and Hsiao
& Chen (Hsiao & Chen, 2016), which states that economic value or good value of money
will positively impact purchase intentions.
4. Impact of Peer Influence (X4) towards In-App Purchase Intention (Y)
Based on the statistic results, from the correlation test we found that Pearson
Correlation value for Peer Influence is 0.791, with sig. value of 0.000. Since the Pearson
correlation value is higher than R table value of 0.159, and the sig. value is lower than
0.05, it means that there is a positive linear correlation Peer Influence (X4) and In-App
Purchase Intention (Y).
Even so, high correlation coefficient does not imply causality between the
independent variable and the dependent variable. We can see the results of T-test of Peer
Influence, whereas the t-count value of Peer Influence (X4) is 2.547. Since the t-count
value (2.547) is lower than t-table (1.976), and sig. value then it means the null
hypothesis is rejected, or the alternative hypotheses is accepted. Which means, in terms of
causality, Peer Influence (X4) is statistically significant to In-App Purchase Intention (Y).
In other words, every increase in Peer Influence does not necessarily impact In-App
Purchase Intention.
This research finding is similar to Hsieh & Tseng (2018), which states that
influence of online and/or offline groups, as well as sense of online and/or offline
community have positive impact on purchase intention.
Based on the research findings mentioned in previous chapter, several conclusions
can be drawn. It can be concluded that there is no significant influence between Hedonic
Value over In-App Purchase Intention. This shows that even though hedonic motivations
play a big part in terms of the game engagement itself, it does not mean that it would have
enough impact in terms of In-App Purchase intention. This research has a different
conclusions compared to the previous research findings from Tirtasasmita (Tirtasamita,
2020), which states that there are positive relationship between emotional value or
hedonic value towards purchase intention, albeit not a significant one.
The reason being even though people would be more willing to spend money if
they are happy playing the game, but it does not necessarily imply that people would buy
In-App Purchase straight away. There are more to consider when it comes to do In-App
Purchase, such as economic situation, personal welfare, and maybe other factors that
encourage the In-App Purchase. Based on the findings of this research, where the
respondent profile is leaning towards low-to-middle income players, the hedonic factor
might not be as prominent as the other factor when it comes to driving up in-app
purchase. However, these results might be requiring further study, as the relationship
observed in this research can only be attributed to low to middle income players based on
this research results. High income players might behave differently and might place
hedonic value way higher compared to other player as those kinds of gamers are.
There is a positive and significant influence between Utilitarian Value over In-App
Purchase Intention. This result shows that mobile game user would be more inclining to
buy In-App Purchase when they see something they need or want in the game, be it for
The Impact Of Perceived Values and Peer Influences
Toward In-App Purchase Intention In Mobile Game
Aditya Eka Pranandiansyah 182
aesthetical or for practical purposes. The inclination to buy would also be determined by
the game genre and/or type. for example, grind-heavy games are more likely to generate
transactions by increasing the amount of limited product that focuses on making
progression easier. There is a positive and significant influence between Economic Value
over In-App Purchase Intention. As mentioned before in the previous part, economic
situations and personal welfare are some of few factors determining In-App Purchase
intentions. Mobile game users might be more inclined to buy In-App Purchase when they
feel what they would get is worth the money they spend. Although, the amount of money
they are willing to spend will be widely varied from one mobile game player to another.
There is a positive and significant influence between Peer Influence over In-App
Purchase Intention. The existence of game communities and social groups also influence
in-app purchase behavior through enjoyable experience of “playing with peers” which
enables the members to provide suggestions relating to In-App Purchase. This research
reaffirms such proposition that mobile games, especially social games, require players to
communicate with other players and discuss about the game itself, and the discussion
often leans on how to efficiently spend their money on in-app purchases.
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