Singh's Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Modification Based on Interval Ratio


  • Erikha Feriyanto Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Farikhin Farikhin Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Nikken Prima Puspita Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia



Fuzzy time series, interval ratio, Alabama enrollment forecasting


Background: One forecasting method that is often used is time series forecasting. The development of applied mathematics has encouraged new mathematical findings that led to the birth of new branches of mathematics, one of which is fuzzy.

Purpose: The objectives of the study, namely forecasting, fuzzy set, time series, fuzzy time series, fuzzy time series Singh, interval ratio and measurement of accuracy level.

Method: This research method applies Chen's fuzzy time series in the section of determining the universe of talk you to the fuzzification of historical data and in the part of forecasting results obtained through a heuristic approach by building three forecasting rules, namely Rule 2.1, Rule 2.2, and Rule 2.3 to obtain better results and affect very small AFER values. As well as making modifications to the interval partition section using interval ratios to be able to reflect data variations.

Results: Based on the calculation of AFER values for order 2, order 3, and order 4 respectively obtained at 1.06389%, 0.689368%, and 0.711947%. Therefore, it can be said, Singh's fuzzy time series forecasting method based on the ratio of 3rd-order intervals is better than that of 2nd-order and 4th-order.

Conclusion: Based on the results of research and discussion that has been carried out, it can be concluded that Singh's fuzzy time series forecasting method has the same algorithm as fuzzy time series forecasting. Singh's fuzzy time series forecasting method based on interval ratios applies fuzzy time series and Singh forecasting. Singh's fuzzy time series forecasting modification accuracy rate based on interval ratios produces excellent forecasting values according to evaluator average forecasting error rate (AFER).




How to Cite

Feriyanto, E., Farikhin, F., & Prima Puspita, N. . (2024). Singh’s Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Modification Based on Interval Ratio. Jurnal Sosial Dan Sains, 4(3), 255–264.